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Some people hear voices talking when no-one is around. Voices can speak constantly (24/7), but they can also utter occasional words or phrases. They feel stronger and more able to choose whether to listen to the voices or not. entire life since birth, watched me grow up into manhood and in fact they watch over ALL.
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Its got that I spend most of my time in my bedroom should I talk out loud no one else will hear me.

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I am currently writing several books about hearing voices. I would love to talk to you and maybe we can Lear something from one another. You can reach me at nenarazmara hotmail. Reblogged this on Far be it from me —. For everyone… I hear voices too — have done for as long as I can remember, which is well over forty years. Yes some people really have a hard time with voices they hear but is that because something is wrong in their brain chemistry or is it mostly because when they try to talk about it society treats people who are a little different the way it does — the way Eleanor describes and the way many, many others have experienced?

If we could divert just a fraction of resources that go into coercing people to take meds we might be able to actually help people learn how to live with whatever they experience so they need meds less. I have first hand experience of this, and with help from HVN of working it out. Hearing Voices as an approach is not about telling everyone what will work for them and what they need to do — how could we possibly know?

I love this. Thank you, Eleanor. In this he went on to refer directly to schizophrenia and I believed this to be true for my situation as well. What began with the professionals whom permitted and supported me in removing the medications went on to be a spiritual quest that has lead to almost 20 years un-medicated and living an independent, self-supporting life with a marriage and full time job and very full wonderful life!

I applaud you Eleanor and maybe someday we can meet and discuss. Brava, my dear, Brava!!! Pingback: What a wild ride - Butterfly Bits.

Experiences of psychosis

I do not see this as being as abnormal or odd as others. If no one had ever told her that hearing other voices and conversations in her own head was wrong she would never see herself as abnormal. Her way of representing emotions is simply less socially acceptable than other forms.

The part where she comes to the realization that deaf individuals do not hear voices, but see sign language is a incredibly important part of this Ted Talk. The majority of the population fail to realize that other people think differently. They never stop to question that maybe what goes on in their own heads might be different than someone else.

Apophenia, Audio Pareidolia and Musical Ear Syndrome

There are the keywords like hearing voices or similar keywords that jump out at people as abnormal. These labels can be incredibly damaging. Eleanor Longden has personified her emotions. She might have had any number of reasons, but what she has done is given her emotional feelings a voice. Instead of feeling a emotion, she has given them a voice. Each one represents a different emotion or feeling. We might feel guilt, sadness, depression, anger, happiness, excitement and other emotions in a quick internal debate with outselves.

What we do not realize, is we are talking to ourselves just like Eleanor Longden is. We just just have this conversation in feeling and emotions. We could stop and write out what was being said if we wanted to. What Eleanor Longden has done is simply coped with emotions in a different way. Who is to say her way is worse than anyone elses? Some people take in information in different ways. Conversation might have just made more sense to her and caused her emotions to speak to her in a way she could understand.

How many people out their complain they are an emotional wreck, or can never understand their own emotional state? In my opinion, Eleanor Longden has a gift. However, whether she does or does not have schizophrenia, this illness is a reality! Publishing unsubstantiated reports to the contrary is a huge inaccuracy. In this case the author indicated that schizophrenia as an illness was being contested worldwide — by whom? What are their credentials, research and publications?

Schizophrenia can be a horrific, disabling disease tragically destroying promising lives of those afflicted as well as the lives of their family members! This type of reporting, even with the best of intentions, place those affected, without the where-with-all to care for themselves at even greater risk of neglect and abuse.

That being said, best wishes to Eleanor; she sounds like an amazing individual. This presentation by Prof. Hey, thanks for sharing the link.

How will my baby's hearing develop?

Schizophrenia, like many mental illnesses includes a broad spectrum of sypmtoms. My fear is that people will begin to blame those afflicted for their illness, assuming that everyone with schizophrenia or dopamine dysregulation can manage it the way Eleanor did. The point you make about blame is really important! People often seem to not get the kind of help they need, then get blamed for not being able to recover — this definitely happened to a family member of mine, who could only recover after fighting for over three years to get access to therapy.

