Essential Diabetes Leadership

Use the following resources and tools to develop and sustain leadership in diabetes care. Trust: an essential guide for effective and inclusive leadership, NHS.
Table of contents

The process of guidelines revision involves a working group of clinical experts and methodologists. The workgroup is devoted to creating excellent content within the domain of diabetes care as members identify rigorous evidence and consider its practical implementation. However, CMI also identified the need to address issues beyond content development: To fulfill those functions, the Diabetes Leadership Council was formed, comprising a member from each Region.

Rethinking Statins

Every diabetic patient is offered a midlevel statin dose with a single lab test to follow up. The Heart Protection Study, a randomized controlled trial of nearly adults, showed that cholesterol-lowering pharmacotherapy offers significant cardiovascular risk reduction for adults with diabetes without manifest coronary artery disease or high cholesterol levels, thus obviating the need for baseline cholesterol testing.

A new topic area in the guidelines addresses the rapidly changing health care environment. It used to be the case that a member with diabetes would come into the clinic and get blood drawn. Now, good diabetes care means fine-tuning blood glucose daily or more frequently. Patients do fingerstick testing.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

They go into the lab and get blood drawn, then call and get the results. Targets and tools empower patients by defining a desirable blood glucose range and then providing the necessary means to assess and achieve it. Titration schedules for insulin dosages, for instance, put patients in control of their blood glucose levels. The guidelines workgroup reviewed the literature and found that self-care works well for a number of conditions. A second new area in the guidelines addresses the risk that women with gestational diabetes will progress to Type 2 diabetes.

To keep pace with emerging evidence, clinical guidelines are revised every two years. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Perm J v.

R James Dudl , MD. Helen S Pettay , BA. Rethinking Statins The guideline for using cholesterol-lowering medications in diabetic patients has been substantially simplified.

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Setting Up a System for Setting Policy The process of guidelines revision involves a working group of clinical experts and methodologists. The seven self-care behaviors are healthy eating, being active, monitoring, taking medication, problem solving, reducing risks and healthy coping. This means having foods that provide all three nutrients: It means eating regular meals that are low in saturated fat and excess sodium and controlling the amount and type of carbohydrate you eat at one time.

In order to do this you need to know the nutrient especially carbohydrate content of foods, how to read labels, how to cook foods to maintain nutrient content and avoid adding extra saturated fat and sodium and learn how to choose appropriately in restaurants. This means engaging in aerobic activity, strength building and flexibility training most days of the week. Being active can help control blood glucose levels if you have type 2 diabetes and improve cardiovascular health and assist in weight loss or control for both type 2 and type 1 diabetes.

1. Healthy Eating

You need to know what activities are appropriate for you to do, how often and how forcefully you need to do them and how to handle the possible side effects of exercise hypo and hyperglycemia. Checking your blood glucose allows and your health care provider to see how your blood sugars are responding to the medications and lifestyle regimen you are following and whether changes are needed. How to monitor, how often to monitor and how to interpret the results of blood glucose checks are all things you need to know in your search for good control.

If you have type 1 diabetes you will be taking insulin for the rest of your life or until a cure if found! If you have type 2 you may initially be able to control your blood glucose levels with lifestyle or with oral medications. The longer you have diabetes the greater the chance that your beta cells the cells that make insulin in the pancreas will fail and you will need to take insulin. This is part of the natural progression of the disease and is not in your direct control.

International Diabetes Federation - Prevention of type 2 diabetes

It is important to understand how the medication you are taking works, how to properly take the medication and what side effects it may have. Knowing these things will make it easier for you to determine if your medication is working properly. The nature of the disease- it is chronic and progressive, it is affected by everyday activities such as eating and exercise, illness and stress- mean that people with diabetes are continually solving problems. You need to know how to respond to high and low blood sugars with appropriate changes in activity, food and medicine.

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