Parrot und Olivier in Amerika: Roman (German Edition)

Parrot und Olivier in Amerika ist ein Roman des australischen Schriftstellers Peter Carey. Das Buch erschien unter dem Titel Parrot and Olivier in America.
Table of contents

The main character in Repulsion experiences the triggering of psychosis and completely shuts herself off from the outside world. In the beginning, a couple of shipwreck survivors are rescued as they float on a raft, only to be once again drifting on this 'prison' at the end of the film. He has repeatedly returned to the topic. Death and the Maiden showed desire for revenge as one of the basic human instincts.

Carnage , based on the play by Yasmina Reza, is a comedy written for four characters that conveys a game of semblances. Some accuse him of misogyny, while others see the pictures he creates as a proclamation of the superiority of the mythical Woman. In Bitter Moon , a young woman mutilates her older lover.

In the film, sex is a means of executing violence the torturers rape the main character, and years later she gags them with her underwear , and Eros and Thanatos embrace tightly in a disturbingly seductive dance. In Death and the Maiden , the need of revenge felt by the leading feminine character was pacified by masculine exigencies in a systemic order. Although throughout the film she seems to have been the victim of a conspiracy, in the last scene Rosemary accepts the role of a mother, and her tender smile has something triumphant about it — even the devil will be subject to her will and depend on her care.

Life in the Works, Works in the Life. It remains one of the strangest, most shocking films of his career, and received very mixed reviews. Public opinion in the U. He spent months in house arrest in Gstaad. The film was created in , starring Pierce Brosnan and Ewan McGregor, and met with very enthusiastic reviews.

The Pianist is not the only film in which he reflected his childhood traumas. It oscillates between a faith in the power of cinematic convention and an untamed imagination. Her observation holds true for his most recent picture, Venus in Fur , which tells the story of a director who becomes the erotic victim of an actress. While directing Pirates , he took on the perspective of a child, drawing on classics of adventurous cinema, and in The Fearless Vampire Killers , he created one of the best parodies of vampire films. He also took to irony on the theatre stage.

Dugin’s America

A Life Memoir , dir. A scene based on a true childhood event. A murderer comes into a room and stabs a sleeping man dead with a knife. A group of hooligans interrupts a party.

A snoop watches a woman from a bathroom window. The woman's face cannot be seen through her hair. The snoop goes away for a moment and when he is back, he can see a grinning man instead of a woman. Two men carry a wardrobe with a mirror.

Parrot und Olivier in Amerika – Wikipedia

This serves as a pretext to show a variety of cruel, shocking and sometimes funny scenes. The idea of a wardrobe with a mirror was undoubtedly inspired by Franciszka and Stefan Themersons' film Adventures of a Kind Man. Far-from-romantic present-day reality clashes with retrospectives of romantic past with mallows, uhlans and characters from sentimental songs. Illustrated with archetypal paintings styled as canvasses by Kossak, Grottger, Malczewski and other painters of Poland's glorious past, and as cheap paintings bought on Church feast days.

An ironic film mocking the lofty tone of "the Polish School" of filmmaking. After a toy shop is closed, a fire bursts out and consumes doll bodies resembling human bodies. The Fat One sits in an armchair and takes advantage of his position to bully the Lean One. The Fat One is the master, the Thin One his obedient servant. This is a film about the arbitrariness of the notion of freedom.

Two travelers walk through a snow desert. Initially they support each other and, using the sledge, take turns to get rest. Gradually the true human nature starts to take over the principles and each traveler is ready to exploit the other to his own benefit, using ruses and force. A formally interesting and visually sophisticated film. Creative use of a white prop bandage against the white backdrop of the snow.


A sophisticated, playful and ironic portrayal of the fashion world. The short premiered at the Cannes International Film Festival in She lives in Austin, Texas. Elizabeth Haidle is a freelance artist based in Portland, Oregon. She is the creative director and designer for Illustoria magazine, a publication for creative kids and their grownups. Her concept art appears in the Labor Movement exhibit of the Smithsonian Museum and also educational video games produced by MidSchool Math.