So others may join in the not so distant future. Pingback: The voices in my head: Eleanor Longden's 'psychic civil war' Orthology. Tags for this story:. The TED film festival: Conference shorts. Want to speak at TED? Enter our worldwide Idea Search. Get the TED newsletter. New talks released daily. Be the first to know! By Kate Torgovnick May. Steve McComic commented on May 18 Diamond Ozier commented on Mar 9 Steviez McElhone commented on Jan 2 Anna Kutcher-Kochov commented on Aug 17 Hi Eleanor, great job.

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And this distinctive style of baby communication has been documented in a wide range of languages, including languages indigenous to. It depends on how you define "universal. Parents who are depressed or self-conscious aren't so good at ID speech e. And some parents may be discouraged by cultural attitudes. For instance, anthropologists have reported that the Kaluli of New Guinea don't engage their babies in conversation Sheiffelin and Ochs But these cases are exceptions to the rule.

Yes, infant-directed speech is subject to individual differences and cultural influences.

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But you can say the same thing about most human behavior—including other parenting practices, like breastfeeding. So some researchers are comfortable characterizing infant-directed speech as a human universal. Indeed, researchers like Anne Fernald and Mary Monnot have argued that baby talk is an evolved, species-specific adaptation Fernald ; Monnot According to this idea, infant-directed speech evolved to facilitate baby communication.

It's a tutorial style of speech, one designed to help babies develop social skills, forge stronger emotional attachments, and learn language. In a classic experiment, researchers Robin Cooper and Richard Aslin presented 2-day old infants with audio recordings of adult speech. The babies could control how long each playback lasted by turning their heads toward a loudspeaker. In some trials, babies heard infant-directed speech.

Why your baby prefers infant-directed speech

Similar experiments have been performed on older babies, with the same results. In one study, five-month-old babies showed a preference for strangers who addressed them with infant-directed speech, even after the talking had ended Schachner and Hannon But the behavior of newborns seems especially compelling. Experimental research has shown that babies' brains pay more attention to infant-directed speech. In one study of 3-month old infants, researchers played back recordings of adult voices to sleeping babies.

In other trials, they heard adult-directed speech. When sleeping babies listened to the baby talk, they experienced an increased blood flow to the frontal area of their brains Saito et al Similarly, cognitive neuroscientists have measured event-related potentials, or ERPs, in 6- and month old babies as they listened to both infant-directed and adult-directed speech.

Experiments have shown that infants listen longer to songs when they are sung in a higher pitch Trainor and Zacharias There is also evidence that human mothers raise voice pitch when they want to get the attention of a seemingly bored infant Niwano and Sugai For example, macaque monkeys use high-pitched calls to get the attention of other group members Koda and Masataka But why should human infants show such this preference?

It could be that it's easier for them to pick out high-pitched voices against background noise. Alternatively, babies might perceive high-pitched voices as less aggressive Kalashnikova et al And it might be a byproduct of the infant's interest in his or her own voice. According to this idea, infants are motivated to attend to their own voices because they need to fine-tune the speech sounds they make. Infant-directed speech might command attention for other reasons, too, such as the greater range of pitch, and more exaggerated emotional tone.

Cultures vary widely in the amount of emotion that is conveyed in speech. But within a given culture, infant-directed speech is more demonstrative and emotional. It seems likely.

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After all, some Americans speak to their pets in a sing-song, emotionally-exaggerated way Mitchell ; Burnam et al Your dog might not understand the words, but he does understand the tone. In an interesting cross-cultural experiment, researchers played back recordings of American English-speaking mothers to adults of the Shuar, an indigenous South American group that practices hunting and horticulture Bryant and Barrett The Shuar adults could reliably identify which utterances were baby talk. In one study, Stanford University researcher Anne Fernald and colleagues presented 5-month old American babies with speech they had never heard before: Vocalizations of approval and prohibition spoken in German, Italian, and Japanese.