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Nov 19, - We have to focus on recognizing an imbalance of power during sexual dynamics so that men better understand the implicit “no” even when.
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Shevinsky felt pushed to the edge. Women who enter fields dominated by men often feel this way. They love the work and want to fit in. But then something happens — a slight or a major offense — and they suddenly feel like outsiders.

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The question for newcomers to a field has always been when to play along and when to push back. Today, even as so many barriers have fallen — whether at elite universities, where women outnumber men, or in running for the presidency, where polls show that fewer people think gender makes a difference — computer engineering, the most innovative sector of the economy, remains behind. Many women who want to be engineers encounter a field where they not only are significantly underrepresented but also feel pushed away.

Tech executives often fault schools, parents or society in general for failing to encourage girls to pursue computer science. But something else is at play in the industry: Among the women who join the field, 56 percent leave by midcareer, a startling attrition rate that is double that for men, according to research from the Harvard Business School. Shevinsky never received death threats, but she experienced her share of come-ons and slights. A few days after Mr.

She had been aware of earlier cringe-making tweets in which her business partner had joked about rape or questioned even the most basic feminist precepts.

The social and economic problems of being a single man

Married and then 40, he was more experienced and serious about work than many other tech types she knew, and she said he always treated her with respect. Dickinson or a couple of engineers. It was about computer-engineering culture and her relationship with it. And if that sometimes meant fake-laughing as her colleagues cracked jokes about porn, so be it. I just wanted to build stuff. Dickinson to resign. The Australian entrepreneurs and TechCrunch each apologized. But leaving can be hard too. Shevinsky said. When Ms.


Shevinsky was introduced to engineering culture at Williams College, she got no hint of sexism. She worked in product development for a number of start-ups and was a co-founder of a dating site. She settled in New York, where she got to know Mr. Dickinson at tech meet-ups.

Little Women Has a Little Man Problem | Vanity Fair

When she had a new business idea — a kind of Snapchat for adults that prevents people from taking screen shots of private pictures — she sought out his advice. Last spring, they decided to build the app together. At first, they conceived it as a sexting product, but later they shifted to a service that could be used by anyone concerned about keeping their messages safe from prying eyes.

They called it Glimpse.

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By August, Ms. Shevinsky had closed her dating site to work on Glimpse. Dickinson, who had his full-time job at Business Insider, helped when he could.

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But as with many professions, Dr. Oldenziel said, once programming gained prestige, women were pushed out. Over the decades, the share of women in computing has continued to decline. This lack of women has become of greater concern in the industry for a number of reasons.

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For one, the products that the tech industry creates are shaping the future for everyone. Perhaps more fundamentally, there are simply more jobs than can be filled by available talent. Some 1. Yet at Google, less than a fifth of the engineers are women. Twenty percent of software developers are women, according to the Labor Department , and fewer than 6 percent of engineers are black or Hispanic. Comparatively, 56 percent of people in business and financial-operations jobs are women, as are 36 percent of physicians and surgeons and one-third of lawyers.

At tech start-ups, often considered the most desirable places to work, the number of women appears to be even lower. Sexism exists in many places, but start-up companies have particular qualities that can allow problems to go unchecked. The lines between work and social life are often blurry, because people tend to be young and to work long hours, and the founders and first employees are often friends. And start-ups pride themselves on a lack of bureaucracy, forgoing big-company layers like human resources departments.

They say they can move faster that way, without becoming bogged down in protocol. But a result can be an anything-goes atmosphere, said Julie Ann Horvath, a software designer and developer who publicly quit her job last month at GitHub, the coding website, saying that there was a culture of intimidation and disrespect of women. GitHub, founded in , hired a senior H. Horvath said in an interview while she still worked at GitHub.

Tech needs to grow up in a lot of ways. At GitHub, Ms. Horvath, who was the only female developer at the company when she started, said she once declined a romantic relationship with one of her co-workers.

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  8. Then, she said, she discovered that code she had written had disappeared. The man, she said, had ripped it out.

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    Horvath eventually decided that it was worth the risk, and quit. She said the people who mistreated her included a founder of the company. Horvath in a blog post and said the co-founder she complained about was put on leave and the company was investigating what happened. At bigger companies, women say harassment may be easier to stop but that other, subtler forms of sexism persist. Women often take on the role of product manager, or P. In a statement, Expedia said Ms.

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