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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Complete by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at  ‎Tom Sawyer · ‎Tom as an Artist · ‎Tom Meditates · ‎Tom's Mode of Egress.
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Update All we need now is a "lost" manuscript by Twain to be found by some lawyer with the story being about an adult Tom Sawyer and this book being the one the editor "forced" Twain to write. I know you are probably thinking that is taking Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman to far, but what if that was just the beginning of a new initiative from publishers.

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It could be the latest fashion now no-one is interested in vampires any more? Thinking back on the times, his character and the author, I've come up with three possible ideas. He became a bank manager and magistrate in a very small town. He married Becky and both put on a lot of weight. They had no children but three yappy toy spaniels whom they doted on. Mas Thomas Sawyer allowed no leeway with naughty boys and the cane was much in use.

The Adventure Of Tom Sawyer - Bedtime Story For Kids -- Moral Stories For Children In English

Tom with Huck and Jim found a treasure trove and were given a big reward. Aunt Polly invested it until Tom was Tom, Huck and Jim bought a steamboat together, converted it into a casino and plyed the Mississipi offering Black Jack and Jack Daniels at every stop.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

At 18, Tom ran away to New Orleans and took up with a beautiful Creole woman with pale coffee skin and became a preacher in a loudly charismatic church. He and his wife had a whole brood of multi-coloured kids whom they named for the virtues, Abstinence, Doughty, Chastity, Patience, Industrious and Worship. In later life he met Marie Laveau and went to the dark side, a confirmed believer in Voodoo. View all 8 comments.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Jan 14, Doug rated it it was amazing. My all-time favorite work of fiction. I usually read this every summer. As a fourth grader I read this book and took it very seriously. It was my dream to build a raft and go adventuring. Actually I did build the raft, but there was not enough water in the creek. My other great ambition was to come marching into my own funeral. I still think that would be fun. When I read about Tom taking a licking for Becky Thatcher in school and sharing his cake with her in the cave, I thought that was My all-time favorite work of fiction.

When I read about Tom taking a licking for Becky Thatcher in school and sharing his cake with her in the cave, I thought that was incredibly chivalrous and how things ought to be. As an adult, I have re-read this book several times and love its timeless humor. The descriptions of a little kid at church are totally relevant today. I have learned that this book is primarily a light-hearted book written about children, but for adults. View all 17 comments.

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Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account, for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in. Samuel Langhorne Clemens aka Mark Twain The above quote comes straight from the preface of the book and I really cannot add anything else to it; I would not dare Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account, for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens aka Mark Twain The above quote comes straight from the preface of the book and I really cannot add anything else to it; I would not dare to add anything to what was said by the undisputed and best-known worldwide classic of USA literature. For people that have been living under a rock and thus have no idea what the book is about I will give a very brief description of the plot: it is about a life of a young boy in early ninetieth century who lived in Missouri in a small town on Mississippi river.

I lost count of the number of times I read this book when I was a young boy, but I have not touched the book since.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | NEA

I was afraid my rereading of it as an adult would not be as good. I was almost right: this time the novel was not that good by a tiny little degree. I did find some author's thoughts and passages I missed when I was a kid and most of the scenes were almost as good as I remember them.

I challenge anybody to read the whole scene of famous whitewashing of Aunt Polly's fence, or one of her cat and pain-killer and keep a serious face without any attempts at smiling - at least. Had this been my first read ever I would have given it 4. View all 28 comments. Jun 25, Justin Tate rated it it was amazing. Despite knowing this story front-and-back, it was nice to finally read the unabridged words of one of America's finest storytellers. The scene with Tom lost in the cave is notably incredible, but Twain's folksy prose is a delight throughout. I'm not as familiar with the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Can't wait to start that one soon! View all 4 comments. Feb 08, Fabian rated it liked it.

See a Problem?

Although, I must admit, the opening is stronger and the adventures are more varied. There is substantially more comedy in this, more of a dabbling with the picaresque—far more enjoyable then. But Huckleberry has a more pervasive pathos than this one: overall, a stronger sense of the loneliness experienced one lazy Sunday afternoon in the deep gone-now South Sep 05, James rated it really liked it Shelves: 1-fiction , 4-written-preth-century , 2-fic-young-adult.

Another book where there are likely tons of reviews, each covering the plot, summary, characters, writing and themes. I'll try not to do that, but instead a few quick hits on what made me like this one so much. An author's job is difficult. You undoubtedly have hundreds of ideas and images swimming around inside your head.

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You may want to try to correct a wrong in society. You could be highlighting all the things that people should be aware of. It might be an opportunity to share a dream or wild imagination with readers. Mark Twain is all of those things tied together with a big, beautiful bow. He understands how to write.

He knows how people read. He doesn't care about either enough to worry what he does in his novels. And I don't mean that in a critical or accusatory way. I mean that it all just pours out of him regardless of his audience, as he just naturally builds a wonderful story full of memories. With a setting like the Mississippi River, characters like Tom and Huck, messages like "how do you grow up to be a good man" threaded throughout the story, it couldn't possibly fail.

I'm not even covering the themes around slavery and freedom, men and women, skin color, age, relationships So much more I could say Sometimes we will be angry that Twain didn't do enough, considering how brilliant he was, to help support the causes going on at the time he wrote this. Others praise him for shining a light on what was happening. It's controversial, diverse and thought-provoking. That's why to read it -- to engage in a discourse where you can feel free to share your opinion and understand every else's feelings, too.

About Me For those new to me or my reviews I write A LOT. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Vote in the poll and ratings. Thanks for stopping by. Jan 17, Sean Barrs the Bookdragon rated it it was ok Shelves: children-of-all-ages , classics , 2-star-reads. How many people get to crash their funeral?

Is it sort of weird that I want to do this? I mean it would be such a fun surprise for people or bad depending on what they thought of you. It something to ponder at least, other than that this book is pretty shit. I mean the narrative structure is a mess, the How many people get to crash their funeral? I mean the narrative structure is a mess, the dialogue is appalling please note I said dialogue, and not dialect, and the characters are pretty flat.

And this brings be back to the dialogue. It was dull, so very dull. Tom Sawyer, so called bad-boy of American literary culture, your story was disappointing. Shelves: , 3-star , , stand-alone-read. View all 19 comments. There are few children's stories as memorable for boys as Tom Sawyer. Whether it is pre-adolescent fascination with girls, getting away with not working, or a late night adventure - Tom Sawyer has it all in spades.

My kid absolutely loves this book and we go back to it every few years over and over again. It is a true reading pleasure which you should absolutely not deprive yourself of. View all 7 comments. Jun 07, Carmen rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Anyone. Shelves: children , classics , traditionally-published , he-says , published , american-author , fiction , booklist It's just worry and worry, and sweat and sweat, and a-wishing you was dead all the time.