Venus allein zu Haus: Roman (German Edition)

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From the early s until the mids, Dietrich worked almost exclusively as a highly paid cabaret artist, performing live in large theatres in major cities worldwide. The show was short, consisting only of a few songs associated with her. Dietrich employed Burt Bacharach as her musical arranger starting in the mids; together, they refined her nightclub act into a more ambitious theatrical one-woman show with an expanded repertoire.

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Bacharach's arrangements helped to disguise Dietrich's limited vocal range—she was a contralto [50] —and allowed her to perform her songs to maximum dramatic effect; [49] together, they recorded four albums and several singles between and Bacharach then felt he needed to devote his full-time to songwriting. But she had also come to rely on him in order to perform, and wrote about his leaving in her memoir:. From that fateful day on, I have worked like a robot, trying to recapture the wonderful woman he helped make out of me. I even succeeded in this effort for years, because I always thought of him, always longed for him, always looked for him in the wings, and always fought against self-pity He had become so indispensable to me that, without him, I no longer took much joy in singing.

When he left me, I felt like giving everything up. I had lost my director, my support, my teacher, my maestro. She would often perform the first part of her show in one of her body-hugging dresses and a swansdown coat, and change to top hat and tails for the second half of the performance. Francis Wyndham offered a more critical appraisal of the phenomenon of Dietrich in concert. He wrote in To these necessary elements her own technical competence and her audience's sentimentality Marlene Dietrich adds a third—the mysterious force of her belief in her own magic.

Those who find themselves unable to share this belief tend to blame themselves rather than her. Her use of body-sculpting undergarments, nonsurgical temporary facelifts tape , [57] expert makeup and wigs, [58] combined with careful stage lighting, [48] helped to preserve Dietrich's glamorous image as she grew older.

Dietrich's return to West Germany in for a concert tour was met with mixed reception— despite a consistently negative press, vociferous protest by chauvinistic Germans who felt she had betrayed her homeland, and two bomb threats, her performance attracted huge crowds. East Germany, however, received her well. Dietrich in London , a concert album, was recorded during the run of her engagement at the Queen's Theatre. She performed on Broadway twice in and and won a special Tony Award in Up until the mid s, Dietrich had between 30 and 50 scheduled engagements around the world annually.

That this is a great life, and that I do it for my health? And who would work if they didn't have to? I work because I pay away in taxes to the American Government 88 cents out of each dollar I earn. Everybody in America works today. Oh - know, I could live tucked away out of sight in some Swiss chalet - but why should I?

I am an American citizen, and proud to be so. I enjoy living in that country and one pays for one's pleasures. And as long as people want me, and I have them eating out of my hands, I shall continue to do so. In her sixties and seventies, Dietrich's health declined: Dietrich's show business career largely ended on 29 September , when she fell off the stage and broke her thigh during a performance in Sydney , Australia.

An alcoholic dependent on painkillers, Dietrich withdrew to her apartment at 12 Avenue Montaigne in Paris. She spent the final 11 years of her life mostly bedridden, allowing only a select few—including family and employees—to enter the apartment. During this time, she was a prolific letter-writer and phone-caller.

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In , Dietrich agreed to participate in a documentary film about her life, Marlene , but refused to be filmed. The film's director, Maximilian Schell , was allowed only to record her voice. He used his interviews with her as the basis for the film, set to a collage of film clips from her career. The final film won several European film prizes and received an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary in Newsweek named it "a unique film, perhaps the most fascinating and affecting documentary ever made about a great movie star".

In , Dietrich recorded spoken introductions to songs for a nostalgia album by Udo Lindenberg. In , her appeal to save the Babelsberg studios from closure was broadcast on BBC Radio , and she spoke on television via telephone on the occasion of the fall of the Berlin Wall later that year.

A few years prior to her passing, Maria and she, both in need of money, planned another book. They negotiated the deal with Alfred A. Knopf in New York, with a proviso that the book should be published only after Dietrich's death.

