The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships Paperback – August 12, This Leading Edge work by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present The Teachings of Abraham, will help you understand every relationship you are currently involved in as well.
Table of contents

I was searching Google images for a picture of codes for a certain remote control last night but I couldn't find one that had 4 digits in the code.

The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

The pictures all showed only 3 codes. So I cleared my phone and went to bed. Then this morning it was there. It isn't in my photos on my phone or any other folder with pictures and it was not yet uploaded to Google drive so I don't know where it came from. What does this have to do with this book?

Just that, we absorb information when we read a book and perhaps that had an effect and I may have unconsciously created what we needed I just know that this book gives you the keys to your own kingdom by explaining what you need to do to get into the Vortex, which is where you create from. You absolutely CAN change This book is a life-changer. You absolutely CAN change the way you feel by taking control of your thoughts. Every crossover is a victory.

Do yourself a favor if you've been searching for a way out of the blues, or general dissatisfaction or fear. I had concerns about this. This book is broken down in a very simple way and it's very easy to grasp. I never thought I'd find peace at my workplace until I learned how to get into The Vortex!

I realized that I was the one creating all the turmoil that invaded my being when involving myself with complicated co-workers. By understanding the Law of Attraction and how we get what we get, I was able to become an 'Allower' and ALL turned out well for me at my job. It basically talks about what kind of vibrations we have to give to get what we want out of life.

It talks about how importante is to have harmony with everything that surrounds us our family, friends even the government It's also importante to have harmony with our selfs so we can give good vibrations to get good ones. And my favorite one: A lot of the information seemed to be repeated but overall it was great.

I almost gave up on it as it seemed to start off boring and redundant. I'm so glad I continued.

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At any given moment, no matter the circumstance, you can choose a better or worse feeling than where and what you are feeling. And if, IF, you choose the better feeling--you are moving in the direction of improvement. And if you continue in that direction choosing the better thought you will eventually reach your destination: I have found that to be true.

The authors purport there are no exceptions to the Law of Attraction like attracts like. It is gravity--a LAW. What it is - is misunderstood. If you focus on what is, what IS the matter, you will get more of that. On the other hand, if you focus on what it is you want to feel better you will get that. I have found this to be true. It is not easy to get, to understand. We were not raised this way. I have found no inconsistencies with the psychology of human development and behavior Think Maslow's hierarchy of human needs - peak experiences and self-actualization and the philosophy of "The Vortex.

Such as, your thoughts don't matter. If you think ill of another person, that that does not matter - it is only action that counts. Here, with what "they" are saying is that it DOES matter; but what matters most is your dominant thought patterns. If you believe, at your core, that you are unworthy, then that is what you will be - worthless; and you will ATTRACT confirming events. You will be proven right! Where did your core beliefs come from? Are you even aware of them?

Psychotherapy can help here - to make conscious the unconscious. But the message here is: What matters is accurately discerning what it is you are feeling, and then choosing to feel better The catch is, what are you truly feeling? Pretending everything is alright when it is not will not work.

Abraham Audible BOOKS

Not knowing what it is you want can be a barrier, also. You cannot know what you want if you don't know what you don't want. How do you know what you don't want? By exposure to unpleasant feelings That feels bad, don't want that. That tastes bitter, don't want that. That hurts my ears, don't want that. That looks awful, don't want that I'll try something different courage. Where does courage come from?

Some are born with it, others not? If all had courage it would not exist. What is the point? The Universe is creative, and thought is the energy that propels AND creates creation. Think Hitler and Nazism Think The Rapture, no don't - because on the other side there are Jihadists who are thinking thoughts of Mohammed, the last TRUE prophet, and that nothing but the annihilation of non-believers will bring peace on earth. And so we have perpetual war until one side has the dominant, strongest, thought belief and that will come to be In the end, and in the beginning, we are all nothing and everything - energy, a vibration.

And that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. Your choice as to how you experience it. I know, I know I am writing a second book "Attraction. I know it sounds crazy.

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Apr 23, Cee rated it it was amazing. Single handedly, this book started the evolution of my personal life and understanding of the power I have to be happy. I cannot wait to have read all of these Abraham translations by the Hicks. At 38 it is suddenly clear to me that I have the ability to start living to my potential that I had nearly given up owning. Thank you to the Universe for delivering this suggestion thru a dear loved one at exactly the right time I was able to receive this widom and live these truths!

The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships by Esther Hicks

Mar 08, Leah rated it did not like it. Many of the assertions in this book are so highly obvious yet presented as if they are profound. If you are generally introspective, grounded in rational thought and not into extreme metaphysical jabber, this book probably isn't for you.

Jan 25, Noor rated it it was amazing. Jul 22, Iona Stewart rated it it was amazing. One of the great things about the principles expounded by Abraham are in my view that they exist at all. What I mean is, isn't it fantastic that it turns out that the Universe has been constructed in this way, that we ourselves can control everything in our lives, that nothing happens by chance, and that we cannot be victims except by the power of our own negativity?

