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When it comes to the possibility of God's existence, the Bible says that there are Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on . If I could conclusively prove to believers that they were wrong, then the issue is.
Table of contents

Mary was a young woman whose heart overflowed with joy cf. Lk , whose eyes, reflecting the light of the Holy Spirit, looked at life with faith and treasured all things in her youthful heart cf. She was energetic, ready to set out immediately once she knew that her cousin needed her. When her young son needed protection, Mary set out with Joseph to a distant land cf. She also joined the disciples in awaiting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit cf. Acts In her presence, a young Church was born, as the apostles went forth to give birth to a new world cf. Today, Mary is the Mother who watches over us, her children, on our journey through life, often weary and in need, anxious that the light of hope not fail.

For that is our desire: that the light of hope never fail. Mary our Mother looks to this pilgrim people: a youthful people whom she loves, and who seek her in the silence of their hearts amid all the noise, the chatter and the distractions of the journey. Under the gaze of our Mother, there is room only for the silence of hope. Thus Mary illumines anew our youth. They were precious reflections of the young Christ; their radiant witness encourages us and awakens us from our lethargy. The balm of holiness generated by the good lives of so many young people can heal the wounds of the Church and of the world, bringing us back to that fullness of love to which we have always been called: young saints inspire us to return to our first love cf.

Let us recall at least some of them who, each in his or her own way, and at different periods of history, lived lives of holiness. In the third century, Saint Sebastian was a young captain of the Praetorian Guard.

Assurance of Salvation

It is said that he spoke constantly of Christ and tried to convert his companions, to the point that he was ordered to renounce his faith. Since he refused, he was shot with arrows, yet he survived and continued to proclaim Christ fearlessly. In the end, Sebastian was flogged to death. He joyfully renounced everything he had and is now the saint of universal fraternity, the brother of all. He praised the Lord for his creatures.

Francis died in Saint Joan of Arc was born in She was a young peasant girl who, despite her tender years, fought to defend France from invaders. Misunderstood for her demeanour, her actions and her way of living the faith, Joan was burned at the stake. He was a catechist and assisted the missionaries. He was imprisoned for his faith, and since he refused to renounce it, he was killed.

Andrew died uttering the name of Jesus. In that same century, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, a young native of North America, was persecuted for her faith and, to escape, walked over three hundred kilometres in the wilderness. Saint Dominic Savio offered all his sufferings to Mary. When Saint John Bosco taught him that holiness involves being constantly joyful, he opened his heart to a contagious joy.

He wanted to be close to the most abandoned and infirm of his fellow young people. At fifteen years of age, having overcome many difficulties, she succeeded in entering the Carmelite convent.

He became a Salesian seminarian, filled with the desire to return to his tribe, bringing Jesus Christ to them. Ceferino died in Blessed Isidore Bakanja was a layman from the Congo who bore witness to his faith. He was tortured at length for having proposed Christianity to other young people.

A Proof for the Existence of God

Forgiving his executioner, Isidore died in Blessed Marcel Callo was a young French man who died in Marcel was imprisoned in a concentration camp in Austria, where he strengthened his fellow prisoners in faith amid harsh labours. May these and so many other young people who perhaps in silence and hiddenness lived the Gospel to the full, intercede for the Church, so that she may be full of joyous, courageous and committed young people who can offer the world new testimonies of holiness.

After this brief look at the word of God, we cannot just say that young people are the future of our world. They are its present; even now, they are helping to enrich it. Young people are no longer children. They are at a time of life when they begin to assume a number of responsibilities, sharing alongside adults in the growth of the family, society and the Church. What is going on in their lives? The Synod recognized that the members of the Church do not always take the approach of Jesus.

Perhaps some will find it praiseworthy that we seem so expert in discerning difficulties and dangers. But what would be the result of such an attitude? Greater distance, less closeness, less mutual assistance.

I Am a Child of God, and I Am Woman

Anyone called to be a parent, pastor or guide to young people must have the farsightedness to appreciate the little flame that continues to burn, the fragile reed that is shaken but not broken cf. Is The ability to discern pathways where others only see walls, to recognize potential where others see only peril. That is how God the Father see things; he knows how to cherish and nurture the seeds of goodness sown in the hearts of the young. In a context of growing globalization, the Synod Fathers wanted the many differences of contexts and cultures, even within individual countries, to be duly emphasized.

From a demographic standpoint too, some countries have many young people, whereas others have a very low birth rate. There are many more differences, which it would be difficult to examine here. At the same time, since I do not want to neglect that reality, I will briefly summarize some contributions received before the Synod and others that I heard in the course of our meetings.

God Lives, And I Can Prove It (Unabridged)

Youth is not something to be analyzed in the abstract. Other young people, because of their faith, struggle to find their place in society and endure various kinds of persecution, even murder. Many young people, whether by force or lack of alternatives, live by committing crimes and acts of violence: child soldiers, armed criminal gangs, drug trafficking, terrorism, and so on.

This violence destroys many young lives. Many young people are taken in by ideologies, used and exploited as cannon fodder or a strike force to destroy, terrify or ridicule others. Worse yet, many of them end up as individualists, hostile and distrustful of others; in this way, they become an easy target for the brutal and destructive strategies of political groups or economic powers.

Swedenborg and Life Recap: Why Doesn’t God Prove that He Exists? – 3/13/17 – Swedenborg Foundation

As a Church, may we never fail to weep before these tragedies of our young. May we never become inured to them, for anyone incapable of tears cannot be a mother. We want to weep so that society itself can be more of a mother, so that in place of killing it can learn to give birth, to become a promise of life. We weep when we think of all those young people who have already lost their lives due to poverty and violence, and we ask society to learn to be a caring mother.

None of this pain goes away; it stays with us, because the harsh reality can no longer be concealed. The worst thing we can do is adopt that worldly spirit whose solution is simply to anaesthetize young people with other messages, with other distractions, with trivial pursuits. Some realities in life are only seen with eyes cleansed by tears. I would like each of you to ask yourself this question: Can I weep?

Evidences of God's existence:

Can I weep when I see a child who is starving, on drugs or on the street, homeless, abandoned, mistreated or exploited as a slave by society? Or is my weeping only the self-centred whining of those who cry because they want something else? Weeping is also an expression of mercy and compassion.

If tears do not come, ask the Lord to give you the grace to weep for the sufferings of others. Once you can weep, then you will be able to help others from the heart. At times, the hurt felt by some young people is heart-rending, a pain too deep for words. They can only tell God how much they are suffering, and how hard it is for them to keep going, since they no longer believe in anyone. Some young men and women were able to move forward because they heard that divine promise. May all young people who are suffering feel the closeness of a Christian community that can reflect those words by its actions, its embrace and its concrete help.