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It also gave plenty of employment to lawyers and accountants. But, having started the race to the bottom, Janklow was damned if any other state was going to beat him there. So, in , he created the trust taskforce to make sure South Dakota was going as fast as it could. Thanks to the taskforce, South Dakota now gives its clients tricks to protect their wealth that would have been impossible 30 years ago. In most jurisdictions, trusts have to benefit someone other than the benefactor — your children, say, or your favourite charity — but in South Dakota, clients can create a trust for the benefit of themselves indeed, Sun Hongbin is a beneficiary of his own trust.

Once two years have passed, the trust is immune from any creditor claiming a share of the assets it contains, no matter the nature of their claim.

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A South Dakotan trust is secret, too. Court documents relating to it are kept private for ever, to prevent knowledge of its existence from leaking out. It also has the useful side effect of making it all but impossible for journalists to find out who is using South Dakotan trusts, or what legal challenges to them have been filed. Other states impose limits on how a purpose trust can care for a pet, on the principle that perhaps there are better things to do with millions of dollars than groom a dog, but South Dakota takes no chances.

The client is always right. D espite all its legal innovating, South Dakota struggled for decades to compete with offshore financial centres for big international clients — Middle Eastern petro-sheikhs perhaps, or billionaires from emerging markets. Why would any of them put their assets in the US, where they might become vulnerable to American law enforcement, when they could instead put them in a tax haven where enforcement was more … negotiable? That calculation changed in , in the aftermath of the great financial crisis.

Many American voters blamed bankers for costing so many people their jobs and homes. When a whistleblower exposed how his Swiss employer, the banking giant UBS, had hidden billions of dollars for its wealthy clients, the conclusion was explosive: banks were not just exploiting poor people, they were helping rich people dodge taxes, too.

The great American tax haven: why the super-rich love South Dakota | World news | The Guardian

Congress responded with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Fatca , forcing foreign financial institutions to tell the US government about any American-owned assets on their books. The tax-evading appeal of places like Jersey, the Bahamas and Liechtenstein evaporated almost immediately, since you could no longer hide your wealth there. How was a rich person to protect his wealth from the government in this scary new transparent world?

Fortunately, there was a loophole.

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CRS had been created by lots of countries together, and they all committed to telling each other their financial secrets. But the US was not part of CRS, and its own system — Fatca — only gathers information from foreign countries; it does not send information back to them. This loophole was unintentional, but vast: keep your money in Switzerland, and the world knows about it; put it in the US and, if you were clever about it, no one need ever find out. The US was on its way to becoming a truly world-class tax haven. Tobin added that many foreign clients had wealth in another jurisdiction, and worried that information about it could be reported to their home country, thanks to CRS.

They could be at risk of losing their wealth, it could be taken from them. How does that help? Banks in Florida and Texas are welcoming cash from Venezuela and Mexico, realtors in Los Angeles are selling property to Chinese potentates, and New York lawyers are arranging these transactions for anyone that wants them to. W e have no idea yet what this means in the long term, because the revolution in trust law that began in South Dakota and spread throughout the US is only a generation old.

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