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Public policy analysis involves evaluating issues of public importance with the objective of providing facts and statistics about the extent and impact of the.
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Excellent research and analytic skills. Public Policy Analyst.

Office of Policy Analysis | U.S. Department of the Interior

Safer Foundation 3. Possess academic and professional knowledge in a discipline that is associated with a college degree in social policy , public policy , political science, public…. Research Assistant Intern - Summer American Institutes for Research 3. Undertake policy analysis for a wide range of public policy matters impacting the company specifically, and the biotech industry more generally, including the…. Public Policy Specialist. ICF 3. Policy Research Analyst. Chamber of Commerce 4. Business or economics degree and experience with data research and analysis in public policy.

Apply knowledge of policy concepts and principles to develop…. View all U. Public Affairs Specialist. Transportation Security Administration 3. We will see how, at the moment, a particular ministry or department of the Federal Government is responsible for carrying out a particular public policy and, above all, what coordination issues exist between different ministries. It should be noted that not all public policies are equally important. In particular, in public opinion, not all problems are considered to be of equal importance, there are issues that appear to be priorities such as, for example, immigration, the environment or employment.

Similarly, when we analyze public policies, we will see that the means allocated to the conduct of these public policies, whether it be the number of public servants or budgets, are very different from one public policy to another.

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The TETRA report "terrorist travellers" is therefore the Swiss who travel to countries to train in jihad, and there is a task force called TETRA which is made up of FEDPOL, the public prosecutor's office of the confederation, but also of the confederation's intelligence services trying to find out how many young people will be trained in jihad from Switzerland. This is an official report that can be found in the analysis made by the TETRA Task Force published in November [1] , which states that if we look at Switzerland, are there people who are either already radicalized or see radicalization leaving Switzerland and going to jihad training in different countries?

There are 71 individuals who have been formally identified, some 40 young men and women, and 31 women. There is not yet full parity, but there are still an impressive number of jihadists identified and recognized, registered by the State, as part of the State's security policy. What we're interested in is the opposite arrow, which is what people do when they try to come back.

This report states that there have already been 22 denials of entry to the territory of jihadists in Switzerland once again by actors who are pursuing a security policy, namely the federal police and cantonal police, border guards and intelligence services. However, it should be noted that there is no clear trend in the origin of the persons involved in the jihad, there are investigations into possible networks as in Winterthur, but the investigation is ongoing and there is no official communication from FEDPOL or the intelligence service of the confederation on the origin or differences in the regional origin of Swiss jihadists.

On the other hand, the "official communication" states that the proportion of women remains minimal. Today, this debate has taken on a very large scale, obstructing the media and is taking the lead of a large number of people. It was not a policy that was very visible until 13 November , but today it is at the top of the agenda.

Reading the first three Schengen articles makes it clear that the debate is a bit curious. Therefore, the abandonment of borders is something that is debated, but not entirely reasonable. In the same way, today there is a law on intelligence adopted by the parliament that provides for Trojan horses to be placed in private computers in case of suspicion, to make telephone tapping so that people can be followed up without their knowledge if it is assumed that they represent a danger for the citizens or even for the whole country.

What happens to this bill today? There is a whole debate about whether the state security standard should take precedence over individual liberty and whether it is acceptable for the state to monitor behaviour even if it does not know it in order to protect the entire population. So the whole question is where are we going to put the cursor, where are we going to find a balance between the protection of the population, security and the protection of individual freedoms? At present, this law tries to allow the state to observe some of the people who might pose a threat a little closer.

The Left and the Greens, when this law was adopted, decided to launch an optional referendum and therefore to contest the parliamentary majority that accepted it. If the necessary number of signatures is collected, then citizens will be called upon to vote on whether they possibly want a little more intrusion into their private sphere in order to defend their security or, on the contrary, to keep individual liberties completely at risk of a possible terrorist attack. It is a concrete choice that citizens will face if the referendum is successful and they are called upon to vote on this law.

Within the framework of the Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, department managed by Ms. Mrs Leuthard is pursuing a mobility policy.

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SBB drivers are a little worried because there is a narrowing of the tracks, in the sense that they want to reduce SBB cuts by 20 billion by It's an economic shock program. Public spending is in the order of 66 billion, so that is not nothing, it corresponds to a third of the public expenditure that could be saved by In addition to these mobility policies, which concern SBB, this department also carries out other public policies that concern us all, for example regulating access to mobile telephony, telecommunications and other network industries such as electricity networks.

