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The micro scale consists of skirmishes, such as Islam vs. Most spoke French with each other, reserving Russian for servants and peasants. To believe other civilizations to be worthy of the name was ridiculous. The difference in power, the apparent magnitude of progress and culture was simply too great. Of the human race and its endowment, of persons, places, histories, languages, literature, arts, sciences, religions, Huntington, pp.

In brief, to borrow an illustration from the engineer, the contents of the Eleventh Edition constitute a cross section of the trunk of the tree of knowledge. Within its pages he finds an imaginary land that is also strangely real.

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A child-like empress rules benignly over the realm, called Fantasia, an anomalous place with many creatures living together in relative harmony. There is, however, a force creeping into the land- it is called the Nothing. Upon meeting the Empress, the creatures find her sick, because the Nothing is destroying her little by little, as the core of the civilization. Her hope rests in a Grecian style hero-warrior, but this champion loses his friends along the way to consult an oracle on the grave situation.

The real boy is understandably afraid to continue reading now, because he himself, a reader, is involved somehow in the annihilation of Fantasia. The Nothing in the book-world grows with the destruction of the capacity of imagination in the actual human world. We witness the sobering and important overcome the anomic and frivolous.

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Through learning of it, he was introduced to something full of beauty, which was torn away just as it became coherent. Later, he discovers the true test, the one metaphorically being taken by the avatar in the story, was his own.

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  • This chapter is about vision. Specifically, about that vision which drives civilizations towards successful and prosperous futures. We look at the Euro-Atlantic sphere and find it in decay, in danger of losing a great deal more, and the primary reason being not so much mortal physical threat, but in the obliteration of its sustaining vision.

    FW: Tsiolkovsky's imperative.

    As great empires physically go through phases of decline and decay before attrition begins and collapse occurs, culturally. With the broad stroke of a long duration historian, Norman Davies shows us that European civilization has occurred in three cycles. The first, European I, was the seafaring and surprisingly artistic and peaceful Bronze Age civilization located in the Aegean Sea.

    It was finished, or at least crippled catastrophically, by the volcanic eruption of the Island of Thera around BC. The leftovers of this universality remain in the young. When Western folk are young, most grow up unconsciously with the tacit understanding that history is progressing, or at least is supposed to be a progression. They believe great positive technological strides have and are moving humanity forward towards ever better times, mirroring in some way their natural growth to adulthood. This optimism generally wins over doom saying. Victorian style civilizational confidence may well have permeated life without this intellectual development, but what the Hegelian School did was codify historical optimism philosophically.

    We can forgive children for believing history to be a progression; they are but young.

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    Billington reminding us about Hegel however, forces a degree of consternation, as we must reconcile with the fact that serious adults used to believe it as well. See: Billington, pp. Religions have been the keystones of civilizations more than any other facet of life, precisely because their traditions have formed core principles that have most successfully been worked into basic sets of values for the major communities of the world. One manifestation of decay, of course, is the refusal and later the inability of confronting the decay itself.

    Yet, the fact of Western decay is not and cannot be completely ignored because writers of high caliber and credential do not ignore it. The main agent of terminal decline is the Western Malaise, or, the manifested uneasiness in its core population that comes through devaluation of its main spiritual and moral order, removed through institutional fiat and educational lapse. This is especially troubling now, as at the same time, the world round is becoming more chaotic instead of more orderly, in what is increasingly a case of The Last Man, denatured and anomic, versus The First Man, naturally struggling for scarce resources on a global scale.

    Finally, it constitutes the spiritual and moral void that used to be filled by communal understanding as informed Atkinson, Philip, A Theory of Civilisation, A Study of our Decline, Ibid Sagan, pp. Kaplan, and some have uniquely contributed to the discussion such as Steve Sailer and Theodore Dalrymple. Due to the destruction of educational order, erosion of the middle class through the well intentioned but abysmal policy changes begun in the s, and the non-assimilation of intercivilizational immigrants, the level of Balkanization taking place in Western societies in palpably increasing.

    The following subchapters illustrate how these policies have interwoven themselves into the social fabric, coming together to sear a hole, in the Western soul. A central agent manifested in this phenomenon is of course political correctness as it is known in its PC form , which suppresses truth and civil vitality, allowing and encouraging special interest groups to behave in a manner they know is detrimental to modern communal understanding.

    The s saw most of the social and institutional policies put in place that would accomplish the decay, and they have been reinforced and added to since that time. As for the post-communist countries now firmly within the Western fold, the experience is different but their new geopolitical orientation subjects them to the same trends, less apparent at first and delayed, but manifested nonetheless. The function of Western schools is to educate sentient minors for around 35 hours per week for 40 weeks out of the year.

    During this time they are to be given the tools to understand the world around them through literacy in language, math and science, while socialized in the core principles of their state and how they and their state fit into the wider world of temporal reality. Yet if true, we must also recognize that in its current form, it is the single greatest disappointment. Of all the macro policies and institutions in place accomplishing Western decay, modern public education is the leader, to the point where continual decline is not only accepted, but expected.

    No one imagines US schools, for instance, will produce better students or citizens, on average, five years from now.

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    Contrarily, we expect they will be on a whole less-educated after graduation or sporting a higher dropout rate for manipulated statistical compensation, which is also a form of decay. The public education systems of the US and the UK are the furthest along this line of erosion, because as a matter of general policy, they have most utterly embraced a slew of Orwellian-style dogmas. When it is withheld from the underclass, it is something more: a swindling of the very essence of social meaning, resulting in a mass that is value-less. Philosophically, accompanying the removal of anything specifically promoting civics, communitarian ethics, duty or social morality, is the rabid criticism of each of these from anointed policymakers and individual teachers.

    The result is that for over a generation, students have rarely been exposed to anything like a civic education. They are, however, exposed to its opposite. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said that in order to destroy a people, one must first sever their roots. Sowell tells us history classes now teach twisted ideological themes instead of plain history. Counting relatives as former slaves in the American South, he is especially concerned at the proclivity of American schools today in teaching about George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, for example, not as founding fathers, but as the owners of slaves: Of all the tragic facts about the history of slavery, the most astonishing to an American today is that, although slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years, nowhere in the world was it a controversial issue prior to the 18th century People of every race and color were enslaved -- and enslaved others.

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    White people were still being bought and sold as slaves in the Ottoman Empire decades after American blacks were freed. Teaching becomes a form of babysitting, which by definition infantilizes. All of these constitute factors refocusing school activities away from education. Schools do not let students pray, but they do let them prey. This fact should perhaps be the one most reflected on by the US Department of Education today. The most grotesque measures are taken to mask the degeneration of student ability, while simultaneously, officials trumpet the embrasure of toughened standards and the need for spiraling increases in spending to cover their enforcement.

    This has only helped keep disadvantaged students disadvantaged while the administrative bodies engage devious methods to cover short-term bureaucratic goals for publicity, instead of taking corrective measures, within a system that will indeed strip them of their position, should they try. The film shows how slippery the slope is from being orderly in class to fighting over whom gets to be the first to please the leader by pulling the Zyklon-B lever at Treblinka.

    This is not a sign of progress, but a masking of civilizational decay. But what exactly is that? And in what does this progress culminate? A pubescent child whose body throbs with orgasmic rhythms; whose feelings are made articulate by hymns to the joys of onanism or the killing of parents; whose ambition is to win fame and wealth in imitating the dragqueen who makes the music.

    In short, life is made into a nonstop, commercially prepackaged masturbational fantasy.