The Southern Generals (Northern Generals Book 2)

2 (Western Theater in the Civil War) [Lawrence Lee Hewitt, Thomas E. Schott] on In Confederate Generals in the Trans-Mississippi, Volume 2, noted Civil War.
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Morgan shot up the ranks of the Confederate Army and in November of , he was officially promoted to Brigadier General of Cavalry in the 51st Alabama Partisan Rangers.

Let's play Ultimate General: Civil War EP:2 Confederate

His division mostly fought in the Western Theatre during the war. Following the war, Morgan would be elected to the US senate in representing Alabama, a seat he held onto for thirty years until he died in It is to be noted that John T. Morgan was an outspoken racist, a slaveholder, and a supporter of Jim Crow laws in the South following the abolition of slavery.

During his time in senate, he worked tirelessly to repeal the fifteenth amendment that made denying voting rights based on race illegal.

List of American Civil War generals (Confederate)

While this has been alleged, there is no physical evidence to suggest that it is true. He is also noted for leading the final Confederate Charge at the battle of Appomattox on April 9, , which was one of the final battles of the Civil War. Following the War, Lee would go on to be the governor of Virginia, a diplomat in Cuba, and would be one of the few Confederate generals to be recommissioned as an officer within the US army.

Lee later died in the capital of the country he once fought against, Washington DC, in January of This leads us back to the question of why would confederate generals write a book that was produced and distributed by Northerners? This could be for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that perhaps these generals were trying to get back into the good graces of the American government following the war. Many of those that fought for the south did not want to do so because they hated the Union.

Many soldiers, in fact, loved the Union. One of the most prominent of these men is Robert E.

General officers in the Confederate States Army - Wikipedia

If I owned the four millions of slaves in the South, I would sacrifice them all to the Union; but how can I draw my sword upon Virginia, my native State? To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Learn more about Amazon Prime. This story is the counterpart to The Northern Generals.

  1. The Generals Speak, Should We Listen?: 10 Confederate Memoirs | HistoryNet!
  2. List of Confederate Generals;
  3. Kindle Feature Spotlight.
  4. General officers in the Confederate States Army.
  5. Nine Days To Extinction.

Like its predecessor, this book presents the qualities of leadership of prominent generals in our Civil War. Parts of the strategic picture, and occasionally tactics of the battlefield, are given so one may visualize the generals, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the difficulties that produced friction.

The scope of the fighting seems to bind the whole together; the story of these generals makes up a large part of the canvas.

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Generalship and leadership are interesting subjects—why one man succeeds and another fails. He inspires beyond group esprit. Some possessed tremendous courage of every type. Some, on both sides, make one think of statements Jimmy Cannon wrote for Sport Magazine about an opponent of his friend, the heavyweight champion of the world, Joe Lewis: But more unfortunate than these are the ones with sufficient courage who betray themselves intentionally by relying solely on caution. Confederate generals soon found themselves under greater pressure than their Northern opposites, for when the Confederates started to lose, tempers frayed, jealousies magnified, and arguments and hatred developed.

President Jefferson Davis, devoted as he was to his cause, lacked in instances the ability to place the mission above the personality of the leader involved in a controversy or problem. Davis seemed to shrink in stature as the war rolled on, while President Abraham Lincoln grew in competence. It is a problem to scale any man into the pages of a book, particularly the outstanding general of the war, Robert E.

Confederate Generals

He has been frozen into legend. The South has almost deified him, and people everywhere acknowledge his greatness on the battlefields. This has hindered an insight into the man himself. In the hundred years since he surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant, the flesh-and-blood Lee has been overlooked; he has become a King Arthur.

Confederate Generals in the Trans-Mississippi, Volume 2: Essays on America’s Civil War

Myths cloak him in a fog. Lee became as much of a legend to the Northern armies as he was to the Army of Northern Virginia. His audacity had a psychological effect on his enemies.

  • Robert E. Lee.
  • Southern Generals Writing a Book for the North – The History of the Book.
  • Project MUSE - Confederate Generals in the Trans-Mississippi, Volume 2!
  • Lee was unusual, but human. He is probably the greatest tactician the American nation has produced. He was no stranger to his soldiers; they took pride in recognizing him.

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    He exhibited tremendous determination, and he was ambitious for the Southern cause. From his earliest days he had a strong desire to excel. Everything conspires against him—dumb execution, weather, breakdowns, misunderstandings, obstruction. Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Product details File Size: July 7, Sold by: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers.