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To every problem which humanity now faces there exists already the s Humanity Incorporated: A Safe Solution to the Enslavement of Earth's Biosphere​.
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We need to understand our human heritages and honor them. This is a moral enterprise. Native American perspectives are helpful for understanding how educators can proceed in this direction—by beholding the wisdom in nature and grounding our lessons in it Cajete, , ; see Four Arrows, this issue. As David Orr learned from studying traditional knowledge systems:. Traditional knowledge is rooted in a local culture. It is a source of community cohesion, a framework that explains the origins of things cosmology , and provides the basis for preserving fertility, controlling pests, and conserving biological diversity and genetic variability.

Knowledge is not separated from the multiple tasks of living well in a special place over a long period of time… The crisis of sustainability has occurred only when and where this union between knowledge, livelihood, and loving has been broken and knowledge is used for the single purpose of increasing productivity.

The Oligarchy’s Plans for Our Future Keep Getting Dumber

This is not a surprise. Demand sharing is a part of small-band hunter-gatherer life. That is, everything is shared. So, to say that children naturally follow this type of natural law—the sharing of resources, like all animals do—is not a surprise. Indeed, children have to be punished into notions of property and into hierarchy , because these are not part of our evolved heritage.

Unfortunately, it is the ownership and coercion of living beings that leads to the destruction of the evolved developmental niche, ecological attachment, as well as other-than-human life. An economic system that takes human supremacy for granted and focuses on the welfare of corporations instead of living beings of all forms is at the very least misguided, if not a highly destructive force.

Just because those involved in economic systems aim to be cooperative, it does not mean they are cooperative, especially if they have a truncated worldview that sees the earth as a set of resources to exploit for whom-ever gets there first, a form of dis -honorable harvest see Kimmerer, , for honorable harvest principles practiced by traditional indigenous societies, as mentioned in the lecture [ Narvaez, ].

  • Returning to humanity’s moral heritages | Darcia Narvaez – TOWARDS LIFE-KNOWLEDGE.
  • The Scars.
  • Species extinction is a great moral wrong!

But an SMM orientation assumes and promotes greed rather than cooperation and mutualism, which otherwise predominate in natural systems. We must be cautious about drawing conclusions about human nature from psychological experiments. Most of the people studied by psychologists are raised in a species-atypical manner, without the evolved developmental niche. From what we can tell examining practices in small-band hunter-gatherer societies, most humans through most of human history are not so possessive. Earth dis -attachment and dis enchantment is part of what has driven science , economics and even mainstream religious traditions of the past centuries.

Transnational corporations and the challenge of biosphere stewardship | Nature Ecology & Evolution

What is considered unquestionably sacred has shifted from the earth, its systems and life forms, to money, property and progress. Question assumptions about the latter today and most people think you are crazy. Indeed, it is hard to perceive alternatives. As Derrick Jensen points out:.

Most exploiters cannot imagine life without the benefits of their exploitation, and, perhaps more importantly, cannot imagine that anyone else could imagine going through life being any less exploitative than they are. Many slave owners cannot imagine life without slave labor. Many pimps cannot imagine life without prostituting women. Many abusers cannot imagine life without those they routinely abuse.

And many addicts cannot imagine life without their addictions, whether to heroin, crack, television, the internet, entitlement, power, economic growth, technological escalation, electricity, or industrial civilization. But there are alternatives. If we are going to avoid completely destroying every vertebrate species on the planet, we must wake ourselves up and shift to an enlightened awareness. We can expand our imaginations to understand what we are doing and learn alternatives worldviews and lifeways exist. And we must wake up our hearts Bourgeault, She examines how early life experience influences moral functioning and moral character in children and adults.

She integrates neurobiological, clinical, developmental and education sciences in her theories and research about moral development. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address. PLOS Medicine 7 7 : e Most simply expressed, all the conditions required to take your next breath. Axiologically understood, all the life support systems required for human life to reproduce or develop.

The universal basis of all value, the maximal development of the capabilities of living things relative to their degree of organic and social complexity.