Past publications include Mind-Afire: Founded in in California, 2 Seas Agency has managed to implement a new way of selling foreign rights. We opened our European office in Portugal in , headed by Junior Agent Chrysothemis Armefti, and have worked remotely with interns based in amongst others Brazil, France, Scotland, and Italy. We pay regular visits to international book fairs and publishing cities: Please visit our main website for more information. They are also generally super cool people!

Am I wrong in thinking that Rand was never very popular outside the US? So, regardless of ancestry and place of birth and education, she seems like an essentially American phenomenon. That crossed my mind as a possibility. Ideally, Dugin could even participate directly. Dugin posted this review to his Facebook wall yesterday. Right because the Americans close to New Right should have the explanation of the reason of their pitiful state and have the inner enemies.

My vision is US seen outside. This picture is common in general to the Russians, Asians and also partly Europeans. That is not my lack of understanding but the divergency between outward image and inward one of USA. So I would wish to America to be better and to accomplish the inner Revolution against the inner enemy. I support that and I forgive any critics against myself on the condition that American New Right will progress and develop in US. He has energy and vitality and he is reaching for the stars. He is delineating a mental space not a concrete place.

The argument should be about that, not whether his perceptions of America is correct or not. But Rich Mercier would go to the states and ask Americans what they thought about something that was totally absurd that he claimed Canadians did. We would just hoot with the answers given. I think it is just tragic that Americans let their government oppress them so much.

I always thought that the American spirit was adventure, innovation, and determination. We Canadians were supposed to be the placid ones. The dark side of all your heros have been thrown in your face. This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper. Great writing, as always. Dugin is not anti-American. Like anyone sensible, he denounces the American political and economic systems, not America as a whole. This is briefly addressed here: Dugin refers to Ayn Rand as a liberal because she is one, according to the classic definition of liberalism, which is synonymous which capitalism.

All writers outside of the US and the UK refer to capitalist thinkers as liberals.

Parrot und Olivier in Amerika

Yes, Dugin denounces racial supremacy of any type, but he does not disagree with the importance of maintaining racial differences, which is fundamental to his thought, since multiculturalism is part of liberalism. This is not specific to Dugin alone but is the general attitude of the entire European New Right.

They have published many books about race. Dugin is well aware of the Jewish question and has written about it on several occasions. Here is just one example in English: He does not write about the Jews to the exclusion of all else. As the NANR should learn, eventually you have to get past obsessing about the Jews and actually decide what you want to do, which is where Dugin is way ahead of us. As should go without saying after reading the essay linked above, Dugin has never expressed philo-Semitism of any kind.

So to say that he is attempting to adapt Western ideas for the Russian situation is ridiculous, since he refers to as many Russian thinkers as European ones and American ones as well. As for saying that the philosophy of a particular nation is unique to that nation and that one alone, and therefore has no relevance to any other nation, that is just stupid. Later on in the book, he calls for a rebellion against the White American male, does he not? That interpretation was what I began with and what survived the first several chapters. It did not survive his chapter on gender.

I would love to know the titles and perhaps any reviews in English. I respect and understand that. That would indeed be stupid if that were what I meant. There are some things, especially historical narratives, which are as mythic as they are factual. As the balance of the comments demonstrates, this issue is a major stumbling block to spreading his ideas here. My article attempted to contextualize his anti-American rhetoric and encourage Americans to explore his ideas despite those concerns. We need to give up on this view of an idealized America that no longer exists, if it ever did.

America today is absolutely represented by people such as them. Secular Judaism and American culture are synonymous today. Precious little is available. There have been some articles written by those hostile to the New Right in English. Again, this was addressed mainly to one of the comments, not to your article. But as for the historical narratives, those outside America have an ability to look at the realities of America that is untainted by all of the illusions that we adopt here to get through everyday life.

Very often, their criticisms hit closer to the mark of those realities than those of many who are supposedly on our side, and reflect truths that they sometimes have difficulty acknowledging.

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Yes, and I appreciate that, although I disagree with your conclusions. I should mention that Dugin posted your article to his own Facebook wall today, somewhat to my surprise. The US government often serves as a surrogate for Jewish power and has for years. As I detailed in my longer response, Dugin HAS addressed the Jewish question, on many occasions, so the point is moot. My point is, he actually writes about other topics as well.

