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But the sale of the Model T continued at such a pace that there never seemed to be an opportunity to get the new car started. Even now the business is so brisk that we are up against the proposition of keeping the factory going on one model while we tool up for another. I am glad of this because it will not necessitate a total shutdown.

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Only a comparatively few men will be out at a time while their departments are being tooled up for the new product. At one time it looked as if 70, men might be laid off temporarily but we have now scaled that down to less than 25, at a time. The new car will cost more to manufacture but it will be more economical to operate. Each of them is suffering from ailments which the other can cure. Can each be made to supply what the other needs? I think so. The link between is Chemistry.

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In the vicinity of Dearborn we are farming twenty thousand acres for everything from sunflowers to soy beans. It has always paid us. Low wages are the most costly any employer can pay. It is like using low-grade material--the waste makes it very expensive in the end. There is no economy in cheap labor or cheap material. The hardest thing I ever had to do was to reduce wages.

History of linguistics

I think we were the last big company to come to it. Now I am mighty glad that wages are climbing again. It is over for everyone who has changed his state of mind. Around the wall of the Rotunda of the Ford Exposition Building at the Century of Progress, between a series of photographic murals done on a colossal scale is a series of terse epigrammatic sayings of Henry Ford.

Date : October But the project is vastly more than a hobby. And so they went on,25 cents a step I am convinced that we shall be able to get out of yearly crops most of the basic materials which we now get from forest and mine. Date : January With one foot in the land, human society is firmly balanced against most economic uncertainties. With a job to supply him with cash, and a plot of land to guarantee him support, the individual is doubly secure.

Stocks may fail, but seedtime and harvest do not fail.

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Henry Ford" Date : September Our car was called the "Universal Car" thirty years ago, because it fulfilled so many needs; it is "The Universal Car" today for the same reason. Just give them a chance and see.

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Subject : Automobiles; Simplicity Source : N. It is part of the motor age. Development is dependent on power. Subject : Aviation; Youth Source : N. Y American , Geo. Perhaps if they had been, we should not have this war on our hands. For greed and idleness brought it on. Y Times Magazine , interview by S. Subject : Change; Life Source : N. Everything else can be taken from us, but not our character. Ford Date : March Let them ask the questions and then give them the answers. Stidger interview Date : April I don't like old people. I stay away from them.

Dutton interview Date : March But we must learn what competition really is.

The 5 Love Languages Explained

It is a striving to attain the best. To throttle it would mean to stop all progress. Certain men do not need to compete. They are pioneers. Subject : Competition Source : Rotarian, S. J Woolf interview Date : June I'd like to devote about three years to the elimination of the cow.

Much more than documents.

There's not reason in the world why the chemist can't discover the cow's secret of converting vegetation into dairy products. And there's less reason why the chemist can't do a better job of it after he learns how. I believe that we can make milk by scientific process, eliminating the cow. Subject : Thomas Edison Source : N. Edison was called 'The Wizard' of the electrical world and everyone thought that electricity was the coming thing, he actually encouraged me to go with my second car.

Theory without practical application is futile. Subject : Education; Practice Source : N. That is what we are put in the world for, to get experience and to help others get it. It is the one thing no one can take away from us. I believe that faith works. Y Times Magazine , S. But I cannot flatter myself that I found her because I was a 'good picker', I believe profoundly that we are guided, led, in such momentous matters. The job of the government is to serve, not to dominate. Subject : Health; Diet Source : N.

Yet our country has depended more on harrows than on guns or speeches. I thought that a history which excluded harrows, and all the rest of daily life, was bunk. And I think so yet.


Everything President Hoover has advised or tried to put into effect has been sound. With more leaders we could have more industry. More industry, more employment and comfort for all. The wheel is the basis of the machine. J Woolf Date : June Stidger Date : April IV Date : Nov-Dec That may be the reason for our love of song-it has wings and lifts us; with proper songs, it is a nourishing spiritual exercise. The teaching of it goes far to restore the balance and richness of life, and-I might add- the unit of life also.

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The less interference they get from the politicians the quicker they'll end it. Everybody profits from industry.