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Robert Lawrence Kuhn explores the multiverse with the help of the the false vacuum that's driving the repulsive gravity is unstable, and so it.
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Stuff that falls into black holes is completely isolated from everything outside, and weirdly the time it experiences must be completely independent of the flow of time outside the black hole. So, dude… What if all the matter that falls into a black hole is fed into the big bang of a new universe, that buds off of our own?

If the new universes thus created had slightly different laws, then that would lead to universes with more black holes being more likely. Universe evolution! Although interesting, this theory is not being widely pursued. Perhaps new universes are created by old universes through black holes. Can you? This theory is very popular. Despite being outside the purview of even basic scientific investigation, I would be remiss in not mentioning this guy.

I believe the one from Family Guy. They went back in time and created the universe. I really do!

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Does the Big Bang and the beginning of the universe not violate the law of conservation of energy? If the omniverse containing all the universes is infinite, then it is effectively an open system. Conservation of energy does not apply to open systems. Check out reasonablefaith. William Lane Craig just recently had a debate with Sean Carroll over the existence of God given contemporary cosmology, its quite interesting.

What is south of the South pole, or perhaps north of the North pole? Today with so much evidence emerging from recent cosmological projects, many people with titles which take up half a paragraph are now beginning to think otherwise. This is the one question we will never find the answer to. No matter how many qualifications you have.

No matter how hard we try. If you think you have solved it, then you are probably wrong. All the fancy mathematics , and all of the almost incomprehensible theoretical gobbledegook and a fair amount of goal post moving, in this constantly expanding universe can ever make , something out of nothing, and that is all there was befor something.

No matter how far you go back. Place a full length mirror in fron of you tilted slightly in either direction- then place a larger full length directly behind you.

Omniverse-Alphaverse-Omegaverse -Extraterrestrial Space Matters – Spiritual Journeys

Look into the mirror in fron of you. What do you see? Would this reflection go on into infinity? This is a relative question. Nothing existed. True nothingness. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.


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Q: What came before the big bang? What's more, data on light from the very early universe show that everything just after the big bang was a fairly uniform temperature. That would mean that the farthest objects we see on opposite horizons of the universe were once close enough to interact and come to equilibrium, like molecules of gas in a sealed chamber. Again, observations don't match predictions, because the objects farthest from each other in the known universe are so far apart that the time it would take to travel between them at the speed of light exceeds the age of the universe.

Inflation states that shortly after the universe was created, it experienced a rapid growth spurt during which space itself expanded at faster-than-light speeds. The expansion stretched the universe from a size smaller than an atom to astronomical proportions in a fraction of a second. The universe therefore appears flat, because the sphere we're sitting on is extremely large from our viewpoint—just as the sphere of Earth seems flat to someone standing in a field.

Inflation also explains how objects so far away from each other might have once been close enough to interact. But—assuming inflation is real—astronomers have always been at pains to explain what caused it. That's where the new wormhole theory comes in. According to Poplawski, some theories of inflation say the event was caused by "exotic matter," a theoretical substance that differs from normal matter, in part because it is repelled rather than attracted by gravity.

Based on his equations, Poplawski thinks such exotic matter might have been created when some of the first massive stars collapsed and became wormholes. The new model isn't the first to propose that other universes exist inside black holes.

Can Physicists Ever Prove the Multiverse Is Real?

Damien Easson , a theoretical physicist at Arizona State University, has made the speculation in previous studies. Is the scenario likely? I have no idea. But it is certainly an interesting possibility. Future work in quantum gravity—the study of gravity at the subatomic level—could refine the equations and potentially support or disprove Poplawski's theory, Easson said.

Origin 6 Unification! | Universe | Quantum Mechanics

Overall, the wormhole theory is interesting, but not a breakthrough in explaining the origins of our universe , said Andreas Albrecht , a physicist at the University of California, Davis, who was also not involved in the new study. By saying our universe was created by a gush of matter from a parent universe, the theory simply shifts the original creation event into an alternate reality. In other words, it doesn't explain how the parent universe came to be or why it has the properties it has—properties our universe presumably inherited.

Still, Albrecht doesn't find the idea of universe-bridging wormholes any stranger than the idea of black hole singularities, and he cautions against dismissing the new theory just because it sounds a little out there. Kraft et al. Weiss et al. Read Caption. A supermassive black hole sits inside the galaxy Centaurus A, as seen in a composite picture. And our universe may sit in another universe's black hole, equations predict. If Poplawski is correct, they may no longer have to.

Wormholes Solve Big Bang Mystery? Wormholes Are "Exotic Matter" Makers? But observations show the universe appears flat in all directions.