I think it's wonderful, like a fairy tale, or a dream come true. Pity we weren't taught all this in school or on our mother's knee One of the great things about the principles expounded by Abraham are in my view that they exist at all. Pity we weren't taught all this in school or on our mother's knee.

My favourite Abraham book is "Ask and it is given". I found it slightly difficult to get into this one - for some reason I didn't find it particulary readable at first. In this book Abraham for the first time, I think, talks about "the Vortex", "Vortex of attraction" or "Vortex of becoming". This apparently contains all the requests you have ever made, and when you finally get into the Vortex by continually reaching for better and better thoughts, all your wishes will be granted - you will become "You", as Abraham puts it.

The book is highly inspiring. I think perhaps no one Abraham book is necessarily better than any other, but the more you read the books and try to practice the precepts, the more you integrate the teachings, i. So when I got to the end of the book, I felt it was the best of their books, not necessarily because it actually is and anyway there is no objective truth , but because I've got slightly further in the process.

Abraham says that the fastest way to improve matters in your life is to make peace with your current situation and make lists of all the positive aspects you can find about it i. A few years ago I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor because I couldn't afford a bed, although my physical problems were such that I had difficulty getting up from it.

She and her partner drove it out to my flat, installed it and carted away the old mattress to the dump. Before that I had lived in a tiny one-room flat, but again thanked the Universe every night for it. After a few months, I was offered a bigger and better flat, and a friend's husband and family helped me with the removal, transporting all my stuff to the new place at no cost to me. In both cases I had got into the Vortex by the act of gratitude. Back to the book. There are useful chapters about "mating", sexuality, parenting and self-appreciation. And finally, prior to the transcript of the enjoyable and amusing CD, we are offered a few simple processes to help release resistance and find a path into the Vortex.

I will be doing these processes when I've bought an exercise book. Esther Hicks, who writes this book for the nonphysical intelligence Abraham, creates this vapid book that rattles on and on, offering nowhere near as many useful processes as Abraham's formal materials particularly Ask and It is Given. This might be one of the most useless of all her books, though it placed on the New York Times Bestseller list. My recommendation for Abers is to listen to CDs on the same subjects covered within this book, particularly relationships, and don't bother picking th Esther Hicks, who writes this book for the nonphysical intelligence Abraham, creates this vapid book that rattles on and on, offering nowhere near as many useful processes as Abraham's formal materials particularly Ask and It is Given.

My recommendation for Abers is to listen to CDs on the same subjects covered within this book, particularly relationships, and don't bother picking this one up. Most of it is a reiteration of things covered in workshops already. Though there are no new revelations, it is always a great pleasure to see the new direction of the Abraham materials. This one focuses on the concept they refer to as The Vortex, formerly referred to as vibrational escrow. I see no value in this book, except possibly a false epiphany one may feel at some point within it.

But again, if you are just looking for Abe's validation and wishful thinking, it will keep you in good company throughout the night. Sep 13, Laurie rated it really liked it. I really got a lot of good information from this book. The main premise is that when you are in the vortex, things go well. So, you need to do whatever is necessary to get in the vortex.

It doesn't matter what else is going on in your life. Don't focus on the challenges or try to figure them out in your mind. Just get in the vortex and they will get resolved. Also, the most important relationship is with you and yourself.

See a Problem?

If yo I really got a lot of good information from this book. If you are in conflict with someone else, you work it out on a focus wheel with yourself rather than discussing it with them directly. Once you can get yourself to a good-feeling place about this person, then you do the "rampage of appreciation" and write down everything you appreciate about them that you can think of. Nov 25, Jilles rated it really liked it. Another helpful book about the Law of Attraction, about being happy first, and letting go of all the rest.

Distract yourself of what you want, focus on blue glass and feathers and the rest will come. Apr 10, Ying Ying rated it it was amazing Shelves: The audiobook was highly enjoyable, and the bonus was magnificent. After "reading" this book, it felt great to be co-creator of our lives. There are so many bits and pieces that resonated with me, that I look forward to re-listening this book at some other time.

Apr 25, Sara rated it liked it Shelves: Sep 08, L. Dec 30, Jessica rated it it was ok. I am a firm believer of positive thinking. When one focuses mostly on the negative aspects of their lives it can be harder to see the beautiful aspects. It's also easier and more toxic for us as humans to dwell on things that are in the past. I do think that some of what this book talked about is true and could be applied to my life. However, I found some of it hard to swallow. It felt like they simplified the subject matter too much.

For example, there was a part where they talk about not focusi I am a firm believer of positive thinking. For example, there was a part where they talk about not focusing on the abusive aspects of a relationship and only focus on the good. That would be called denial and not a solution. I would think it would make more sense to focus on the strength and desire in oneself so that they can find the courage to leave, rather than wishing away the violence.

