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free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for not present. RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR NOT PRESENT.
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The first line splits the string into individual words. Then we check if str only has 1 element left then that is the longest element and we return it. So I get a list of number, next problem is found the max number of the list, just google js max, so i get the solution. I feel happy with that. I wanted to contribute with my solution.

Very short code; how you managed to simply write var longestWord in a such way in if condition ; Appreciate Really!! I really like the solutions using. My solution here i used the. Can anyone explain my mistake? Code is below, but I also had an question about the intermediate solution:. I did the exact same thing. Find the Longest Word in a String Problem Explanation You have to go through each word and figure out which one is the longest and return not the word, but how many characters it has.

Hint 2 You will need to figure out a way to keep track globally of the greatest current length. Hint 3 Remember how to get the length of elements on the array? Relevant Links JS Array. Rafase closed August 10, , pm 2. Rafase opened August 20, , pm 3.

JuanVM2 January 16, , pm Here is my take on a solution. PFile photo: DPA.

1. Conversating

This is a truly vital word, missing from English, and indeed every language in the world probably - except German. It means to be ashamed FOR someone else. How often have you wanted to express that feeling in one neat, perfect word? In keeping with their 19th century image of family roles, Germans have a special word for a bad mum.

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It literally means "raven mother". Apparently baby ravens in the wild eat nothing but ketchup and are allowed to play with scissors. What a Rabenmutter. Mushrooms Photo: DPA. In the Germans' skewed image of the universe, the bird, soaring free through the sky, is an unlucky beast, but to be a mushroom is a fate associated with good fortune. It's fun to be a fungi.

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Germans, it turns out, have specific names for different parts of a building, largely because of the structure of blocks of flats in Germany. A glove-wearing snowball thrower in Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia. Everyone hates the coward willing to criticize and abuse from a safe distance. The Germans equate that person with the lowest of the low: the one who wears gloves when throwing snowballs.

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As far as they're concerned, a snowball fight is not a snowball fight until someone gets frostbite. Another wonderful German word, for a bittersweet situation familiar to everyone on the planet. There's being ham-fisted, or putting your foot in it, or there's just plain clumsiness, but in German there's the very specific act of verschlimmbessern, which is when you make something worse in the very act of trying to improve it. This is a deceptively simple word that weirdly hints at Germans' darkest perversion.

It just means cyclist, but in some German circles it refers to an employee who sucks up to his superiors while treading on his inferiors, thus imitating the posture of a cyclist. Not literally. That would be truly horrid. Germany's news in English Search. Editions Austria Denmark France. Germany Italy Norway. Spain Sweden Switzerland. News categories Berlin Munich Hamburg More…. Membership My account Gift voucher Corporate Help center.

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Jobs in Germany Browse jobs Post a vacancy. Email newsletters Newsletter sign-up Edit my subscriptions. Other pages Apartment rentals Noticeboard Discussion forum Site search. Share this article. Unfortunately English let you down when you were trying to think of these things to say.

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Verabredet A woman writes in her caldendar. Photo: DPA Germans don't just agree to meet up at 2pm, and then rely on their mobile phones to explain why they're late. Fahne A man takes a nap after a few too many beers in Cologne.

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Photo: DPA This does not just mean flag. Drachenfutter Roses. Photo: DPA You've stayed out late and you weren't supposed to. Kummerspeck Photo: DPA The English have "comfort food," but the ever-thorough Germans have taken that concept to its obvious biological conclusion.