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That's where miracles come in. According to the church, miracles, or divine events that have no natural or scientific explanation, serve as proof.
Table of contents

  • Silver: The Playhouse Mafia.
  • Four Debunked Religious "Miracles".
  • Professor Norman Geisler;
  • Danes killed to get killed!

This is misleading at best. Is either side right? The God of the Bible is much more than a god of the gaps. God is always at work in the natural world, in the gaps as well as the areas that science can explain. Properly understood, evolution is a scientific theory about the development of life and is consistent with Christian theology.


One of the difficulties people have with coming to accept the science of evolution is that they have absorbed incorrect or only partially correct information. Evolutionary theory can be hard to wrap the mind around. But there are some metaphors that can go a long way toward helping us grasp this complex subject. Written by former BioLogos Fellow of Biology Dennis Venema, this series of posts is intended as a basic introduction to the science of evolution for non-specialists. Nature is what God does Miracles happen against the backdrop of the regular day-to-day functioning of natural phenomena.

Miracles and evolutionary creation Like all Christians, Evolutionary Creationists believe that the biblical miracles happened and that God can do miracles today.

  1. Why Miracles Are Not Incompatible with Science?
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  4. In summary, natural laws do not, and cannot, limit God. Bartsch, trans.

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    Common Question. How did life begin? How life came from non-life is still largely a scientific mystery.

    Searching for the God module

    Is historical science reliable? Is evolution a "theory in crisis"? Are gaps in scientific knowledge evidence for God?

    Science Continues to Reveal God

    Rather, they identify the Designer with the faithful triune God of the Bible, as stated :. Applying this, as well as a correct understanding of the nature of scientific laws as description, leads to a worldview that historically led to science without jettisoning miracles, as previously stated:.

    Because creation finished at the end of day 6 Gen. Scientific laws do not cause or forbid anything any more than the outline of a map causes the shape of the coastline.

    Does modern science make miracles impossible?

    In the case of the atom, the explanation of the electrons staying in their orbitals is the positive electric charge and large mass of the nucleus. This enables us to make predictions about how strongly a particular electron is held by a particular atom, for example, making the science of chemistry possible. So, Scientific American is wrong to imply that creationists are in any way hindered in real operational scientific research, either in theory or in practice.

    We have also cited the succinct thoughts of philosopher and apologist J. It is true that science is not compatible with just any form of theism, particularly a theism that holds to a capricious god who intervenes so often that the contrast between primary and secondary causality is unintelligible. That is why Christianity, far from hindering the development of science, actually provided the womb for its birth and development. Actually, you are a perfect illustration of G. Also, C. Lewis pointed out that arguing against miracles based on the alleged total uniformity of nature is actually circular reasoning from Miracles :.

    Actually, the exact opposite is true. Without a belief that the universe was made by a God of order and that we are made in the image of this God, the Logos, we have no basis for either an orderly universe or that our thoughts can be trusted, as explained before. Atheists can treat these premises as axioms, i. Similarly, they can't prove that their thoughts are rational because the proofs would have to assume this very rationality. Yet evolution would select only for survival advantage, not rationality.

    This is the false dilemma. The logical feasibility has been amply proved in practice by the good science discovered by believers in miracles. And most philosophers of science agree that it is impossible to prove things with science; rather, scientific progress comes from disproving things. This should become very clear upon understanding the underlying logic. They are all competent scientists and not all of them are necessarily Catholics.

    When a potential miracle is reported to the Vatican, the report includes testimonies from astounded doctors who cannot find a natural explanation for the phenomenon in question. The cardinals then pass these testimonies on to the miracle commission, which then sends a delegation to the location where the unexplainable event took place. If the delegates fail to find a satisfactory scientific explanation for the strange phenomenon, they can call in external experts. If such issues are present in the testimonies, they, together with the inexplicable nature of the incident, constitute the miracle.

    Does science prove that miracles are real? – Evidence for Christianity

    The Catholic Church has a year-old tradition of asking God to confirm whether a deceased person is actually a saint. The Vatican does not study phenomena such as weeping Madonna statues and bleeding palms. It is common procedure that the theologians first check whether dark forces may have caused the unexplainable phenomenon. But a traditional Catholic theologian may also consider magic or evil forces as possible causes of extraordinary events. But their criteria are entirely different to those of the physicians in the miracle commission, i.

    They are open to the idea that God can have an influence on this world — and that in some cases he actually does. The Vatican tries to separate science and religion in the canonisation process. But Hvidt believes the work of the miracle commission is open to criticism as its use of scientific methods is rather untraditional:. Science is being turned on its head, so to speak.

    There is a risk that the miracle commission — consciously or subconsciously — fails to notice natural explanations for the unexplainable healings.