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Black Brats BUNDLE: BWWM Naughty Older Man, Younger Woman First Time Length: 62 pages; Word Wise: Enabled; Screen Reader: Supported; Enhanced Story time just got better with Prime Book Box, a subscription that delivers.
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Naughty Little Tom - Bedtime Stories for kids - Fairy Tales - My Pingu Tv

I posted this stumper, and you are right the Merry Sunshine part came from Bezzus and Ramona. Although my memory had it more important in the whole story. The L 7 must be from another book which I am still trying to find out it's name -- must have been reading them at around the same time -- what happens when you read alot even as a child.


I haven't read either, but I read Sal Fisher at Girl Scout Camp many, many times, and there's definitely a reference in there to Sal having slipped with scissors and cut her Brownie uniform in an earlier episode it's how she became friends with another Brownie. I got a hold of the flying up and at camp and it does seem like the book I was thinking of was Sal Fisher, Brownie -- now just to find a copy of it. Thanks for your help this is a great service. I can't remember Title OR Author! All I can remember is the front cover soft cover had a i THINK pencil type sketch of a girl , laying on a cot , inside a tent flap was open I think writing a letter I want to say she was chewing on the pencil eraser but I'm not sure.

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Anyway, it was about a girl who went to camp.. I don't remember anything else really I used to love this book and can't believe I can't remember more about it! I hope you can help!

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Never mind! Not 2 minutes after submitting payment to you , I found the answer in your archives. Sal Fisher at Girl Scout Camp! So , I don't need to know where my stumper is going to show up , as I already have the answer. Thanks anyway! My copy is titled Sally but the original title is Three of a Kind. It's about Sally who goes to live with an older couple on an island off of the Maine coast.


Soon, their autistic grandson comes to stay with them. The grandson's name is Benjie, the older couple's names are Rhoda and Ben. Louise Dickinson Rich , Sally aka. Three of a Kind , This is absolutely The book, the foster family is named Cooper and the little boy is Benjie, I specifically remember the incident of him seeing the birds. The story actually takes place on an island called Star Island, 7 miles off the Maine Coast.

Her name is Sally.

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  5. Here's the book you're looking for: Eppenstein, Louise. Sally Goes Shopping Alone.

    Illustrated by Esther Friend. Cover soiled, interior bright. Illustrated by Jean Staples. Very Good. Thank you so much for responding to my search.

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    I would very much like to have the book. It is rather ironic that I remember the story in great detail as my mother read it to me many, many times --however I did not remember the little girls name and it is the same as mine! I loved that book, and still love to go shopping alone!

    Can anyone recall a story like this? Sounds like Sally to me. Would you have another copy available? Does she have a velvet purse? I don't have a copy of Sally Goes Shopping Alone right now, but I have a sequel called Sally Goes Travelling Alone , in which she refers constantly to her "little red purse. That could be her. It's amazing the impact books have on us as children that stay with us and hold such tenderness in our hearts. TY so much. I'd like to get it. Sally Goes Traveling Alone. A beautiful copy in dust jacket, dj has a few small holes on front fold-over.

    Front paste-down endpaper torn, otherwise VG. Lyn Cook, Samantha's Secret Room , Samantha's cousin Josh is the owner of the caravan named Nefertiti.

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    Scholastic Canada. Samantha Sam lives on a rural property in Canada and gains a penfriend by tying a letter to a christmas tree. The caravan belongs to a cousin who comes to visit for a family reunion. The secret room is in a root cellar. Hi again, Harriett. I just wanted to thank you for providing your Stump the Bookseller service. My mystery is solved! You're a wonderful resource, and I'll be back! Samantha's Surprise. Lippincott Co. As she pursues this hobby she begins to realise that she is relying to much on her mother to manage her life and it is time to try her wings away from the family hearth.

    Carla's Picks | Literati Bookstore

    Encouraged by her father and with her camera as constant companion, she spends a fruitful and energetic summer on Cape Cod, helping an older girl to develop a 'different' tea room. Photography plays an important role as Judith finds new friends, a new love, widened interests, and especially, a more healthy relationship with her family. A book with a similar title that might possibly be the one wanted is Castle in the Sand , written and illustrated by Bettina , published Harper "With her usual wisdom and awareness, the author of the beloved Cocolo books tells the amusing and beautiful story of two children who make friends on a beach in Italy.

    Ages I read the book you are looking for! Unfortunately I can't remember the title or author either - but here are a few more details. The title was the animals' phonetic interpretation of the words "San Diego Zoo" ie, something along the lines of "Sandy Eggo Zu" etc. It was a novel for adults, and there were definitely some human villans that the animals had to avoid, including one who came to a very bad end by eating dried corn in an abandoned Native American village and then drinking too much water stomach exploded: ugh!

    The cover of the hardback had an illustration of the animals including a large snake. Hope this helps! Jenner, Janann V. Not from the s, but definitely your book. A Burmese python, coatimundi, macaw and rattlesnake escape from Leftrack's Pet Emporium in NYC in search of the mythical Sandeagozu, a warm land where animals can live without cages.

    I managed to ask my friend's mother about this book, and although she remembers it, she remembers it differently than he does. She also says the book was sandwich shaped, but that it was very short, and contained pages for jam and peanut butter. She purchased it at the drug store. My friend is in his mid thirties, so this was probably in the early 70's. David Pelham, Sam's Sandwich. Looks like the right book. Sorry, but Sam's Sandwich is far too new to be the book I'm looking for.

    Amazon claims that the first US edition was printed in The book I'm looking for would've been published in the mids at the latest. Dorothy C. Seymour, The Sandwich. This was published in the 60s and had the repeating lines "a little of this It may be the book you are looking for. Find out more about Dorothy Seymour on the Most Requested pages.