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Adventures of Ameer Hamza: The Legend Begins - Kindle edition by Hassan Zaidi, Vijayakanth, Marina Primorac. Download it once and read it on your Kindle​.
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Jinns come into the picture regularly, with Amir Hamza spending 18 years basically trapped in their parallel universe, with its pocket universes tilisms , fighting against various evil jinns and demons, but in service of dishonest, faithless jinns who keep breaking their promises to let him go home.

Anyone who has worked in adjunct hell, of in a non-union shop, will find this all tediously familiar. When it isn't about war, it's about court intrigue, with various parties plotting against each other, trying to get their enemies killed or exiled.

Sahibqirani: An Ideal of Kingship and Manhood in the Romance of Amir Hamza

Sometimes they just go for the killing, outright. The world is magical, basically a religious fantasy.

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The heroes have weapons that belonged to Solomon or other Biblical figures Solomon seems to have been more heavily armed than the Old Testament would lead you to believe. Unfortunately these lands all feel pretty much the same in description though the Chinese folks ride rhinos into battle , so the audience has to do most of the work with their own imaginations. Land is either arid or jungle. The sea is treacherous. If you must travel by air, a flying throne seems best.

As with many of these epics, the stories become utterly repetitious after a while I can only imagine what the 4,page version is like , but they would have been experienced one chapter at a time over quite a stretch, the soap operas of their time, so the modern reading experience isn't at all reflective of the original intent. I found this a bit more entertaining than Water Margin or Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and less weighty than Mahabharata but without the tedious end-sermons.

Basically the theme seems to be that nobody ever learns their lessons, but some folks can be convinced to swap loyalties at the point of a sword. That's unfair, of course. The running storyline is that characters are forced to convert to Islam at the point of a sword, though, so it's not entirely unfair. One reads it to understand the history of storytelling. Mar 29, Kathy Chung rated it really liked it Shelves: asian , fantasy. The story in this book is something like The Arabian Nights Tales. It's a really beautiful tale.

The wordings were flowery and meaningful. I couldn't help laughing at the tricks he played on people and marvel at all his brilliant ideas. To enjoy this book, it have to be read with and open mind. Please do not let the differences in religion to hinder the joy of reading it.

Sep 21, Leslie Ann rated it really liked it Shelves: childrens , fantasy. I prefer this book to Shahnameh because it focuses on a smaller cast of characters and has some lovely sentences at the beginning of each chapter. Just look at how Book 2 starts: The imperious pen departs to conquer the dominions of rhetoric, girding itself to trek the blank stretches of paper, and delivers the account of Amir's journey, painting a host of new episodes and choice encounters before the mind's eye.

I was impressed less by the conquests of Amir than by the trickery of his ayyar, I prefer this book to Shahnameh because it focuses on a smaller cast of characters and has some lovely sentences at the beginning of each chapter. I was impressed less by the conquests of Amir than by the trickery of his ayyar, Amar.

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I was also surprised by how Amir finally succumbs to his mortality. Regardless, this book would make a great cartoon series.

A sprawling adventure epic. The last section gets a bit tedious because it's all slight variations on the theme of Hamza fighting the monstrous champion of an opposing army. Oct 20, Anandh Sundar rated it really liked it. The book is very well written-I read the translated version by Musharaf Ali Farooqi so might have missed out the beauty of the original version. The stories are interesting as also the rich vocabulary-though I liked the Persian nights and Sinbad better.

Hamari itni khataon par bhi nibha rahe Hain madeene Hamza Khaleelabad. New Naat 2020

For those wanting a well written as opposed to dumbed down version of fables and epics,this is a good choice. Jan 19, Jay Mehta rated it really liked it. Wonderfully entertaining, ancient stories that used to be passed down via oral tradition. They were finally written down during the Mughal dynasty. Now here they are for your convenience in a hardcover. Aug 19, Lucy rated it it was amazing.

Wonderful, ancient classic classic. Unfortunately I haven't had time to finish it. So exquisitely detailed that I can't skim it. Dec 10, Zach VandeZande rated it liked it. I probably would've liked this book a lot more if I weren't on a tight deadline to get it read. Dastans are meant to be sort of neverending stories, and Amir Hamza certainly lives up to that. Feb 12, Edward rated it really liked it. Very Arabian Nights--ish. If you like silly adventure and supernatural powers-- fun.

The Middle East version of the Iliad. Jul 09, Ali rated it really liked it. If you wanna know what Inspired stories like lord of the rings and Harry potter and other adventurous magical tales Jun 18, Alice Paterra rated it liked it Shelves: general-interest , books-read-for-my-job. I read this because I thought it would help me understand the Muslim culture. It's important to understand where people are coming from. But using a book of fairy tales is a mistake; I would hate to think Christians were represented by tales recorded by the brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, or Hans Christian Andersen.

Still, the book has interest as a book itself; I enjoyed the stories and the presentation, and I would recommend it. I couldn't get my library patrons to read it, though. Jun 05, readerswords rated it it was ok Shelves: fiction , india , urdu. I read only a few pages of the book and while it is a fascinating read, it is too descriptive and long for me to read now.

Maybe a couple of decades ago I had more patience for this sort of writing. Still, it was wonderful to discover the existence of this book and it came as a pleasant surprise that such a work even existed in Urdu and was widely read till a half a century or so back. Dec 09, Aqsa added it. A wacky read, one learns that exaggeration is an art and thoroughly enjoys the continuous buoyant mood of this book.

Adventures of Ameer Hamza: The Legend Begins by Hassan Zaidi, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

A trip down the memory lane, for the characters are all too familiar. Humor, clever humor peppered with the elements of a legend, make this an interesting read and a worthy reading suggestion.

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Jan 06, Meri rated it liked it Shelves: mythology-folklore. Fairy tales are always much more interesting before the church in power takes hold of them. You can see this with Grimm's: it has its stories about evil cannibalistic queens and those about Christian men teaching those godless Jews a lesson. Well, Amir Hamza had some great stories about court intrigues and master thieves, but then he starts just converting everyone to Islam.

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