Recently, Mr. Berset obtained an extension of the period of work for women before they could qualify for retirement. Thus, in view of the demographic evolution in Switzerland, there are fewer and fewer contributors and more and more pensioners who are receiving pensions, and in view of this imbalance, particularly in demographic terms, and also in the face of uncertainties regarding labour productivity, Berset proposed to increase the retirement age for women.

There is a street mobilization against this increase in the retirement age. Mr Schneider-Ammann is responsible for the economy, training and research, and has faced a problem of the high cost of the franc versus the euro.

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If the franc is in an unfavourable position against the euro, this will raise problems in terms of production costs in Switzerland, but also in terms of the cost of exports. For a majority of economic players on the domestic market, the high cost of the franc is a real problem. The question is to know what we are doing against this high cost of the franc, there are few means of action because it is the National Bank that manages this public policy and the National Bank is largely independent of the political power, it can take decisions without having to refer them or have the approval of the Federal Council.

For example, once this decision is taken, we will have to take accompanying measures in order to try, for example, to support economic sectors that are hardest hit. In terms of research, this is something that concerns us as well. If there is a major transformation in the ratio between the euro and the Swiss franc, when we receive European projects and a European budget, there is much less room for manoeuvre in Switzerland to hire researchers, since the euro is worth less. If we go from CHF 1. For example, the Human brain project weighs a billion dollars.

Thus, exchange rate stability or accompanying measures when there are major changes, for example in exchange rates, is a very important economic public policy that must be pursued.

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Mrs Widmer-Schlumpf has had to deal with public policies that have been widely publicised and almost symbolically the destruction of Swiss myths. We have to think of the issues that have been managed and the changes in public policy that have taken place in the last Parliament, such as money laundering and much more restrictive measures to detect funds deposited by dictators, drug lords or terrorists in anonymous Swiss accounts, tax evasion and tax evasion with all those outside the country who came to Switzerland to deposit their funds before escaping their taxes.

This was not accepted for a very long time by the countries of the European Union, by OECD countries, but above all by the United States after the financial crisis of - , Switzerland had to reverse its subtle legal distinction between "evasion" and "tax fraud". We can also think of the funds in dishonesty or banking secrecy that have been undermined, particularly under the aegis of international players. The difference between political science and international relations for public policy analysis makes little sense.

Many public policies are at the interface of a nation-state, international organizations and supranational organizations. In the majority of cases, it is Switzerland in interaction with other organisations or countries that formulate or implement public policies. Foreign affairs are handled by Mr. The issue of refugees is now at the heart of the attention not only of associations defending certain human rights, but also of the public administration, since the SDC, which is the development aid agency, was originally a federal foreign affairs agency, but also the division of human security is concerned with these issues, which are becoming increasingly prevalent and present in the media.

Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Politics, and Methods

We have selectively seen a large number of public policies in order to show the plurality of the fields of State intervention which are pre-structured by the administrative organization of the executive power. There are seven federal departments in Switzerland because the constitution provides that every federal councillor is at the same time a member of the executive college and head of a department. This is again a Swiss institutional specificity.

In any other country, there are so-called ministerial reshuffles in which departments are created, there are deficits and the number of departments is not fixed at all. In Switzerland, the number of federal councillors and thus of administrative departments is limited to seven, as fixed as the Fulfirsten chains in the St. Wales massif. If we try to reform the federal system by going to nine federal councillors, it is a difficult task, there have been many attempts to reform the confederation executive.

In each of the ministries, there is usually a secretary general who will try to coordinate vertically the actions taken by the various offices within these administrations. Boards, it is nothing but administrative divisions or organizations that are responsible for more specific matters dealt with by the Minister.

So in every department there is a secretary general who coordinates what is going on within that department.

What is Public Policy?

In addition, in some ministries there are secretariats of state secretariats that are a kind of deputy minister, people who have a certain autonomy to represent the government, to represent the head of department, especially outside the government. There are other secretaries of state at the level, for example, of migration policy with Mr.

Gattiker, and there are also other secretaries of state at the level of negotiating international financial issues with Mr.

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Jacques de Watteville. Dell' Ambrogio. They are people who count for a great deal in the conduct of public policy, they are a kind of "super civil servant" who, together with the secretaries-general, very strongly support the action of the heads of department, who are nothing more than the seven members of the Federal Council. The impacts of a person in a consensual system are generally relatively insensitive on the content of public policies, not on everyday partisan gesticulation, and even Mr.