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Ramblings of the Mind, is a collection of art, poems, and thoughts. Many of my poems might be dark People - out of 5 stars 3. Single Issue.
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Ramblings from a Twisted Mind: 12 songs for 2¢

As Thomas Edison said,. Without a plan, people wake up and reactively check their smartphones. This reactive living is demonstrated throughout their entire day. The journal is a powerful way to leverage both of these thinking patterns. Or, you can let your mind wander. After dumping your thoughts, you can step away for a while and your mind will continue to mull over what you were just writing about, allowing you even more insights. As you get insights away from your journal, you write about those insights during your next session, which escalates and deepens the ideas.

If you watch this, you'll know exactly how to reframe any trauma or limiting narrative, and how to systematically up-level your subconscious. Here are a few staples in my methodology: I write in my journal every morning, usually 10—30 minutes. I often write in my car while parked, right before I go into the gym.

I listened to this song on repeat while writing this article. I write about my dreams and goals. I create my own future through my journal entries. The act of writing with paper and pen allows me to organize, direct, and structure my thinking. Also, writing with pen and pad is inherently slower than the speed of thought, which allows my mind more time to go deeper and wider with my thoughts. Clarity and emotional regulation. When life gets foggy or stressful, journaling is my favorite therapy session.

Firstly, it helps me get perspective. It helps me organize my cluttered mind. It helps my vent-out all of my frustrations, feelings, and confusions.

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It gives me space. Ready to Upgrade in ? If you apply this science, your life will transform. Watch the training here now!

Ramblings from an Unusual Mind: A Collection of Words

I've created a free webinar that explains the science of 10X'ing your "future self. I also asked for some depiction of a loon, the MN state bird, something pretty common, but also haunting and soul-nudging when encountered.

He sent back some iterations, and included was the beautiful script you see in the header of this website and at the end of my vids. The interesting thing was- the loon illustrations he had created were all standing up, rather than floating on the surface of the water as you'd most commonly see them depicted. It was striking when I saw it. I'd never seen a loon on land.

They're water birds.

The Occult Hour EP The Mind and other ramblings :)

They're clumsy on land, easy prey, but if they can get to the water- good luck catching them. Despite the danger to itself. Without ceasing. That's the goal, right?

Rambling On My Mind - Robert Johnson

Every morning, new mercies, fresh breath, full plate. Always, In all circumstances. Watching for the Enemy. Looking to Him who searches hearts for guidance to illuminate our path. It can be applied everywhere: Our work, our relationships, our goals, and especially our faith. That's why I apply it to this work. We're not saving lives here. But the people and the stories in the video are what make it worth something. The relationships made through the creation of a video are valuable. And no one can move me in that belief,.