  1. Access options.
  2. The Disintegrated Mind: The Greatest Threat to Human Survival on Earth.
  3. Ted Nordhaus Is Wrong: We Are Exceeding Earth’s Carrying Capacity.
  4. Blog Stats!
  5. The Oligarchy’s Plans for Our Future Keep Getting Dumber – Consortiumnews.
  6. Humanity Incorporated: A Safe Solution to the Enslavement of Earth's Biosphere by Niels Kunze?
  7. Meditation: Meditation For Beginners: Transcendal Meditation To Relieve Stress, Anxiety And Depression By Reconnecting With Your Body - Meditation & Mindfulness ... Beginners & Meditation Techniques Book 2).
  8. The totality of conditions presupposed by the life of individual living things; the basis of there being value and beings that can value. While religions have featured the animating breath of life, they have attributed it to a transcendental creator so as to overlook its source in the creation itself—a kind of idolatry of man-made ideas.

    What is Bad? The Handbook of Salutogenesis. Handbook of Life Course Health Development. As David Orr learned from studying traditional knowledge systems: Traditional knowledge is rooted in a local culture. As Derrick Jensen points out: Most exploiters cannot imagine life without the benefits of their exploitation, and, perhaps more importantly, cannot imagine that anyone else could imagine going through life being any less exploitative than they are.

    Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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    References Abram, D. Spell of the sensuous. Berry, T. The dream of the earth.

    Earth's Biosphere and Climates - Biology

    Bourgeault, C. The wisdom way of knowing: Reclaiming an ancient tradition to awaken the heart. Cajete, G. Native science: Natural laws of interdependence. Santa Fe: Clear Light.

    They became dependent, instead, on the global corporations that now control the jobs, and on credit, on which they now depend for their access to money. Our dependence on money replaces our direct relationships with one another and nature. We lose sight of the distinction between money and the things of real value that money will buy. We embrace corporations as our source of money.

    We forget that nature is our source of life. From here, we easily buy into the fallacies of an economics that counts the destruction of life to make money as wealth creation, and a politics that equates corporate rule with democracy. Consumed by our quest for money, we fail to notice that we have relinquished control of our lives to the institutions that control our access to money.

    We accept our enslavement to institutions for which we are merely a means to an end, alien to our own existence and well-being. Herein lays the crucial insight. Life is sacred.

    The New Economy: A Living Earth System Model

    Money is just a number, an accounting chit that allows the few who control its creation and allocation to enslave the many in a money-driven world. Contrary to the illusion, money is not in itself wealth. No matter how big the financial-asset numbers recorded on computer hard drives stored in bank vaults, those numbers will not, and cannot, save human society from the unfolding social and environmental collapse driven by our obsessive quest for money.

    Once we recognize that it is our life energy at play, we can begin to identify the opportunities available to us to redirect that energy from serving money, and the suicide economy, to serving life and the living Earth economy. The second insight comes from an earlier conversation, also in the Philippines, with Sixto Roxas, a distinguished Filipino economist and former international bank executive. They choose the firm rather than the household as their basic unit of analysis.

    When the founders of contemporary economics sought to raise economics to the stature of a science by basing it on a mathematical model, they chose the firm because its transactions are monetized and therefore already quantified. Economists have since viewed the economy through the lens of the [profit seeking] firm rather than that of the [life seeking] household.

    As Sixto went on to elaborate on the significance of this choice, he noted that the firm seeks to hire as few workers as possible at the lowest possible cost. The household seeks high-paying jobs with full benefits for all its members who choose to join the labor force.

    Ted Nordhaus Is Wrong: We Are Exceeding Earth’s Carrying Capacity

    With regard to the environment, he noted that contiguous households form a community of place with a common interest in, for example, their neighboring forest. For the community, the living forest is a source of beauty, food, firewood, building materials, shade and cooling, fresh water, roots to stabilize the soils of a steep hillside, filtration of dust and impurities from the air, and a source of employment from tourism and sustained yield forest management.

    By contrast, the international timber corporation views the same forest simply as a commodity to harvest and sell for a one-time profit on its way to the next forest. Whether we conclude that clear cutting the forest produces a net benefit or a net loss to society depends on whether we take the perspective of the local household or the global corporation.