Agro-Technology (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Biology)

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Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Biology - NHBS

Humans have been modifying plants and animals for millennia. The dawn of molecular genetics, however, has kindled intense public scrutiny and controversy.

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Crops, and the food products which include them, have dominated molecular modification in agriculture. Organisations have made unsubstantiated claims and scare mongering is common. In this textbook Paul Thompson presents a clear account of the significant issues - identifying harms and benefits, analysing and managing risk - which lie beneath the cacophony of public controversy.

His comprehensive analysis looks especially at genetically modified organisms, and includes an explanation of the scientific background, an analysis of ideological objections, a discussion of legal and ethical concerns, a suggested alternative - organic agriculture - and an examination of the controversy's impact on sub-Saharan African countries. His book will be of interest to students and other readers in philosophy, biology, biotechnology and public policy.

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Save Extra with 1 offer. Review 'Thompson brings his considerable knowledge of biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, and his prowess at keen philosophical analysis, to bear on a biological process and system essential to human life - agriculture.

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Environmental Crisis or Crisis of Epistemology? Saving More Than Seeds. Ethics of Animal Use.

The Rise of the U. Science and Technology Ethics. Eating in the Dark. New Dimensions in Bioethics. A Textbook of Biotechnology. An Executive Summary of J. Craig Venter's 'Life at the Speed of Light: Surface Modification of Biomaterials. Technology, Transgenics and a Practical Moral Code.

Agro-Technology: A Philosophical Introduction

Antifouling Surfaces and Materials. Nanostructuring Operations in Nanoscale Science and Engineering. Ethical Issues in Biotechnology. Safe or Not Safe. A Tapestry of Values.

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Microtechnology for Cell Manipulation and Sorting. Functional Nucleic Acids for Analytical Applications. Cell Culture Engineering VI. Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering. Transgenics and the Poor. Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Biology. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.

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