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Nice one Tonto. A good read, particularly if you have a knowledge of the British fishing industry. Tonto has had a very varied and interesting career and lived to.
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Of course, songs is no big deal anymore. Now with 4G mobile connections, we scarcely have to worry about it. Whenever there is a conflict between modern technology and the desires or our primitive ancestors, these primitive desires win each time. It is this last law, riding the wave of the previous three, that will drive the next decade of technology. Our devices will become not only vastly more powerful, but also more natural and eventually disappear altogether.

Effective computing will become less dependent on expertise and more a function of desire. While the digital laws may seem to be working steadily on our behalf, the numbers can be deceiving because they actually represent accelerating returns. At some point, a difference in degree becomes a difference in kind.

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Having exhausted most of the possibilities we saw for computers a decade ago, we are beginning to focus our technology on completely new tasks, such as nanotechnology , genomics and energy. Clearly, we are entering a new digital paradigm. To get an idea of how this will all play out, look at how supercomputing has progressed at IBM. Now, IBM is repurposing Watson for human professions, such as medicine , law and even customer service.

The line between man and machine is blurring beyond anything we could imagine even a few years ago. There is probably no place the expansion of the digital economy is as dramatic as in the field of manufacturing, which until recently was assumed to be a low tech area best left to sweatshops and cheap labor. Today, as Steve Denning reported in Forbes , companies from Apple to GE are finding it makes more sense to keep manufacturing closer to home. The reason is that we are in the midst of a new industrial revolution where the informational content of manufactured goods is becoming more valuable than the physical content.

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An array of technologies, ranging from CAD software to 3D printing to lights out factories which are entirely populated with robots, is reinventing the economics of making things. These designs can then be manufactured at just about any scale by services like Ponoko and Pololu. When the personal computer revolution took hold, it was driven by garage entrepreneurs. Hobbyists tinkering with homemade kits could outfox big corporations and turn a clever idea into a billion dollar business. This trend only deepened as software became dominant and any kid with a keyboard could compete with industry giants.

Smart companies embraced the start-up culture and became more nimble. The tech industry began to resemble the entertainment industry, with the business press spending more and more time in sweaty convention halls hoping to catch a glimpse of the next blockbuster hit. Greg Reply: July 7th, at am. Especially since, from a usability perspective, connectivity lags storage and processing speed.

What Can We Expect From The Next Decade of Technology?

Prakash Reply: July 7th, at am. How do you see this impacting the competitiveness of small business, and the future start-ups, entrepreneurs? Greg Reply: July 7th, at pm. Many small businesses are highly localized, both geographically and by line of business. Now, local information is no longer much of a barrier.


These days, lots of resources that were only available to large firms, such as supercomputing, technical knowledge, just in time manufacturing, etc. It is great post, thank you Greg.

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Technology, go along with digital devices, is getting closer to us. From computer, smart phone, smart tv, and other smart stuffs. I think what you are referring to is the establishment of the last wave.. Pharma for example has real problems innovating — many recognise this — hence their growing interest like much of science to the crowd.

Innovation is like universal Darwinism — the old must always give way to the new — death is an essential part of evolution. There are plenty of weak signals from out at sea -the conditions forming for a new storm coming in — AR x P2P x Wearable tech x 3D Print x virtual currency x mobile x social x cloud x mesh x web 2. That industry has many issues beyond product development e.

What I do think it means is that the major companies will create ecosystems and smaller firms will develop within them. Assumably, we will ask a computer for the answers we now seek from doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. The argument that there is no replacing human interface seems like the type of position that early adopters will abandon, as will the masses when they see the early adopters are managing effectively.

I am a lawyer and routinely assess ADR strength by comparing the facts of a case with those of others in available databases. There may be case law on point, or at least persuasive, and I may search a verdicts and settle to database to determine approximate value.

The only thing keeping a consumer from doing all this in a nanosecond is that there are still some technical limitations. Those will go away. So, will we be replaced by these computers or will we simply purchase them over employees? Is this ten years away or thirty? Greg Reply: July 10th, at am.

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Liked this article and plan to retweet. As in health fitness and nutrition, there are the standards of good nutrition and fitness goals to maintain cardiac, healthy weight, and well being. We are developing a protocol for weekly technology goals so that one is not running the wrong paths and not focusing on purposeful work and productivity using the best technology.

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