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Having sorted through familial archives pertaining to the life of her mother, and her own memories, Maria was ready with her mother's biography soon after she was buried. On 6 May , Dietrich died of renal failure at her flat in Paris at age Three medals, including France's Legion of Honour and the US Medal of Freedom, were displayed at the foot of the coffin, military style, for a ceremony symbolising the sense of duty Dietrich embodied in her career as an actress, and in her personal fight against Nazism.

The officiating priest remarked: She lived like a soldier and would like to be buried like a soldier". After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dietrich instructed in her will that she was to be buried in her birthplace, Berlin, near her family; on 16 May her body was flown there to fulfill her wish. The contents of Dietrich's Manhattan apartment, along with other personal effects such as jewelry and items of clothing, were sold by public auction by Sotheby's in Los Angeles on 1 November Unlike her professional celebrity, which was carefully crafted and maintained, Dietrich's personal life was kept out of public view.

She was fluent in German, English, and French. Dietrich, who was bisexual , quietly enjoyed the thriving gay scene of the time and drag balls of s Berlin. As Austrian writer Hedwig Vicki Baum recalls in her memoir, "I don't know how the feminine element sneaked into those masculine realms [the boxing studio], but in any case, only three or four of us were tough enough to go through with it Marlene Dietrich was one.

Dietrich was married only once, to assistant director Rudolf Sieber, who later became an assistant director at Paramount Pictures in France, responsible for foreign language dubbing. Dietrich's only child, Maria Riva , was born in Berlin on 13 December She would later become an actress, primarily working in television. When Maria gave birth to a son John , later a famous production designer in , Dietrich was dubbed "the world's most glamorous grandmother". After Dietrich's death, Riva published an honest and highly acclaimed biography of her mother, titled Marlene Dietrich Throughout her career, Dietrich had an unending string of affairs, some short-lived, some lasting decades.

They often overlapped and were almost all known to her husband, to whom she was in the habit of passing the love letters from her men, sometimes with biting comments. Gilbert's untimely death was one of the most painful events of her life. In , Dietrich met and began a relationship with writer Erich Maria Remarque , and in , the French actor and military hero Jean Gabin.

The relationship ended in the mids.

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  8. Dietrich had a strong friendship with Orson Welles , who for her was a kind of platonic love and whom she considered a genius. Sewing circle was a phrase used by Dietrich [97] to describe the underground, closeted lesbian and bisexual film actresses and their relationships in Hollywood.

    Greta Garbo has been commonly regarded as Dietrich's greatest film rival, but there is also a rumor of an affair between them. Sappho goes to Hollywood. The author wrote that, in her research, she found proof of a never-before-reported affair between Garbo and Dietrich. She wrote that they met in Berlin in while Garbo was filming The Joyless Street and Dietrich had a minor part in the film.

    The two enemies shared the most intimate friends, without so much as a word passing between them or speaking each other's names in public. Finally, in the summer of , when Dietrich was the guest of Orson Welles and his wife Rita Hayworth at their house in Los Angeles, she decided it was time to attempt a reconciliation with Garbo. Welles presented the two women to each other, and promptly Dietrich swarmed around Garbo and told her how inspiring she was, calling Garbo goettlich divine and an unsterbliche undying muse.

    She had her eyelashes beaded. Do you know how long it takes to have your eyelashes beaded? Garbo is supposed to have admired the baby and not recognized Dietrich. Her last great passion, when Dietrich was in her 50s, appears to have been for the actor Yul Brynner , with whom she had an affair that lasted more than a decade; her love life continued well into her 70s. Kennedy , Michael Wilding , and Frank Sinatra among her conquests. Dietrich's family brought her up to follow the Lutheran religion, but she abandoned it as a result of her experiences as a teenager during World War I , after hearing preachers from both sides invoking God as their support.

    Dietrich was a fashion icon to the top designers as well as a screen icon that later stars would follow. Edith Head remarked that she knew more about fashion than any other actress. Dietrich herself favored Dior. In an interview with The Observer in , she said, "I dress for the image.

    Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men. If I dressed for myself I wouldn't bother at all. I get them in a public store — men's, of course; I can't wear women's trousers. But I dress for the profession. A significant volume of academic literature, especially since , analyzes Dietrich's image, as created by the film industry, within various theoretical frameworks, including that of psycho-analysis.

    Emphasis is placed, inter alia, on the "fetishistic" manipulation of the female image. A postage stamp bearing her portrait was issued in Germany on 14 August Luxury pen manufacturer MontBlanc produced a limited edition "Marlene Dietrich" pen to commemorate Dietrich's life.

    It is platinum-plated and has an encrusted deep blue sapphire. The main-belt asteroid Marlene , discovered by German astronomer Karl Reinmuth at Heidelberg Observatory in , was named in her honor. Berliner Weltstar des Films und des Chansons. Dedication to freedom and democracy, to Berlin and Germany". Jana Voosen: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle

    Dietrich was made an honorary citizen of Berlin on 16 May Translated from German, her memorial plaque reads. In , the city of Berlin posthumously made her an honorary citizen. Government awarded Dietrich the Medal of Freedom for her war work. Dietrich has been quoted as saying this was the honor of which she was most proud in her life. They also awarded her with the Operation Entertainment Medal. Dietrich is referred to in the fourth season of American Horror Story , in which Elsa Mars, a German woman with dreams of stardom, fails to become famous in part because of her similarities to the already established Dietrich.

    On 27 December , she was given a Google Doodle on the th anniversary of her birth. Dietrich gave many radio interviews worldwide on her concert tours. In , her show at the Tuschinski in Amsterdam was broadcast live on Dutch radio. Her appearance at the Olympia in Paris was also broadcast. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marlene Dietrich Dietrich in Michael Riva grandson Peter Riva grandson. Location of Marlene Dietrich's birthplace in Rote Insel. Dietrich in her breakthrough role in The Blue Angel Josef von Sternberg used butterfly lighting to enhance Dietrich's features in Shanghai Express Dietrich received the Medal of Freedom from Gen.

    Marlene Dietrich

    Taylor in a ceremony at West Point Dietrich with airmen of the st Bomb Group 29 September Dietrich signing a soldier's cast in Belgium 24 November This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. May Learn how and when to remove this template message. The New York Times. Sinfonie bei der Kritik durch.

    Der Dirigent war betrunken, das Orchester unterprobt, das Publikum feindselig. Ein echter Klassiker, von einem renommierten Team geschaffen.

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    Die Idee war gut! Doch Komplize Britschkat macht sich aus dem Staub — und jetzt steht Taco dumm da: Alessandro, der Herzog von Florenz, begnadigt ihn, weil der Bildhauer die Marmorstatue einer Nymphe noch nicht fertig gestellt hat, mit dem er ihn beauftragt hatte. Er kommt nicht voran, weil ihn sein attraktives Modell Angela ablenkt. Cellini eilt zum Palast, um Angela zu retten.

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    Anbieter ist die Google Inc. Felix Bloch Erben www. Hochzeit mit Hindernissen, Alternativtitel: Vier Hochzeiten und ein Musical. Anstey Deutsch von Roman Hinze.

    Klarinette, Altsaxophon Reed II: Barrie Deutsch von Roman Hinze. Doctorow Deutsch von Roman Hinze. Millie Dillmount, , gis-e'' Jimmy Smith, , c-a' Mrs. Landestheater Linz Twenty six years ago Alan Bennett and Malcolm Mowbray wove this story into a hilariously funny but sharply observed comic film called A Private Function , which centered around Betty, an adorable pig, who is being illegally reared to ensure the local dignitaries can celebrate the Royal Wedding with a lavish banquet while the local population make do with Spam.

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    AOInternational Antje Oegel http: Klarinette, Bassklarinette Reed V: Musical Play in der Version von Harold Prince Dialoge von Roman Hinze. April Musiktheater Linz. Musical nach Charles Dickens' "Nicholas Nickleby". Kaufman Deutsch von Roman Hinze. Dezember Musiktheater Gelsenkirchen.