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Unique kindness ideas that you can do today. Ask your students to draw examples of random acts of kindness or illustrate what kindness means to them.
Table of contents

Host at least one block party this year. Do more random acts of kindness. Try something new for 30 days. If you […]. Here is a link to acts of kindness that you can do with your […]. No money needs to be spent either. Check out this amazing list. Click HERE. These are wonderful ideas for families to try together from a fun […].

Includes a free printable.

Kindness Matters

Pick a few RAOKs random acts of kindness to do together. Here are ideas you can choose […]. Make sure to download and print the full list to keep the kindness going. It was a small group but they were happy to be learning about doing good in our community. The children listened to a book about being kind from Miss Marsha, then assisted Miss Asya and Miss Marsha in making a thank you card for our hard working downstairs library staff.

It was very sweet and very kind!

50 Kindness Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Day

One act at a time! Every smile […]. Of course, we continue crafting and painting and joined in on a Acts of Kindness Challenge that end on February 14th. We are tracking our acts of kindness with a paper linked chain which […]. This would be great to pass out at the end […]. For more great ways that you can be kind to others, check out this random acts of kindness list that is filled with many […]. In creating my list, I was inspired the lists here: 1 2 3 4 5 […].

If you have a question about what one of the acts of kindness is or want more ideas click on the […]. We have heard these rules all our lives, but sometimes we forget to follow them, or […]. And lastly, Random Acts of Kindness are wonderfully positive ways to teach the beauty of good deeds and selflessness to children… […].

They provided me with this list of ideas to get our creative juices […]. A great website for random acts of kindness. Day, and February 14th try to do acts of kindness together. We are reading beautiful verses and illustrating them. At the end of the month, we will have a completed project, a January Journal, full of beautiful illustrations from the Bible. Our Community Service project will be focused on Kindness.

Students will have the entire month of February to complete acts of kindness. Each student received a paper today regarding the project. Each time one of the acts of kindness are completed, then the date it is completed needs to be written by the actual number or task. On Friday, we will take a Prayer Walk around the school and ask God to surround our school.

Each student received a paper last week regarding the project. Remember, the Kindness Project is due at the end of the month. We have been asked to put together everything except for the sermon. What a privilege we have been given! Today, we talked about who might be interested in what. Students will be getting Bible credit for their participation. With it being a few weeks away, hopefully this will give you time to make arrangements to be here. For this week, we have a memory verse test on Friday. It will be fill-in-the-blanks.

Also, remember that the Kindness Project is due on Thursday, March 1. On a side note, we are pausing on the Student Sabbath. There was a confusion of church […]. You can get ideas for sayings and acts here! Some […]. Check out this post with a printable list of Acts of Kindness for Kids. Print out this Acts of Kindness and choose some activities as a […]. Not sure where to start?

70 Simple Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Every Day

This site has some great […]. Your email address will not be published. Share Tweet Pin shares. Lavender Playdough. Comments Hi, Megan! Oh Ellen! You have really made my day…. Thank you!

Random Acts of Kindness - Faith In Humanity Restored - Good People 2019

Love this story!! Love this list! We often forget how easy it is to b e kind.

50 Simple Acts of Kindness

Can we use your kindness items as part of a larger summer activity for building a better world? Great job! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. This site uses cookies: Find out more. After reading the 50 ideas here I have been trying to compliment my staff and others at work more often than usual.

  1. Jerry climbs a tree: A Happy Story.
  2. Deeper Blue: A Guide to Authoring Your Own Life!
  3. Ireland changed my life.
  4. One Million Acts of Kindness;
  5. Sancho.
  6. You feel connected to others;
  7. Stone Rivers.

It felt weird in the beginning but, now I am able to say it without difficulty. The tip is. Don't think I did all of these! I love them every body thanked me! These are great ideas.

Of The Best Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

I've already completed several of them, and I'm excited for a myriad more of them. I'm also going to stick up flyers with some of these ideas around my community, with a link to this website. It's pretty amazing. Happy to be a RAKtivist, and I hope others could join in as well. Volunteer in a community center and help people that would like to learn how to read. These are very simple and easy to do which is great! I can't wait to do some of these. There are several which I have already done accidentally but am excited to complete the list!

Thanks for the inspiration!


Share Tweet Pin sign in to favorite this post. Want to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day today? Here are 50 fun ideas to do anywhere. February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day! Pick a number Got it? Compliment the first three people you talk to today. Send a positive text message to five different people right now.

Post inspirational sticky notes around your neighborhood, office, school, etc. Then give them a dollar. Donate old towels or blankets to an animal shelter. Say hi to the person next to you on the elevator. Surprise a neighbor with freshly baked cookies or treats! Let someone go in front of you in line who only has a few items. Leave a gas gift card at a gas pump. Throw a party to celebrate someone just for being who they are, which is awesome. Have a LinkedIn account?