The Cigar Diet? How I Lost 50 Pounds w/o the D Word!

His book titled The Cigar Diet? How I lost 50 Pounds w/o the “D” Word! encourages smoking cigars to avoid food bingeing. Wilson writes a daily trivia column.
Table of contents

These are the things that Wilson did, so they are not mandated. Exercise is not really addressed in The Cigar Diet? While that is part of the program, there is some solid advice involved in this eBook when it comes to eating. The food advice is not original and there are other programs that give more detail. With the exception of the idea to smoke cigars to stave off binge eating, there is really nothing new to gain from this book. Wilson Casey's "Cigar Diet" cuts to the chase. Obviously it does work though not really good for you, but then again- Isn't losing weight always good?

I super-like his plan regarding the first 30 days, to develop and to get into one's "zone". Worked for him, so why not me? I'll try it as everything else has failed. Seems he has a non nonsensense approach that worked. I noticed, too, he'a pretty prolific author with a bunch of other titles out there.

The information provided within this site is strictly for the purposes of information only and is not a replacement or substitute for professional advice, doctors visit or treatment. The provided content on this site should serve, at most, as a companion to a professional consult. It should under no circumstance replace the advice of your primary care provider.

You should always consult your primary care physician prior to starting any new fitness, nutrition or weight loss regime. All trademarks, registered trademarks and service-marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. The Cigar Diet This program advocates smoking cigars to avoid binge eating. Top Rated Diets of Low-fat, low-calorie, cigar smoking Gender: Pam L Worked for him, so why not me?

Had anyone any advice? Every time I manage to get a lb off.

Cigarette Smoking, Nicotine, and Body Weight

If I even walk past sugar I will gain 2lbs for the effort. I was away one weekend and gained 13lbs over the weekend because we were drinking alcohol every day. Great topic, thanks for writing about it. I really wish that information was readily available to all potential new quitters, since one can really take steps to try to avoid the weight gain after quitting smoking. I know that despite revived taste buds and increased appetite, a new quitter can gain weight without eating more at all.

As you mention nicotine being a stimulant and how that changes your metabolism to the tune of roughly calories a day. If a soon to be quitter approaches their quit with this knowledge they can easily adjust the calorie intake or their workout regimen to make up for their difference. I assume this information has to be dug up, because certain people feel that knowing these facts upfront could potentially turn someone away from quitting smoking, which while potentially correct - leaves those who like to arm themselves with all the knowledge they can, in the dark.

I quit roughly a year ago, along with my GF and when we quit, we were using controlled nutritional plan and we were in the middle of p90x workout 90 day routine, that's 6 extreme min workouts a week. P90x workouts usually burn calories each, not to mention increased metabolism, decrease in fat and increase in muscle mass etc.

We kept our nutrition unchanged after quitting. Despite all that, I have gained roughly 40 lbs and my GF possible half of that. We take pride in being fit, so this really sucks, even if we both love being non smokers and even the weight gain is certainly worth it. If you do not exercise regularly or eat whatever, it has to be easy to avoid the weight gain, but if you are doing both - there is very little room for any adjustments to avoid it.

I suppose creating calorie deficit is the only option, but because of extreme physical strain coming from the workouts, there isn't a whole lot of wiggle room there either. I hear you too and identify with your frustration. I gained over 60 the first time I quit and started smoking again, but then I was a very heavy smoker for many years. I don't recommend following in my footsteps. All I can think of in the way of advice is sharing your story with your doctor, if you haven't already and getting some structured help with diet and exercise.

Don't blame you for hating it, but hope you hang in for the eventual benefits. I am now so fat I'm unable to enjoy my husband sex , or all of my clothes I could wear until this. New clothes are out of the question because of expense.

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Most of the time I enjoyed smoking, I only quit to keep a promise to my new husband. Hello, I quit smoking for 8 years. When I had bronchitis, I quit cold turkey. During that 8 years there were a handful of times that I would smoke socially or if something really stressed me.

Maybe 6 to 8 times and everyone would comment how they wished they could just put it down the way I did. THEN all hell broke loose in ny marriage spare you the detail other than to say god is good and we are still married and getting better and I started smoking regularly and it lasted for a year. I tried to quit probably 17 times or more. Even quit for a month once. Never had that problem previously. I am now on day 8 and have made up my mond that I cant just pick them up and put them down anymore.

So for me, not even 1 puff is the way its gotta be. And yes ive put on 3 lbs already which is why I looked yp this post. Hi Teletubby, Andrea, Jane and Kellen Anyway, thank you all for reading and sharing your personal stories. I gained a lot of weight when I quit-- the number of pounds doesn't matter but the feeling of being FAT does. It really is discourging to eat calories and work out daily at the gym and not lose even one pound It may take it may take weeks, months or even a year or more before this happens, but it will happen. And you won't feel any better about yourself if you start smoking again.