From some of the comments I see here at CC and elsewhere on English-language sites, I sometimes get the impression that many people would prefer that we should ONLY talk about Jews and race. That is not any kind of Right that I want to be involved with. Yes, I read the article. My point is that whatever he does in his secondary writings, Dugin does not appear to address Jews in his fourth political theory.

Yet he appears to claim it provides a comprehensive analysis of liberal modernity and a solution for its problems. In the article you linked up above, Dugin addressed the JQ in terms of tensions and incompatibilities between the Jewish and non-Jewish worldviews. Lew, you can talk about the Jewish problem all day long, but I have discovered that taking a break from it every now and then does indeed help one think more in-depth about other issues.

I would still be reading books that focus mainly on Jews. Seriously, people need to relax sometimes to put things into perspective. I take only two small paragraph from http: Therefore all our manifestations — lofty and shabby, comely and terrifying — are sanctified by otherworldly senses, by rays of the otherworldly city, are washed by transcendent moisture. In the abundance of the national Grace the good and the evil are mixed, pour from one to another, and suddenly the dark lightens, whereas something white becomes a mere hell.

We are as unknowable as the Absolute.


We are a divine nation. With his method you can justify everything. Including torching the planet. It looks some mambo-jumbo of a mad man rationalizing some multi million killings. I agree there should not be an exclusive focus on Jews. The West is facing many problems. Jewish influence is one important problem but not the only one. Therefore, discussing it makes sense in some contexts but not others.

No thinker should be allowed to get away with spreading incorrect or deliberately misleading information without JQ-aware Rightists responding. In some cases, friendly correction might be in order. In others, pointing out lies by omission that intended to mislead people might be in order. If he visits Western European counties,US and maybe some Asian or African country, not only visit but live there for few years, even more importantly to free himself from any preconceptions, he will think differently.

It seems that there are some supra-economic forces which are paramount. It seems like he just cobbled a philosophy together and is now trying to market it. Western ideas will not work for them. Dugin would be well-advised to start over. A lot of Western philosophers such as Carl Schmitt or Alain de Benoist have ideas to offer that are useful to anyone.

Just watch out for that stuff. In the seventies many Romanian Agricultural engineers visited America to learn from their American counterparts thanks to Richard Nixon. They came back with so much respect for the American farmers and America. It was unearthed after and supposedly it was still working. Does anyone imagine such a powerful critique to the modern-jewish world happening anywhere else in the world than America? The problem is that America is no longer America.

With all of its historical mistakes, with all the jewish power, for many, America remains the only real chance for all of us. Dugin is a good proof that this is the case indeed. The previous posters dissected the problem all too well. I was talking about the present. And yes, Americans bombed my country too and mostly civilian undefended targets like trains with refugees and even churches drop your bombs on villages, Ploiesti was too heavily protected. But also America offers things like CC and not only. As if America has only dark facets and the Soviet Empire only the bright ones.

If the American nationalists have shame and remorse and some idea regarding the justice and fair-play, let me tell you that the Dugins have none. He is trying to hijack your fair-play and turn it in a guilt. If America recedes, that empty place will be filled by another empire. Angrier and hungrier than ever. With an infinitely savager record, the Dugins feel no shame and no remorse. Instead they are painting it in the brightest colors. It makes me sick! The Russians are much more blase and dormant than the Americans.

Any revival of the Soviet Empire will only shut down any surviving nationalists remained. They will go on mission much easier than than the Americans in Afghanistan. If it is about defending Russia, then nationalism is good. When invading others, bombing and raping to oblivion, when stealing, falsifying, plundering — it is in the name of the best empire the world has seen.

Great comment in general, and there is some evidence for this claim. There is this tendency among American Rightists to treat the enemies of our enemies as our friend. This has got to change. Islam is no friend and neither is Putin or the Russian government. He ought to be so called.

Of course, that was never the idea at all. But the opposite thesis seems to be the guiding principle of Putin and his followers: Not only the destruction of any social action by Russians, but the colonization of the country by tens of millions of foreigners—both legal and illegal immigrants.

