Neuroethics: Challenges for the 21st Century

"Levy's book works well in establishing neuroethics as being worthy of careful philosophical discussion, with deep and interesting problems that can have major.
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9780521687263 - Neuroethics Challenges for the 21st Century by Neil Levy

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Neuroethics: Challenges for the 21st Century by Neil Levy

Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Don't have an account? To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

Global Mental Health: A Core Challenge for the 21st Century

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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 12, Kramer Thompson rated it liked it. A very clear and well-written overview of many different topics within the topic of neuroethics and philosophy of mind.

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I found many of the topics interesting and found Levy's analysis of the state of play of different discourses very insightful, and his own arguments seemed to get to the heart of the issues. Quarta di copertina e sottotitolo entrambi responsabilita' dell'editore italiano sono decisamente fuorvianti: Nondimeno interessante se interessa l'etica e ben scritto.

  • Ignorabimus (German Edition)!
  • Neuroethics: Challenges for the 21st Century!
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  • I pochi accenni alla neurologia sono poco approfonditi del resto l'autore e' un filosofo , ma interessanti anch'essi. Niente a Datemi il propanololo!


    Niente a che vedere con Ramachandran "la donna che mori' dal ridere" e "quello che sappiamo della mente" , che resta sinora il miglior scienziato divulgatore nella materia e al quale Levy rimanda spesso. Jan 09, Bryan Kibbe rated it really liked it. I have a special fascination with all things relating to the Extended Mind hypothesis, so I especially enjoyed the opening sections of this book in which Levy introduces an ethical parity principle that is intended to deflate the claims to novel ethical dilemmas posed by various new technologies targeting the brain.

    The writing is good, and the arguments are insightful. My major criticism is that I would have liked to see more continuity between the chapters to create a cohesive book as a whole. Nonetheless, this is a good book for all those interested in the developing field of neuroethics. Dec 12, Brooks Robinson rated it liked it. A pretty good introduction for doing ethics in the field of neurophilosophy or philosophy of the mind. Sep 08, laura marked it as to-read. View all 4 comments.

    Epub Neuroethics Challenges For The 21St Century 2007

    Raymund rated it really liked it Oct 10, Tim rated it liked it Aug 20, Neuroethics and Responsibility in Conducting Neuromarketing Research. Monica Diana Bercea Olteanu - - Neuroethics 8 2: An Introduction with Readings. Farah - - MIT Press. Challenges for the 21st Century.

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