I promise you that too. So relax, give yourself a pat on the back for quitting, buy some new clothes a size larger and keep going to the gym. BTW Weight Watchers is a wonderful program. I recommend it highly. Everyone I know who's quit smoking has gained weight and only one has lost any of it. Their habits and diets are better, but they're still carrying an extra ten to thirty-five pounds.

My doctor told me 'eat what you like: I may have better habits and a healthier diet, but I've still got thirty of the forty pounds, and more people snarking at me about being fat than ever complained about my smoking. I'm giving it another month, and if it doesn't change, I'll be back to smoking. The anti-depressants haven't done a thing three different meds at different doses , and I might as well die of cancer as an obesity-related heart attack.

What a fantastic read!! I recently stop smoking 4 months ago I have been on steroids since January for respiratory problems with this being said I have put on 30 plus pounds I'm not smoking and my respiratory problems are healed but now I look like a Teletubby very distraught and depressed with my new body I feel trapped inside and can't make my way out I have cut downto calories a day and walk 2 miles a day r should I say waddle.

Every voice is heard I think, and every experience is valid. The companies that manufacture nicotine gum and lozenges know the risks. They are not going to stop manufacturing their products, nor should they, since these can be helpful in giving up cigarettes It is interesting to know that quitting from smoking increases weight.

Thanks for sharing this. As an experienced person I think you should raise your voice against the companies that provide this injurious substances to people. Don't do it, Shazza-- you've worked so hard to kick cigarettes. Please don't light up even one. It is not the solution. Up the time you spend at the gym and go buy yourself some roomier clothes. The weight will come off eventually. Just give it time. It's hard to feel less attractive because of the extra pounds, but in the long run, you will will be more attractive without the smoker's cough and lousy teeth and smokey smelly hair and notice I am not even mentioning the " C" word.

Please just give it time. Shazza, hi I stopped smoking 3 Mths ago and it's getting me so p ed of as I have put on 10 lbs. If this doesn't work I'll be back to smoking again. That is totally great, M and thanks for sharing. It is important for people to know that some people have an easier time quitting than others and I'd like to add that easy or hard, it's a real achievement to quit so congratulations. That sucks for those who gain. I quit in February and have since lost 5lbs.

I only have desire to smoke when I see others doing it, so I probably was never actually addicted. Just keep doing what you are doing Stacy8, and don't worry. If you hadn't been walking and watching calories, you would probably have gained more. It has only been three months. Your body is still getting used to being smoke free. It will give up those pounds more easily in a little time-- don't get depressed, just congratulate yourself on being smoke free and wait at least another six months-- I bet you will start to shed a few pounds by then.

I quit smoking 3 months ago and I've gained 8 pounds! I watch my calorie intake and still can't seem to get back to my original weight. I'm doing good with the smoke free thing it's just the weight thats depressing the crap out of me! Keep going to the gym and buy some larger clothes. You smoked for many years, it is just going to take your body a little more time to re-adjust. Don't confuse cigarette cravings with being hungry-- it's easy to do. I just wrote another hub with more tips on weight loss for ex smokers. Go have a look and be patient with yourself.

I was about the age you are when I quit--it takes older bodies a bit more time to adjust, but really, it is soooooo worth it. Please don't give up. I'm pulling for you. Well I am female 57 yrs old never had a weight problem and then I quit smoking Aug 2 , It has been the hardest thing I ever did.

I have gained 30 pounds and it sucks, I have started working out 3 times a week at the jym , I babysit a 18 month old toddler, and i am still gaining. I have learned that food taste great.. I smoked 30 or so smokes a day before and hardly ate anything , so after 8 months I am really working on losing this dam weight.

Last time I tried quitting I got this far and hated the weight thing ,,, I am going to get past it this time and not SMOKE , I will get to the year this time and lose the weight ,,,, wish me luck and I do feel better , just fat. Congrats on quitting Sylvia and don't stop now. It will level out. It just takes time-- I know you just want to chew on something all the time LOL. It's the blood sugar thing. All I can say is keep working out-- never never go without breakfast and try to chomp on stuff that isn't too fattening-- plain unbuttered popcorn is good if you like it.

Whatever you do don't smoke even one cigarette and don't worry-- It will come off and you will feel better. Thanks so much for this info. I quit a little over 1 month ago and around the same time I had a cortisone shot in my back. Since then I have gained 13 lbs and still going. I thought it was due to the cortisone shot but the Dr. So I talked to a nurse that quit and she said she gained 30 lbs in one month after she quit. I have started working out again but I seem to be hungry all the time!