Migrants, you know, are pleased to become slaves of the liberal bureaucracy, but the native peoples of Russia demand a welfare state and government that is accountable to them. Because on the labour market, an immigrant who has no rights, no capacity to defend his interests, is much more profitable for an employer than a native resident, who, upon being hired, demands that his rights be observed and that there be payments into his retirement fund and other benefits. In the typically bourgeois formula of Calvin Coolidge, the business of Russia Inc.

For the global civilization that Russians are entreated to join, there is no value higher. I should probably mention that Dugin is as critical of Putin as he has been supportive of him. Thank you very much. I missed this article of Mark Hackard. When an entity behaves exactly the same for more than one thousand years, one might extrapolate about the future of that entity. We need to save the Western culture and civilization, strengthening and healing it from the jewish harms: Guess no one wants to weep for what he had and never have again for the sake of a sadistic imperial gangster.

This is why the splendor of the Occident must endure. It seems clear to me that most intelligent Russian nationalists have already realized that they need to move forward and develop positive relationships with other Europeans. Germans, for example, have transformed entirely, and now have more pan-European leanings than ever before certainly their old anti-Slavic attitudes are largely gone; in most of them, that is. But the imperialists from Russia. Be them Russian, jewish or easily manipulated masses. Russia for Russians indeed. But Bessarabia for Romanians.

The Russians should have nothing to say about these peoples and countries. These countries are not Russia. When year after year they celebrate their victories against smaller people, how they scientifically denationalize, enslave, deport, imprison, falsify the history, distort the language, they are not talking about nationalism. They are talking about the most sinister imperialism. That positive part about Soviet Union is easily scattered when seeing a list of wars, border incidents and provocations in which the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation has been involved against their much smaller neighbors.

The fact that this brand of imperialism is hurting the Russian people should be obvious for the Russian leaders. Unfortunately it is not. As any other Russian and Soviet leaders they are not fighting for the wellbeing of the Russian people. You can not complain that Russia is depopulating yet you maintain so many colonies in an effort to occupy others.

These leaders are fighting to erase everyone else. They are not defending Russia by occupying controlling economically, military, politically, culturally through their jewish proxies as always small countries as Republic of Moldova. They are plundering an already weakened and defenseless population.

There are innumerable jews plundering Moldova with the support from the Russian Federation. They are insuring the constant flux of weapons, drugs, organs and blond sex slaves. Sometimes ago, NYPD arrested a human and organs trafficking ring of rabbis. Humans and organs from Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova.

Everything smuggled through those pieces of land controlled by the Russian Army. How many arrests in this part of the world? This is the real face of the Russian imperialism. Probably they should shut down the immense lying machine, stop saving other and start to save themselves, put the thugs and punks behind bars not in the Army, Secret Services or Parliament. Of course this is true for everybody else too. We might not like such a Jew-washing, but politically and culturally speaking the only ways one should expect foreigners to interact with America there is no other truth.

If we on the NR have broken the Jewish thought control, then each of us certainly feels like a foreigner in our own county. He thought I was joking and I left it at that. Instead, what they need from us is to keep doing what we are doing — thinking critically, teaching each other, and fighting for the race, against degeneration, etc. My enemy is modernity and the bourgeois form of life — and that includes who — and I mean every who, including the remaining fibers of my being that are infected with the bourgeois rot — keeps us enslaved to modern man.

I feel that Dugin is fighting the same enemy. Anyone willing to compromise anything about the greatness of the West is going to rub me the wrong way. I give Matt credit, though, for having lived in a totally different America than the Southern and Northern urban centers in which I have had the great misfortune of living. Being around conservative in a close-to-the-land way white folk has a way of making one forget about urban white folk.

So when I hear Dugin talking about America, he is, in fact, talking about my America. I feel that America is the greatest mistake in human history. But, I am not fighting to save America, nor are any of us. The fact that our right wing is composed of people who are excited about their right to wield a gun and vote Ron Paul is beyond disturbing.

Strong stuff, but all too true. What is your objection to gun ownership? Their intransigent position on gun rights might be and probably is one of the few issues they get right. I am heavily armed myself with a wide variety of firearms and many thousands of rounds on hand. My grandmother, great aunts, mother and aunts used to walk the streets of New Orleans alone in those days.

If you go to the same areas today, you will be taking a chance on getting killed. How did it get subverted so fast?