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Jun 9, - Corpsegrinder & Strangeworlds: Anthology of Bizarre & Extreme Fiction. by L. Joseph Shosty (Goodreads Author). 2 ratings 0 reviews.
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Tregenda R. Lemmy passed away on at the age of Singer David Van Landing passed away on at the age of 51 from a car accident!

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Philthy Animal Phil Taylor passed away on November 11th at the age of AJ Pero Passed away on Ryan Stanek. Jonathan Athon. Wayne Static R. You can find us here:. Get Connected! Euronymous - Quorthon from Bathory. Latest News. Erik Lindmark. Read more. Richard Bateman.

Oli Herbert. July Releases. Barlow, J. Deathwish inc. August Releases. Violent Creek Thrash. It has all the energy, charm, excitement and flair that made Episode 4 so magical. Plus Woody Harrelson, who never fails. This movie resurrected the feelings I had when I walked out at the end of Star Wars announcing loudly to the world that I wanted to be a Jedi. Now I just want to fly with Han — or maybe go parasailing; that seems more within my reach.

Good acting, good story, good sets, good soundtrack, excellent writing. This is a worthy entry to the SW canon. The 2 guys did short bits of stand-up, poked fun at each other, went through a slide show of themselves at younger ages, talked a bit, and sang. That part was wonderful. Oh, hell no. Strangling noises. It took me 2 days to get through this. A group of OCD patients have been scheduled for appointments at the same time for the same doctor.

The receptionist tells them the doctor has been delayed, and as they wait, they first argue and make fun of each other, then try to help each other. Good acting. Amusing enough.

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Everything he says is true. I liked most of it, especially how the Brits conquered India, his take on the strongest thing in the world, and how former leader of the free world Obama learned to speak presidentially. One of the better Halloween anthologies. Much fun. I have not seen the first Unfriended. In this one, a group of somethings, who use the internet too much, run afoul of a group of online predators who are deeply into murder for pleasure. The entire movie is Skyping and computer screens, and the plot is preposterous.

That said, I found it interesting and suspenseful. In the end though, it is bleak, depressing torture porn, and that does not fly with me.

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The book Significant Zero addresses some of these issues. See above. Take a healthy helping of spring break tomfoolery. Add some zombies. There are 6 good quips — most by the comic relief Big Jim character, and his scene on the beach in which he says goodbye to his friends is faintly amusing. Beats out The Room , though. Hmmm, maybe someone could do a remake of The Room …with zombies…and a sharknado…directed by Quentin Tarantino. A 9-minute movie. A married couple has the wrong talk while holed up in a room during a zombie apocalypse.

Stay through the credits. This amount of time is more than enough. Just before and while he and Aftaab make their final run for the border, Sunny quotes from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and the scene plays out similarly to the ending of that movie. So do they make it?

The script and acting are good, especially John Goodman as the exterminator. The humor does not go overboard. My only complaint is that Dr. Jennings does not act like a man with a phobia.

His reactions would be more extreme if he truly did. The lead actor is a white man. It has the usual coincidences to move the plot along and a mostly happy ending. A Mario Bava gothic which I watched only because of the high recommendations. The story is filled with stock characters and the actors do well by them — mysterious, threatening, hysterical, mesmerized, wooden, as needed. However, those scenes e. This is a detective story posing as a Western.

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It pales in comparison to current action standards, but it was exciting for the time with mysterious murders, wrecked bridges, an Indian attack, and mano-a-mano fights on the top of the moving train cars, plus the obligatory blonde. How did he ever sustain a movie career? Highjinks ensue. PG family fare, goofy, not scary, funny in a mild-mannered way with Tom and buddies behaving like juveniles.

Until the first twist is properly introduced. Then it gets uncomfortably creepy. And the ending is freaking awesome! Based on the book The Resurrectionist. Well done all around, with Sam Rockwell playing Barris exceptionally well. The movie is not a comedy. My take is that Barris wrote a mostly fictional novel based on his show biz life, probably for money and a chance to get his name back in the news.

The movie plays the novel straight and truthful, and turns it into a complete mind-warp. I liked it — so whimsical, so classically English soft porn, so faux Gardnerian witchy, even if it does drag a bit getting to the ending. But, hey, it opens with a whip-wielding woman wearing little else but a leather hood, leather underwear, and pasties. Under the opening credits, the camera lovingly caresses a marble head. An abused wife and daughter strike back.

Or do they? Michael Gough is the scary domineering pater in this oh-so-British family drama. The rest of the cast is meh. Is Act 2 of the movie a wishful imagining of a mad mind? Hard to tell. The ending is disturbing. William Baldwin plays a cold calculating sadistic villain very well.