I can't wait till this levels out because I can't afford new clothes. I used my cigarette money to join the gym! Thanx looks like ill be just fine. Hi diya-- I would say concentrate on quitting smoking first and don't worry about the weight. If you are really active you may not gain much or any at all and it will come off once your body adjusts to doing without nicotine. Just tackle one thing at a time.

Get off the cigarettes first.

Why You Gain Weight When You Quit Smoking and What to Do About it | CalorieBee

There is lots of help out there for quitting and lots of ways to do it. Just start and take it one step at a time. The best I can do for you is to wish you good luck and much success. Thank you waytostopsmoking-- I see by your name that you too know something about this topic-- thanks for stopping by and for the kind words as well. Hi Marty-and congats on getting off cigs.

Hang in, 14 lbs isn't so much and I bet you will unload it in another year or so. Smoking again is definitely a baaaaad idea: I'm off the smokes over a year. I put on 14 pounds and it seems to have leveled off at that. Then a heinous thought of beginning smoking again to lose weight crept into my head. I happened upon this article in an attempt to see which is better, being overweight-some or a smoker. You have removed my "back to smoking idea. I'll live with 14 pounds extra for now. Oh Abdu-- you have got a real challenge there and I relate to scarfing down the Nutella.

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  • My main advice would be to not use this as an excuse to start smoking again because it will pass and if you start to smoke, you'll only have to quit all over again later. The weight will come off. It really will but right now your body is adjusting bigtime. I'd say drink lots of water and get the nutella out of the house and try chewing sugarless gum, but don't be surprised at your weight gain.

    Just buy some new clothes and get ready to walk, swim, go to the gym or do whatever it takes once the cast is off and you are healed.

    How To Lose 10-50 Lbs Of Extra Weight Faster On A Plant-Based Vegan Diet

    D because it took me so long to get in shape.. D and i cant do sport or even walking until i remove the cast.. Hi hardtoquit-- wow you started young so no wonder quitting seems daunting. I would absolutely urge to you quit. Cold turkey is hard but possible and some people say it is the best way to go. I was never able to do it though I tried many times. There is no ideal quit day, but I would urge you to prepare for quitting by scouting various sites and support groups online there are tons of them and by setting a specific date.

    Get all cigarettes and smoking paraphanalia out of your house and don't be around smokers for the first few days--you can choose to go to work or stay home for the first couple of days, depends on you--either way it is important to not have even one puff. As for weight-- everyone is different. Most people do gain at least a few pounds but a few do not. Generally speaking heavy smokers tend to gain more, but like you say, there are no guarantees. Here's a link to another hub I wrote with some tips for quitting based on my own experience. Hope it helps a bit and good luck.

    Let me know how it's going. I have my fingers crossed for you https: Ive been smoking for 14 years Im I actually dont smoke that much i smoke less then a half pack a day but its still so hard to put it down in even talking about it it makes me want one. Im scared though because three people in my family are all ill from smoking cigeretes i want so bad to quite.

    Well, John, that's the first time I've heard that one-- but I imagine you will put on a few pounds just in the normal course of quitting and having a better appetite along with a slower metabolism. If you don't gain weight just from having quit, you might want to consult a nutritionist or nutritionally oriented physician.

    In any case, gain or lose congratulations on having quit. It's a big step. Hey Robie, this is a great hub, thank you for the information. I have a question to ask, I just recently quit smoking Thank god and I'm actually severely underweight Male, 6ft, pounds so I was wondering if there's a way that I could leverage my cessation into about 30 pounds of weight without being unhealthy? Congrats to you too, Vickey and I hope number 11 is the last infection you have.

    Good luck to you and thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I quit smoking 3 months ago.. Ive gained little weight, but ive also been real sick for about 10 weeks, on antibiotics and medication.. Bc everytime i go to the doctors im a pound or two more heavier.. Congrats to all you ex-smokers, i had it easy i guess bc i became sick, so i didn't really crave one.

    It is all about withdrawal, diane and as long as you do not smoke even one, it will pass. There are lots of online message boards and forums where you can find fellow sufferers and get information. Here's a link that may help http: I am about 4 or 5 days into it, quit because I couldn't taste them because of some med the dr gave me..

    I want one but am trying toi ride it out God I feel like I am going crazy.. Hey Steve-- just remember it will pass. Best thing to do with the mood swings is activity-- run, walk, swim, go work out at the gym, whatever. Drink lots of water and remember that the feeling will pass.

    Stick with it and good luck. Great and useful Hub! I stopped to smoke in the past and did really increased my weight. It was due to the amount of food I used to eat while I was without nicotine. I think if you increase your physical activity it all will be fine and regular.

