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This novel is based on the real life of a Southern lady, Aldeen the Queen. Raised in a wealthy family with a Civil War/Slaveholding history, she was crushed.
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As I recall, Father Downey passed away around I always remember him with a cigarette hanging from his mouth … even in church sometimes!

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I think it was Father Fraga who took his place. Father Downey was so nice, it took a while to "warm up" to the new guy. Growing up in Lonicut, it never occurred to me that the church grounds, the rectory and the sister's convent weren't my personal playground! There were always tons of kids riding their bikes around in the parking lot of the church and we used to have races around the old school where we had Catechism.

Hide-and-seek behind the kindergarten … from Prairie Ave. Does anyone remember the summer "crafts" program that they had at the playground on Linden St.?

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They would set up in that wooden covered pavilion right in the middle of the playground. Not only did I make my mom a cool ashtray, but I also learned how to play blackjack that summer. I can still see the swings, the slide, the monkey bars, the see-saws, and the merry-go-round. Anything I'm forgetting? It's funny how I can't remember what I had for breakfast, but I can close my eyes and see those vivid memories like yesterday.

This is for Barbara from California who wrote on Aug. I check in occasionally too, to see if there is anything other than political arguments. I remember them too. I was about 10 years behind you, though. I went to kindergarten at Holy Ghost and remember Sister George would play the piano and we would sing.

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Downing was so nice, and it was either Fr. Sullivan or Fr. Sharp middle age and I can't remember which! I'll never forget having to go confession when I was in 4th grade - what "sins" could I possibly have, but I remember needing to say something, so told him I had "answered my mother back. I'll never forget the look on the face of the kid that was "up next" to confess his sins! This was a time when you had to if you were a girl have a Kleenex pinned to your head if you didn't have a veil or hat to wear.

How times and the Church have changed! But I do have a lot of good memories of Holy Ghost, too. The house the nuns lived in, playing in the backyard there in the summer. Sister Mary Elizabeth for Catechism classes - letting us eat the penny candy we would buy at the store - so long as we shared with her! Yes to a political site!! I too, like others, have not visited the Guestbook because of the sometimes enraged politics. I miss talking with other Attleboroians about the past. We have so many memories to share and when you look back at the entries, you will see that so many people thank others for the memories.

I speak for myself when I say reading of the past always takes me away from the nastiness of the everyday life we are in today with all the bad news of the world. However brief the reading may be.

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I would love to be able to visit this Guestbook more often and not read the politics and opinions that I can find on most channels on TV. Memories of the past can't be found on the TV … they're right here if they're able to get through! In response to the Lynxmaster having to edit another site, I say it may be easier for you since the "bashing" will be limited to one site only, and the editing will be less time consuming, not to mention less redundant.

Why not give it a try? If it doesn't work, we can at least have some, and I do mean some, happier historical readers that have the opportunity to breathe here for a little while. Thanks for asking! Boushie TFB. Lynxmaster: Keep all comments in the single Guestbook, but preface the comments with the sender's identity versus the identity at the end of comments.

Maybe also include the profanities for a couple of sessions. Second choice would then be to establish a "Park Tavern Corner" and shift all existing and future "tirade type" unedited comments to it. Slater would patiently open each ice cream container so we could pick our favorite and enjoy the most heavenly treat of a 5-cent cone ice cream. Thanks for all your good work, Lynxmaster. I think those of you who do not enjoy the Guestbook entries should just stop reading them, period. If someone makes a nasty comment, do the adult thing and let it go.

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Post your opinion, but allow the freedom for others to post theirs as well, and for goodness sake just stop being so immature. Dear Lynxmaster, I'm with the group tired of the politicos. Let them have thier own page or e-mail to each other. It would be nice to be able to catch up with others or post old memories without having to be subjected to the political discussion. There are plenty of places on the Internet if that was my interest. I wish the politicos would take the hint.

A few have spoiled it for the many. I don't understand why the editors allow it to continue. Months ago, I suggested a dedicated Web site where the half-dozen political regulars can bash each other without disturbing the rest of us. I see others have suggested the same sensible idea. Yet nothing happens. So why not do the opposite: Establish a new guestbook for Attleboro-related comments, and abandon this one to the nutjobs.

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This was once a wonderful resource for the community, and could be again. Please, please consider this idea seriously. Or, editors, at least tell us why you don't do it. The Guestbook was never designed to be a chatroom for political opinions, philosophical posturing and personal attacks. I'll look into the possibility of creating another site here for such stuff which is just another site for The Lynxmaster to maintain, edit and delete obscenities from. Such places already exist on other Web sites, but it seems they like to come to the Guestbook for the local audience.

Of course, they could e-mail each other directly and spare us the rancor and venom. What do the rest of you think? Debbie Stewat, Foxboro Sun September I know what you mean, I stay away for awhile, hoping this political crap will stop. I do not see why they don't set up there own Web page. It would be nice to read about memories of Attleboro and the surrounding areas.

Well, I hope the next time you sign in, you get to enjoy, but I wouldn't count on it.

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Texas Wed September Debbie S. I am sorry I lumped Barney Frank into that group. He has done good and I knew that. I went overboard. Still, I do not agree with his lifestyle but that, as you say, is for a higher being to judge. I can only say I was wrong to put his name in with those other despicable Democrats. Sorry, Barney. Sorry, Debbie. It has been a very long time since I have taken the time to sit and read the Guestbook. Only took me a few minutes to see that the mean-spirited comments have not changed.

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