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Continued adversities put the author nowhere. But he is now here with his latest Epic Jesus Christ. Aiming to be every where. God's longest long wait to be Man.
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To create interesting characters that people care read and care about. Easier said than done though! When I was younger: lack of anything particular to say, difficulty getting words to flow, and lack of confidence. Now: nothing. Impressive progression here. My main problem right now is completing my first project. Unlike the world in which I formed and then for decades abandoned my ambition, the current literary era allows authors to publish without the approval of gatekeepers or the investment of large sums of money. Finding those who truly care about your is one of the greatest motivations!

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But also, as you said, being able to publish your work is critical. That moment was my excuse to give up writing fiction for several decades. About one decade into that span, I found a few of her books in a bookstore. I am not generally someone who hates, but if she had walked in at that moment, I might have assaulted her.

And I will admit enjoying some schadenfreude when I discovered, perhaps three years ago, that none of her books appear to be in print. I hear this from time to time about someone in faculty. How someone had a negative impact on a potential future author always surprises me. Many writers continually second-guess themselves, self-editing constantly, which greatly slows their output.

National Novel Writing Month aka NaNoWriMo or Nano , an annual online event which challenges writers to complete a very rough draft of a novel at least 50, words long within the month of November, is a great way to overcome this tendency. Not to mention that that road is always under construction. NaNoWriMo is an excellent way to begin! Kylie is a blogger, author, introvert, professional coffee addict, incurable reader, and apparently she sings in the shower.

Yay shower singing. I love shower singing. Yes, I currently live in Sweden. I love the ability to be international. The opportunity to reach millions with our words is at our finger tips! I write non-fiction for writers, and then have a pen name for my fiction stories which are set in the fantasy genre. If so l, tell us about your studies and what led you in this direction. My love for reading was what led me to study literature. The important thing is to get the story written. And, honestly, the real work starts when the first draft is done.

My first draft can be bad, really bad I usually skip descriptions because I move so fast through the first draft , but I know that I can add that when revising the draft. I love that. This is so true! Nor can you revise a blank one. Without the clay there is no pottery. This is my experience with poetry, fiction and even blog posts! I think the idea to the first story in my fiction series came to me at the beginning of this year January or February.

The ones I have at the moment are between 4. Publishing non-fiction is quite simple, really. One of the differences between fiction and non-fiction is that non-fiction is categorized into a niche instead of a genre, and you can get a lot more eyeballs on your non-fiction because of the targeted keywords you can use both in the keywords list on Amazon, but also in the title and sub-title of your book. One of the things non-fiction is used for a lot nowadays is to grow the business behind the book. The book may serve as a lead magnet to an online course or to get people to hire you for speaking gigs, etc.

My initial thought behind my own non-fiction was like I said before to get my thoughts out on paper. And desire to help other writers? I personally have benefited from your blog and appreciate your writing. I also believe that exercises actually lead people to take action, so that was always a big part of the books. The blog has developed into something more than the books, I think, and some of my focus on the blog is to inspire people to write.

I do have posts with exercises and such, but I also publish story structure case studies because I believe story structure is such a big part of writing fiction. Please see below for links to recent posts. The most important of the questions is just, What if? The passages about resistance are golden and has helped me a lot. What initially inspired my writing was that I needed to sort out the things I had in my mind. Reading books was what initially sparked my interest for writing.

I think that a lot of people in my generation were influenced by the Harry Potter series as was I. So, while my focus right now is on fiction, writing non-fiction has helped me develop as a writer.

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  4. Full text of "The Unitarian Miscellany and Christian Monitor".

Come again! My other interview series is called, Forensic Lenses. An investigative and exploratory approach into the mind of voracious readers. My goal has always been to publish fiction. Drop us a line when you get close to finishing your fiction.

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Pinky promise? That can be really crippling. Yeah, I think fear is pretty much universal. The thought of making up stories by writing them down for the rest of my life is what keeps me going. We all have that fear. Our determination is much stronger than anything fear can muster up.

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If you have a story inside you, then I urge you to keep writing. Sure, all of us have our good and bad days, and we may want to quit on our bad days. But if you stick with it, write the crappy first draft, work hard on edits, and get your story out in the world for others to read, you will feel like the struggle was well worth it.

Brianna is a YA fantasy writer, bookworm, Christ follower and is currently editing her novel and novella. I actually graduated two years ago. My degree is in Digital Arts and Design. I get paid to make things. AKA do magic. Aw, thank you! My blog is called StoryPort.

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I have many in development, all inspired by various real-world tongues and writing systems. Thanks for sharing. I love the name Mosori and the sound of that word. Definitely sounds epic though. Zebra steak sounds rather appealing.

Much more than documents.

I started writing when I was three years old. Well, I could only dictate back then, but I knew from a very young age that I was meant to be a storyteller. When I was eleven, I first became introduced to epic fantasy and young adult literature. It has remained my main passion ever since. My goal is simple, but ambitious! I want to make a living as a self-published author, blogger, and filmmaker.

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  • In my early teens, I never finished anything, because I was always working on at least half a dozen projects at once. I was passionate about all of them. The first true novel I ever finished took me four years to write. And it was terrible.