Manual Shattered Dreams

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"Shattered Dreams" is a song by Johnny Hates Jazz. It may also refer to: Literature[edit]. Shattered Dreams, a novel by Sally Wentworth; Shattered.
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Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. Toggle navigation. Shattered Dreams What is it? The Program The "Shattered Dreams" program involves the dramatization of an alcohol-related crash on or near a high school campus, complete with fire, police and EMS response, emergency room treatment, family notifications, and the arrest and booking of the driver. Impact statements from community members whose lives have been affected by teenage alcohol use and drunk driving bring closure to the program and reinforce its dual message for the teenage audience -- Don't drink until you are 21, and never drink and drive.

shattered dreams

He is right in his conviction that there is no absolute freedom, and that freedom always operates within the framework of predestined structure. But he is not free to go north to Miami or South to Washington. Freedom is always within destiny. But there is freedom. We are both free and destined. Freedom is the act of deliberating, deciding and responding within our destined nature. Fatalism doesn't see this. It leaves the individual stymied and helplessly inadequate for life.

But even more, fatalism is based on a terrible conception of God. It sees everything that happens, evil and good alike, as the will of God. Any healthy religion will rise above the idea that God wills evil. It is true that God has to permit evil in order to preserve the freedom of man. But this does not mean that he causes it. That which is willed is intended, and the idea that God intends for a child to be born blind, or that God gives cancer to this person and inflicts insanity upon another is rank heresy. Such a false idea makes God into a devil rather than a loving Father. So fatalism is a tragic and dangerous way to deal with the problem of unfulfilled dreams.

What, then, is the answer? We must accept our unwanted and unfortunate circumstance and yet cling to a radiant hope. The answer lies in developing the capacity to accept the finite disappointment and yet cling to the infinite hope.

Shattered Dreams

In speaking of acceptance, I do not mean the grim, bitter acceptance of those who are fatalistic. This means sitting down and honestly confronting your shattered dream. Place it at the forefront of your mind and stare daringly at it. It may lengthen our cords of sympathy.

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It may break our self-centered pride. Even the cross, which was willed by wicked men, was woven by God into the redemption of the world. Many of the world's most influential characters have transformed their thorns into a crown. Charles Darwin was almost always physically ill. Robert Louis Stevenson was inflicted with tuberculosis. Helen Keller was blind and deaf.

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Rather they stood up to life, and, through the exercise of a dynamic will, transformed a negative into a positive. His right side had become paralyzed, and his money was all gone. His creditors seized him and threatened him with imprisonment. Wanting Spain and getting a narrow cell in a Roman prison, how familiar an experience that is!

Shattered Dreams (disambiguation)

But to take the Roman prison, the broken, the left-over of a disappointed expectation, and make of it an opportunity to serve God's purpose, how much less familiar that is! We as a people have long dreamed of freedom, but we are still confined to an oppressive prison of segregation and discrimination. Certainly not, for this will only distort and poison our personality. Must we conclude that the existence of segregation is a part of the will of God, and thereby resign ourselves to the fate of oppression.

Of course not, for such a course would be blasphemy, because it attributes to God something that should be attributed to the devil. Moreover, to accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor.

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Our most fruitful course of action will be to stand up with a courageous determination, moving on non-violently amid obstacles and setbacks, facing disappointments and yet clinging to the hope. It will be this determination and final refusal to be stopped that will eventually open the door of fulfillment. To suffer in a righteous cause is to grow to our humanity's full stature.

Moreover, through our suffering in this oppressive prison and our non-violent struggle to get out of it, we may give the kind of spiritual dynamic to western civilization that it so desperately needs to survive. Of course some of us will die having not received the promise of freedom. But we must continue to move on.

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On the one hand we must accept the finite disappointment, but in spite of this we must maintain the infinite hope. This is the only way that we will be able to live without the fatigue of bitterness and the drain of resentment. This was the secret of the survival of our slave foreparents. Slavery was a low, dirty, inhuman business. When the slaves were taken from Africa, they were cut off from their family ties, and chained to ships like beasts. There is nothing more tragic than to cut a person off from his family, his language, and his roots. The women were often forced to satisfy the biological urges of the master himself, and the slave husband was powerless to intervene.

Even though they could expect nothing the next morning but the long rows of cotton, the sweltering heat and the rawhide whip of the overseer, they continued to dream of a better day. Their hope continued even amid a seemingly hopeless situation. They took the pessimism of life and filtered it in their own souls and fashioned it into a creative optimism that gave them strength to carry on. With their bottomless vitality they continually transformed the darkness of frustration into the light of hope.

When I first flew from New York to London, it was in the days of the propellor type aircraft. The jets can make the flight in six hours. On returning to the States from London I discovered that the flying time would be twelve hours and a half. This confused me for the moment. Why this difference of three hours, I asked myself. Soon the pilot walked through the plane to greet the passengers. As soon as he got to me I raised the question of the difference in flight time. His answer was simple and to the point. When we return to New York from London, the winds are against us; we have a strong headwind.

There are times when the winds are in our favor—moments of joy, moments of great triumph, moments of fulfillment. But there are times when the winds are against us, times when strong head winds of disappointment and sorrow beat unrelentingly upon our lives. He who has made this discovery knows that no burden can overwhelm him and no wind of adversity can blow his hope away. He can stand anything that can happen to him. He started out for Spain and ended up in a Roman prison.

He wanted to go to Bithynia but ended up in Troas. He was jailed, mobbed beaten and shipwrecked in his gallant program of preaching spreading the gospel of Christ. But he did not allow these conditions to overwhelm him.

Shattered Dreams | Asia | Al Jazeera

There is nothing in the life of Paul which could characterize him as a complacent man. So Paul is not saying that he had learned to dwell in a valley of stagnant complacency. Neither is he saying that he had learned to resign himself to some tragic fate. Paul meant that he had learned to stand up amid the disappointment of life without despairing.

He had discovered the distinction between a tranquil soul and the outward accidents of circumstance.