    That was what I did and it worked for me. Very informative hub quitting smoking can be a tough thing to do but the reward doubles its worth. My name is Rebekka, im 18 and in the middle of stopping smoking. I actually stopped smoking to help gain weight because im around 45kg and im underweight for my age. Ive been smoking since i was 11, and i just wanted to know how long it will take me to put on weight? Thanks medwalls, and I just checked out your blog-- very nice and filled with solid information about obesity.

    I'll go on over and do a bit more checking when I have more time. Thanks for stopping by. Midasfx-- thanks for sharing that-- this is really interesting. I need to research connections between smoking pot and weight gain-- wonder if others have had this experience. I never smoked enough pot for it to make a difference, but I was a 3 pack a day smoker of cigarettes and put on 60 lbs when I quit. DJ , I have also been there. I quit smoking cigs and pot and I quickly gained weight, i think about 40 lbs. Brought me up to That was about 2 years ago, I have been living a healthier life and got my weight back down to around Now That is interesting, DJ-- haven't smoked pot in years, but seem to remember I got famished when I smoked not the other way around-- oh well, congrats on your marriage.

    Maybe you should write a book called " The Marijuana Diet": Okay, here's my truth to share. I don't smoke cigarettes but I can tell that when I quit smoking pot to save money for my wedding I blew up pretty good and fat. After the honeymoon I started smoking again and thankfully returned to normal size. Funny thing is, all my wedding pictures are of a fat me that nobody really knows. That's good to hear, glass visage-- it is possible to do but takes concentration-- kudos to your mom and nice to see you: My mom kept eating carrots so she could have something in her mouth other than cigarettes I think she transitioned just fine!

    Quitting is tough, but it is well worth it. This information is great! I've been looking for tips to Quit Smoking that may help. I put on weight too, but then eventually lost much of it and like you have never regretted giving up smoking. My doctor said I would have had to gain lbs or more to equal the health damage that smoking was doing to my body.

    I put on lots of weight when I quit, mainly because I ate and drank more. I still didn't regret quitting smoking though! I am losing weight though now. I was actually too thin to be healthy when I smoked as I would smoke instead of eating proper meals sometimes! I haven't read your hub, talktofast, but I definitely will do so and yes, you are right, nicotine is more addictive than heroin-- at least that is what an ex smoker who is also a former heroin addict told me.

    He said that he found it harder to kick cigarettes than heroin. I do know that the same pleasure centers of the brain are involved so it is probably true. Thanks robie, have you read my hub tobacco giants stunt your growth? Governments of the world would legalise anything if they thought they could tax it and make it socially acceptable. Nicotene is more addictive than heroin. Well, talktofast-- that's quite a forceful statement for which there are many pros and cons--we tried prohibiting alcohol in the 's and it was a disaster and I don't think the " war on drugs" has exactly been a big success either.

    Thanks for adding your voice here though-- much appreciated. Thank you I just read this and it was very helpful I have been quit a little over a month now and I have gained some weight I can feel it. I am 45 and smoked for 26 years I have done so well I am worried about the weight I am glad I read this I think I will increase my activity and not panic over my weight it's to soon.

    Yup-- nicotine does keep you trip, problem is it does a lot of other things too and cigarettes are a rather expensive diet plan: Thanks ripplemaker-- may all your friends manage to quit-- it is soooooo worth it in the long run. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. So good to see you: A friend of mine told me this too--gaining weight when she quit smoking. Now I am crossing my fingers that my other dear friend will quit smoking sometime soon! This is a very good hub about how to quit smoking, robie2. I really liked the way presented all the valuable information and how you added nice images on your hub.

    Thank you so much for sharing this terrific hub! Well, I would say make that 4 or 5 times 5 or 6 times a week and add some weight bearing exercise-- free weights or circuit training or a gym workout. This will build muscle which will up your metabolism. Most of all, don't panic if you gain a few pounds. They will come off and most people don't gain a whole lot. In your case, you already must be in good physical shape. If you add some weight bearing exercise you will be fine-- it really is worth it to be smoke free.

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    I already run 7kms 4 or 5 times a week and teach aerobics two days I'm terrified that I'm going to gain weight now that I've quit. What else can I do?? Thanks KoffeeKlatch-- I gained weight too and also found taking it off harder than putting it on-- but then isn't that always the way it is??? I gained weight when I stopped smoking a few years ago. It was harder to take it off than it was to put it on. Great advice, well written hub. Wow Fucsia-- that is wonderful. You are proof that it is possible to quit smoking and not gain weight. Certainly running or even just plain walking is a ticket to health in so many ways.