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Insanity, madness, and craziness are terms that describe a spectrum of individual and group Since the question of sanity or insanity is a legal question and not a medical one, the judge and or jury will make the final decision regarding the.
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You and your friend will feel better and the world will seem a bit saner. Realize it can seem noisy and crazy even at a quiet time.

How to Stay Sane in a World Going Insane

For example, some of the most crazy, wild, and scary times are in our own minds in the middle of the night. At times like that, we need to find sanity by reminding ourselves that things will be better in the morning. In the morning, your mind and emotions will be much clearer. Find a quiet place and think spiritual thoughts.

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Make a list of all the good things that have happened to you from the small to the great. For example, your health, good friends, freedom, a place to live, etc.

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A thankful attitude will help quiet you and make you feel better about yourself and your world. Your email address will not be published. Life is Messy.

I Hold You

A sensible place to construct a water park would have been at the Washington County Fairgrounds. So Mayor Pike and company , you should have known better than to have approved this. You are supposed to represent more than just the local money changers, promoters and influence peddlers. But what the hell, let's just keep on fouling our own nest, after all, who cares as long as there is a dollar in it and some cheap prestige.

Customer service is shameful, and employees are treated as disposable, with little or no responsibility taken to provide security, livable pay and concern for their retirement needs. So yes, we are essentially a sick and insane society, even here in River City.

Staying Sane In An Insane World | Scott Berkun

It has been said that God takes care of drunks and the United States of America. I am afraid He may have given up on America as presently constituted.

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I still believe Americans are basically a good and decent people, but it is very difficult to cultivate these traits when we have leadership at the top that is basically insane and has turned the swamp in Washington into a cesspool. We are emotional creatures, so find a healthy way to vent the negative energy that you feel. Go to the gym, or for a hike, and let your feelings out through exercise, which we all know we need more of. Scream at the sky and challenge the wind. Be curious.

Talking to people who agree with you on everything will teach you nothing. How to figure out what the problem really is? I think to understand this election cycle especially with the Trump phenomenon, I need to better understand the perspectives of people who feel that they have been slighted or left behind by both parties. Scott, I think we will need to add another filter to explain what is going on here. Trump is using simplicity as a tool of persuasion. He is speaking at a sixth grade level on purpose. Statistics and data can be twisted to tell any story.

If 9 of my closest friends are at the bar drinking with Bill Gates, our average income is million dollars while our median income is K. They are using social platforms and data to adapt very quickly. This is one my favorite books as well! Thanks for mentioning it — made my day.

Sanity in Sane - Tentang Tenang (Official Lyric Video)

Only then can we come back to this mess and have a better chance of sorting it out. I mean, we can all conclude that we have emotions and logic. But logic is also driven by our emotions and previous experiences and the influential figures in our lives etcetera. Therefore logic is not he same as rationale. The danger is when logic is misdiagnosed as rationale. Because the evaluation will be based on the input you get from a limited amount of people, your own emotions and interpretation. Emotion, logic, and rationale are abstract concepts, and hard to grasp without certain knowledge.

Never Will

Humans are built to survive, and emotions are a big part of that. Probably that is why people will continue to lie to themselves and justify all sorts of behaviour. Survival in this case has a psychological base. If one cannot separate emotion than that person will believe logic is rationale, but logic is not rationale. Emotion is the way of feeling and believing, logic is the way of thinking, and rationale is the reasoning behind the way of feeling and believing, and thinking.

Nevertheless, I want to add that I loved your blogpost!