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We are God pleasers here and NOT man pleasers. If the bible does NOT uphold teachings that are taught by the Churches; we will say so and highlight the errors and restore truth. The early Church met in houses and this was what God really intended the way for Gods people to go. The video below will show you true religion and how God intended His Church to be run. NOT million pound buildings. So will God destroy all the sheep who blindly don't understand the scriptures? NO of cause He won't destroy them. That is why He is returning and will teach them His ways and restore truth to the earth.

God is mercifull and loves His sheep.

Christian Church

Why don't we in the mean time learn to love other each other and realise they love God just as much as you do. Not one Christian on this planet believes the same thing. They will all have a slightly different veiw on doctrine. Will God send them to hell for this. NO of cause He won't.

Does Peter teach that God is waiting for everyone to believe?

But if God reveals truth to you will you embrace it? Remember this; if God shows you truth and you push it away then it becomes a sin. And if you keep on resisting the spirit you will have problems. Don't mess God about guys. So with this in mind please realise all this site is to point you to truths. The site was set up to guide and protect you from the lies and false doctrines that will lead you astray if possible. Yes preach it from the mountain tops and rejoice in the truth that will be revealed.

If they reject you? Let God deal with them and move on. Shalom truth seekers. Enjoy the site and may Yahshua be seen and heard in every word. The most important thing is this? Becarefull we build up the house of God and don't pull it down. It might take a while for folks to grasp what your saying. Don;t forget they have been indoctrinated for many years and we must be patient with them, just as God was patient with us Jesus said we are to allow the weeds to grow with the wheat and leave them alone.


We must NOT up root them. Thats the angels job; at the great harvest of souls, when Jesus is returning to earth. God is there judge NOT us. We are to love them only and try and steer them and be patient with them. Please rememeber this that Yahsua returns for a holy bride. This will mean that the real God chasers would have already left the Churches run by men and would have washed there robes in the blood of the lamb and been cleansed of all the years of false doctrines.

Its these people who am reaching out to and want to bring together and serve God. If your seeking to be a sold out follower of God. Then we must do as God says and trust Him. And this will mean change and handing over the reigns of our lives to God and let Him do the steering. The TRUE end time church will be a repentant church Many main stream Churches are doing things their way i. Most Churches seem to teach and uphold the traditions of men rather than the Commandments of God. That is not how God intended the Church to function. Surely most people in their hearts know this?

True faith is faith in action. It's visible and can be seen. And is prove that God has changed the life of the one who has been touched by His love. Below is a video of some of the people who need us to reach our hands out with the love of God. Please enjoy.

The Church That Jesus Built

They met in small groups on Gods true Sabbath, which is Friday sunset till Saturday sunset; they built fellowships around families, who spread out throughout the world taking with them the kingdom message. Miracles and healing was an every day occurrence. The early Christians were humble people, ready to serve others. They were servants, serving God by reaching out to the hurting world around them, deeming others better than themselves. God was still able to flow and be poured out into their lives. Because his people were desperate to serve their King as all loyal subjects should.

We too need to adopt this attitude. When we open our hearts to what Gods will is then God can start to do His work in us. The bible is very clear faith without works is "Dead" Yahshua said a tree that bears "No fruit" Is useless and will be thrown into the fire and destroyed. Remember this; if we don't go into the world and preach the gospel who will? How will they ever hear the gopel and be saved if we don't reach out and speak to them, love them or feed them.

There are many ways of expressing God's love. Why not ask God how you can reach someone in the area where you live in prayer tonight? Please watch and enjoy!

  • Suggest a Verse!
  • Basic Facts of the Faith!
  • The True Church (Jesus) Built! - From This World To The Next?
  • The Last bullet?
  • Trussed Issues.
  • The True Church (Jesus) Built! - From This World To The Next?

The early Church was full of miracles, amazing things took place. There was also a fear of God upon His people. This was a awe struck fear and shows reverance for God. I don't see this attitude often and is sadly lacked; but so desperately needed. God requires obedience and holy living; without these the Church is powerless. The miracles of the early Church, happened because the people believed.

When God Builds a Church

They had faith and did not doubt the power of God. God proved to the world that He was with the people. Just as He did with Israel in the Old Testament. He never changes. It's us who sadly change "Not" God. Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16 that "upon this rock, He would build His church". What is the "rock? Jesus made a play on words as He renamed Simon. Later when Jesus said He would build His church on the "rock," He used a different Greek word petra , which refers to a large rock as in a mountain cliff. Given Jesus' choice of two different Greek words for rock and the overall context of the passage, we must conclude Jesus was addressing two different aspects of building His church.

Jesus is the Cornerstone of the church, and all believers are the "living stones" who place their faith in Him see 1Peter Secondly, Jesus renamed Simon with the name Peter i.

  1. What “rock” is the church built upon?;
  2. From My Heart to Yours.
  3. Mixing Business...With Baby (Mills & Boon Silhouette).
  4. The (Original) Church of God.
  5. Historically, the Catholic Church has used this verse to support the legitimacy of the papacy, while Protestants have categorically rejected the idea that Peter held special authority over the early church. The truth lies between these two extremes. Peter fulfilled this commission in three steps as recorded in the book of Acts. Peter preached the Good News, and as a result the Jewish people gathered on that feast day began to receive the Gospel in Jerusalem and beyond.