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A Billion Dollars in Blood Money: All Out War! [LeKeithen S. Harris] on Amazon.​com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The saga continues and Smoke and.
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Trump to the brink of impeachment. They have also put Mr.

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Biden on the defensive at a critical moment in the Democratic presidential primary campaign. As the impeachment hearings go public this week, the Republicans are hoping to redirect the spotlight onto the Bidens. It casts light on one of Mr. Biden dived into Ukraine in hopes of burnishing his statesman credentials at a time when he seemed to be winding down his political career, as his elder son, Beau, was dying and his younger one, Hunter, was struggling with addiction and financial problems.

It turned out to be an unforgiving landscape — threatened by Russia, plundered by oligarchs, plagued by indecisive leaders and overrun by outsiders hoping to make a quick buck off the chaos. Writing in his memoir, Mr. Biden said Ukraine gave him a chance to fulfill a childhood promise to make a difference in the world. In the end, it was an unglamorous holding action, but one that suited Mr.

Fix-It approach to the vice presidency — and his view of Ukraine as the front line in a larger battle to contain the Russian president, Vladimir V.

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Darden said. They had only 8, battle-ready troops. A key to Mr.

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In early , as others on Mr. Biden told the president he wanted to take on three of the most unappetizing foreign-policy tasks left undone: containing the Islamic State, curbing immigration from Central America and keeping Russia from devouring Ukraine. Biden had deep contacts in Europe, and as a senator in the s had had some success persuading President Bill Clinton to take action in the Balkans. He considered himself to be among the few people in Mr.

Putin — a counter to the national security adviser, Susan E. Rice, who repeatedly warned the president against escalating a conflict with Russia that the United States could not win. Yet on Ukraine, as elsewhere, Mr. Biden was less an architect of policy than the empowered executor of Mr. Biden who pressured Mr. Today — at the heart of the impeachment inquiry was a threat to withhold U.

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Why that assistance had been so important to Ukraine, and to the United States, in the first place. This was a frontier between two competing empires. For most of the 20th century, Russia had won out, and Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. The Declaration of Independence is on, as of today? From the moment — It is effective as of today. An already emotional week ended today, as the people of the Ukraine embarked on a new beginning, becoming the fifth republic to break away from the Kremlin.

It was the culmination of a long struggle for independence.

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And after years of hardship under Soviet rule, Ukraine was now an independent state. This is one of the turning points in history. The vote for independence of the Ukraine is, in fact, one of those momentous events that is going to change the rest of history. So once Ukraine becomes an independent country, and it can have its own international relations with the rest of the world, what do those relationships start to look like? On the one hand you had Ukraine, very closely tied to Russia by industrial supply chains, by energy pipelines, and indeed by culture and by history.

And as Europe pulled in one direction, Russia started to pull back. And what was it about Ukraine that interested the U. The idea was to encourage the development of a Democratic system, and to prevent the re-emergence of a Russian empire. There was the axiom that Russia without Ukraine is just a country, and Russia with Ukraine becomes an empire. So maintaining the independence of Ukraine was a policy objective to prevent the re-emergence of an expansionist imperial power in Moscow. It feels like at this point, the Cold War is officially over.

There was a feeling that the Russians, although they had acquiesced to the independence of these countries, they had a phantom limb syndrome. They always felt that Ukraine, in fact, should belong to Russia. Phantom limb as if they could never really believe that Ukraine or Czechoslovakia or any of these countries were not really theirs anymore.

Both Russia and Ukraine trace their origin to Kiev. Kiev was the capital of the original Russian state. So they feel that the Ukrainians are something like wayward cousins in this sense, that it should be obvious to Ukrainians that this is all one culture and one civilization. So Russians believe that Russia, as a concept, as a place, as a country, as an identity began in Kiev. But of course the fact that Ukraine is independent means that no matter how Russia feels about it, Ukraine has the right to develop whatever relationship it wants with the U. Theoretically, certainly, but they also have to be very cautious about not poking the Russian bear.

That they have a powerful neighbor and they have to acknowledge the real politics of their circumstances. U integration. This really came to a head with two competing trade agreements, which were offered to Ukraine. The Ukrainian president arrived in Strasbourg, poised to work on concluding the association agreement —.

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The European Union offered a more serious and formal trade arrangement with Ukraine that would be, possibly a path to membership in the E. After 15 years of eager anticipation, the Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan is up and running. And Russia responded by offering a trade agreement of its own, which was called the Customs Union.

The union, created to ease mutual trade, could be joined by another candidate, Ukraine. Which was very similar on paper to the European Union, but it was also, in a sense, a reforming of the Soviet Union as well. This feels like a very consequential moment.

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Because to join the E. U would feel like Ukraine saying, officially we see ourselves as part of Europe. To choose a trade deal instead with Russia would be to say to the West, we ultimately see ourselves as part of the world of Russia. So while on paper this was about trade, grain quotas, and so forth, this was really about the destiny of the country. And where does the Ukrainian leader at the time fall on this decision, the West or Russia?

The Ukrainian leader, Viktor Yanukovych, had generally been seen as a pro-Russian politician. But he had promised that Ukraine would integrate economically with the European Union, while maintaining good relations with Russia. That was genuinely surprising to me. I mean, here is this country just a couple of decades out of independence, and it is taking the most formal step possible to reintegrate itself with the country it had sought independence from.

And this is what a lot of people in Ukraine and in Kiev felt about this decision. Well, when I came down to cover these protests in the late fall of , there was already a tent encampment in the center of Kiev, in Independence Square, with thousands and thousands of people on the square, around the clock. It started to turn more violent as the winter came on. By February, I was living in a hotel, right on the square, and it became very tense. When I drove into the city in the early morning, I could see black smoke rising from the center of Kiev from burning cars.

And there were a number of very violent confrontations over about two days in late February, in which the police eventually encroached on the square, overran much of the territory that the protesters had controlled, and pushed it back to a few hundred square yards.

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And at the last moment, the protesters, out of desperation, they started to burn tires and actually anything that was flammable to make a ring around this small, charred bit of pavement that was the only remaining area that they controlled, that they sort of felt this was what was left of their dream of the independent Ukraine. Over this hour and a half, 70 people were killed, and several hundred people were wounded. It was such a brutal moment that the Ukrainian elite and the international community realized that something had happened that could not be left unaddressed.

And there was a revolt in the Yanukovych government against the president. And the police defected —. And within hours, the president fled the capital.

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Well, what happened next was a move by Russia. And the very next day Putin met with his security chiefs overnight. And by dawn, President Putin orders what he calls an operation to take back Crimea, which is in the south of Ukraine. And what this was really was an order of a military intervention into Ukraine.

Russia is tightening its grip on Crimea, as we get reports of an increasing number of troops and takeovers of key military facilities. This despite intense diplomatic efforts —. What is it about Crimea that makes it the most logical place for Putin to try to invade?

Well, Crimea is host to a major Russian naval base in Sevastopol.