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A concept map is a diagram or graphical tool that visually represents relationships between concepts and ideas. Most concept maps depict ideas as boxes or circles (also called nodes), which are structured hierarchically and connected with lines or arrows (also called arcs).
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For older students, use a story graph to chart the story arc of plot sub-elements such as exposition, rising action, conflict, falling action, climax, and resolution.

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On the x axis, list the desired story elements chronologically. On the y axis, indicate excitement level from low at the bottom to high at the top. Have your students plot the points for each story element to reveal the story arc. To reinforce the learning, add other reading comprehension activities that integrate story structure elements with other skills.

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Day is a national holiday that celebrates the life and legacy of a man who brought hope and healing to America. When it comes to technology in the classroom, phones can either be a distraction or a tool that provides infinite knowledge at your fingertips. Winter will be here before you know it. December 19, This is Modal Title. Share on facebook. The Structured Knowledge Maps helped to rethink the amount of information that the students are exposed that could cause a decrease the interest about the content losing the motivation to learn. According the methodological approach, the motivation is essential aspect of learning.

The aimed engagement could be perceived in the second module when HTML and CSS languages were taught and it represents the practice at the computer lab. In the first module, we worked the Hypertext and Languages functor. The students thought they were only an introduction and ignored them. Even after remind them about some concepts and applications. The initial hypotheses were that the content was more philosophical about cyberspace and cyber culture.

The meeting was weekly and it was inappropriate use the 2n Memorization Method only in the classroom. For this reason, we adopted the Moodle platform to follow closer as a blended environment of learning. All the students signed on and tasks with badges were used engaging many of them. The group started with 31 students and finished with 24 students.

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At the end of September, we created an email-based group on Google Groups. After that the student interest returned because everyone got access to the information because we used a digital tool that they already know: email.

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After the experience, the need was evident to think tools that allow the methods applications in its full requirement to help the professor to track the evolution of their students and allow intervening before the students gave up. The main goals were to identify the student perception about the content, the tools efficiency and verify if the profession position was adequate. Generally, we believe that the kind of content being very different from others disciplines in the course may cause resistance and requires more effort to learn.

To reach the goals, the survey form had four sections: profile, discipline content, tools and techniques, and about the professor. In the profile section there were three questions: course, age, and gender.

What is a Concept Map

In the others sections there were six questions within in each one totalizing 21 items in the survey form. The charts present the data for to the three last sections mentioned above. Below the weighted averages can be visualized. Due to experiences in the previous semesters, we adopted the learning tool on CodeAcademy.


Another efficient tool adopted was the discussion group on Google Groups. However the Moodle and the Blog was not sufficient to engage them to help with the learning process. Figure About the content of web design. About the methods and tools adopted in the discipline. About the professor. In this study was possible to check the efficiency of the methods presented. Based on this case study, it allowed to us modeling the software process with a two users interfaces Bizagi, , one for the student and another for the professor. The process modeling can be seen in Figure Software process model.

A software developed to apply these methods could work with the intermediate category and by that means to identify the student that is a trendsetter to help the others students learn based their own reality using an adaptive language helping them to understand complex subjects. Some of them could be in 1 education, between student and professor, contributing with the learning process, 2 communication, between the media and its target, to keep information, and 3 health, between nursing and patient, to rescue the citizenship. Although many methods are available for reaching these goals, it is still possible to combine the suggested approach with others.

The only thing that differentiates them to the others is its contemporaneity because we live in a world surrounded by non-linear information and the methods based on the new technologies help us to keep the information organized and memorize what is useful. Journals by Subject. Journals by Title. ABSTRACT The aims of this paper are to present two methods combined for teaching and learning processes based on the Categories Theory and Knowledge Maps, and to invite the academic community, in different areas of knowledge, particularly in education, to reproduce the experiment in order to support the results, contributing to its maturity and its continuous improvement.

In the end, we present a case study for an undergraduation course and discuss the results presenting a model for a digital ecosystem with web and mobile applications. Introduction Finding new ways to improve methods for leaning is always a worry and a subject for researches in many educational fields because the socials, economics and technological changes reflect how we retain information and transform them into knowledge, element that can transform the human being. The framework for Category Theory includes the Functor Theory that has its particularities like: 1 Category: actors involved in the process; 2 Objects: concepts to teach; 3 Morphism: methods or applications based on concepts; 4 Functor: elements for mapping between categories.

Thus the new knowledge established by the functor going to work concepts and Figure 1. Cite this paper Costa, N. Creative Education , 7 , Massachusetts: MIT Press. PhD Thesis. Uberlandia: Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, p. Version 3. An anonymised sample of the dataset has been made available as Supplementary material accompanying this article. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.

It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

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  • Sign In or Create an Account. Sign In. Advanced Search. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents. Supplementary material. Ethics approval and consent. Consent for publication. Availability of data and materials. List of abbreviations. Criteria for evaluating programme theory diagrams in quality improvement initiatives: a structured method for appraisal Laurel Issen.

    Oxford Academic. Google Scholar. Thomas Woodcock. Christopher McNicholas. Laura Lennox. Julie E Reed.

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    • Address reprint requests to: Julie E. Reed02 Imperial. Select Format Select format. Permissions Icon Permissions. Abstract Background. Table 1. Is the overall aim: — High-level? Is the first column major contributing factors : — A comprehensive breakdown of the aim? Do all factors have a clear meaning to the potential audience? Cause—effect relationships: — Is it clear which factors are proposed to be causally linked? Is it clear the extent to which cause—effect relationships are evidenced? Do the measure concepts have a clear meaning to the potential audience?