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This is a tutorial about how to build prototypes and interactions by making use of the pre-built components in Framer X and the ones available.
Table of contents

I want to add a few more things to the prototype home screen: A Mastery Challenge prompt, a streak counter, list of missions, bookmarks and some UI that allows the user to explore content they might find cool or useful. Since the recent missions and the bookmarks are going to be cards with very similar content, the best solution Framer X has for me is to use design components. I already mentioned them above the Material Kit component bundle. This creates a Master from which you can create as many instances as you want:.

You can also nest Master components and go as crazy as you like. Each section is a frame, connected to its own scroll component, and populated with components. The text strings as well as the bitmap images in the instances are overrides. I only had to make sure that all items I wanted into a Stack are organized into frames. It works surprisingly well, and you can have components within a stack, as well as a stack within another stack, and so on.

The drawing tools in Framer X are pretty much the same as in legacy Framer. You can also install third-party libraries to use within your components in Framer. This will allow us to style our component using actual CSS syntax within the. After you name your component and confirm, your default system editor in my case, VS Code will open an example Framer X component file. Having my button written in code obviously has many advantages. It is customizable, responsive, and interactive. You can fork the code of any Store component and edit it as you like.

  • Salvation Road.
  • Create powerful animations and interactions with the Framer X code editor.
  • Anyone For A Threesome?!
  • No Night So Long.

As with the legacy Framer library, it provides us with tools helper functions to animate our designs and to listen to events simple things like onClick and onMove, but also advanced events like pinch, whether the device has been rotated or whether an animation has ended, and more. I drew this simple champions cup illustration for one of the prototype cards, and I decided to animate it:. To add an override, I have to select my target frame in this case the illustration and click on the Code menu item in the right sidebar.

Now I need to select the override I want from Exampels selected by default in the drop down :. Remember, overrides are just blocks of code, therefore, they can live in any file within your project. What I just selected was the Examples.

I can create my own file and write my own Override functions, or include them in my code components source code — just as long as I keep in mind to use the Override type specifier when I export them. In plain English: Set the initial scale value of the frame down to 0. Finally, export it with name Scale and specify that it is an Override.

As I mentioned in the beginning, it is essential for this particular prototype to work on small device screens dp.

Simply set the Preview mode to Canvas - Responsive :. The application performs fast though the beta choked a little with large project files and it feels well designed. Framer X makes mundane things like linking screens and scrolling fast and easy, as they should be.

Creating the data

Though I hope to see even more of that type of thing in the future: prototyping is supposed to be a quick and dirty process , after all. To spend too many hours on a prototype is to miss the point of prototyping. Having a Components Store is a great idea, and will certainly speed up my design process. I no longer have to spend time hunting down the plugins I need.

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I can imagine a couple of years from now there will be thousands of components with basically everything I need to put something relatively advanced together — relatively quickly. It may need some moderation in the future, though. I can see people uploading too many simple buttons, each a fork of the other, just because they can.

I like the focus on design systems through the components and the Private Store features. We all know, many teams struggle to collaborate meaningfully and tools like these are an immense help. But it is arguably more difficult to explore crazy and weird ideas for custom interactions — at least with this initial product release. TypeScript 3. Start your design system in Framer X.

TypeScript React static site generator. The component-importer helps you import your production design system into Framer X. This project show how a. Captures console. A CLI and toolbox to extract information from React component files for documentation generation purposes.

A repository for Kiwi's Orbit Design System. Educational materials for Framer. A GitHub action that automatically merges approved pull requests. Microsoft's office-ui-fabric-react as a Framer X package. The grommet design system as a Framer X package.

leondumoulin.nl - Hack Design Toolkit

StencilJS components for Framer X. Nice website for designing with data at Framer Loupe. Import your Design System in Framer X. Framer project with Material Design package. A Framer X component for Lottie, an iOS, Android, and React Native library that renders After Effects animations in real time, allowing apps to use animations as easily as they use static images.

Framer X: to future or not to future

Skip to content. Sign up. Pinned repositories. Type: All Select type. All Sources Forks Archived Mirrors. Select language. TypeScript 81 39 0 4 Updated Jan 8, Dockerfile 1 33 0 0 Updated Jan 7, FramerXFolderExample This project show how a.