I want to like this book. I love the idea of gratitude and positivity leading to a challenge free life and all my dreams coming true, but life is more complex than that. I think being able to look positively at life's challenges will open the door to better solutions, but those challenges still need to be adressed and learned from. Oct 29, Kyra rated it did not like it Shelves: Esther Hicks, who writes this book for the nonphysical intelligence Abraham, creates this vapid book that rattles on and on, offering nowhere near as many useful processes as Abraham's former materials particularly Ask and It is Given.

My recommendation for Abers is to listen to CDs on the same subjects covered within this book, particularly relationships, and don't bother picking th Esther Hicks, who writes this book for the nonphysical intelligence Abraham, creates this vapid book that rattles on and on, offering nowhere near as many useful processes as Abraham's former materials particularly Ask and It is Given.

Jul 02, Mary rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Recommended to Mary by: It's not for everyone, but it rang so true and spoke to me so deeply that I don't care if it was really Spaceology from The IT Crowd, it helps me. It's just more of the Law of Attraction genre that so many love and so many love to mock but it is well organized and I think my favorite bits are the the false premises, which all ring so true like parents know better because they got here first. Some things older people know from experience, like cars go fast and will squish you, but some things ar It's not for everyone, but it rang so true and spoke to me so deeply that I don't care if it was really Spaceology from The IT Crowd, it helps me.

Some things older people know from experience, like cars go fast and will squish you, but some things are so individual that it pays to Trust the child to know their own heart. There's no way to write a bubbly review of this book and not come across as a flower-waving hippy lunatic, but go ahead and cling to your beliefs if they bring you Joy and Abundance! I like this concept because it helps me find my way back to my Joy and Abundance and it totally jibes with all the other spiritual teaching I've ever received that has felt True to me. Apr 05, Ili Pika rated it did not like it.

Here's the thing about real power You don't get it by asking for it. Or by taking it, either, except as a last resort, and then, depending on the arena you are in, at risk of life and liberty. You get real power by finding the place inside of you where it lives and then living from that place. And that often involves finding the courage to say "no" more often than it involves saying "I wish it was so" or "wouldn't it be nice if They have no perspective, the world is just the way it is, and most of their very early years are spent learning to navigate that world.

Some children are born into loving families who help them to know themselves, learn to think critically, and act independently. In this way, these children are guided into knowing their own power and using it constructively. Some children are born into families who are broken when they get them. These children are much more likely to learn to cope by hiding their true selves, learning the program established by those who are in charge of their lives, and acquiescing to or going with the flow of that program.

It is not a happy place, and often the only way out is finding a way to say "no" to it, and mean it. When you ask people who know this kind of reality to ignore it, tell a different story, and only look at and focus upon that which is good and happy and pleasing Well, you might as well ask them to ignore gravity, believe lies, and spend their days looking for unicorns. In all fairness, I suppose those things are possible, because, well, there was Jesus and the water and all, but walking to the other side of the river hasn't proved to be a reliable means of transportation for most of us.

In essence what these folks are being asked to do is to turn their backs on a part of themselves, the part that suffered and endured and, if they survived, gained amazing strength, often along with compassion and kindness. Do we really want to ask that? Do we want them to ignore the self who lived through it, and say to that self, "You've done your part, thanks so much, now shut up and go away because you are making life hard for me"?

Would you want to sacrifice that part of yourself, whatever kind of family you were born to, who has suffered in some way, and has learned and been strengthened by it, in favor of a promise of ease and bliss for yourself, and yourself only? Because Abraham teaches that in order to manifest ease and bliss, you cannot stand in the place of suffering. You must be willing to turn your attention away from anything that is not ease and bliss, and that includes everyone else in the world who is currently living through any kind of suffering. You have to convince yourself that experiencing your own ease and bliss is the only way to help them, if in fact, you want to help them.

Ease and bliss are signs of alignment with your "Vortex," where all of your desires are answered, including those that you wish for others. This is such a convenient philosophy. Just play another round of golf at Mar-a-Lago and solve a nation's problems, all at one time! Yes, there are political ramifications to what I am discussing.

To be absolutely clear, I do not believe that providing people with help in the form of money, or medical care or acts of love and acceptance, will actually help them if they refuse to use these things to help themselves. There are people who do refuse, but I think there are many, many people who accept help and use it to learn a better way, especially if they have an experience of what a better way is. It is terribly difficult to "imagine" a better way if you have never even seen it. This is how society itself, along with its cultural and economic conditions, improves for everyone.

I am not suggesting that anyone give up golf, or cruising the ocean, simply because other parts of the world are burning and imploding. I am suggesting that one can be both the person who suffered and refuses to be blind to suffering, and the person who appreciates and enjoys living something better.