Guide How to Support Your Transgender Child: A Guide for the Parents of Transgender Boys and Girls.

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Family support is absolutely critical for transgender and gender-expansive children it means to be a boy or a girl; they learn it from their parents, older children and Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
Table of contents

These medications prevent the child from developing the secondary sex characteristics of their birth gender, such as breasts for females or facial hair for males. Stopping the onset of puberty is reversible and makes medical treatment simpler if the patient decides to fully transition.

When Children Say They’re Transgender - The Atlantic

Adolescents typically stay on the puberty-blocking medications from one to three years, allowing them more time to mature and make sure the path they are on is the right one for them. Should they decide to change course and get off of the puberty-blocking medications, they will simply go through a delayed puberty of their birth gender.

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If they decide to stay the course and continue transitioning, the next step would be hormone therapy. Females transitioning to males take testosterone while males transitioning to females take estrogen with an androgen inhibitor.

Kids, not doctors, lead the way when they transition.

Hormone therapy, unlike social transitioning and puberty suppression, is only partially reversible. Females who are transitioning to male would likely not be able to reverse masculinization of the face and enlargement of their clitoris.

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Parents first need to educate themselves on gender dysphoria, gender identity and the complexities of living transgender. Oftentimes, support groups are the turning point for families who are struggling with accepting their transgender children, says Dr. Once they meet other parents and see children who have transitioned, they become more comfortable. One of the misconceptions over gender identity is that it is connected to sexual orientation, but the two concepts are separate and distinct.

My daughter thinks she's transgender. Her public school undermined my efforts to help her.

Arrowsmith, who transitioned from male to female as an adult. When her mother and I first found out, our feelings of helplessness and astonishment made it difficult to get through each day. But I feel my daughter is a victim more than anything else. In an IEP meeting just after she told us about being a boy, I told the school that our wishes are to call her by her legal name at all times.


The social worker present at the meeting stated that we have that right to make that request, so I assumed school staff would follow our directive. Just three months later, in August , a federal judge in Texas blocked the guidelines from being enforced. And in February , the Trump administration rescinded the Obama-era guidelines, leaving it to the states to set their own policies. Listen to our kids: High school could have been hell for my transgender son. Don't make it hell for the next kid.

Evidence based, individualised care

This felt like a horrifying attempt to encourage our daughter to run away from home. In the report he submitted to us and the school, he did not include these concerns that he would only share in person.

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