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For example, in Genesis it speaks of the man being one with his wife. They are of one. THE ETERNAL LOVE TRIANGLE “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
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The unsaved man or women who have only the first birth are in eternal danger. Since the body and soul of the unsaved man or woman are bonded to the dead spirit of this present world, when this world's physical elements and spiritual components including "Death" are cast into the lake of fire see Revelation , those eternal souls, living or already dead, will perish with them. It's as simple as that, but understanding why this is God's plan of salvation requires faith in Him to do it. He will, if you trust Him to. So, what exactly is the difference between the relationship of the unsaved soul and the saved soul?

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What does being "Born Again" actually mean? Have you ever been operated on by a doctor? The doctor uses a knife to cut away something that is diseased. Well, God's "operation" is similar. Using the Sword of the Lord instead of a scalpel, the Great Physician Luke severs the direct but unseen connection between your soul and your flesh:.

This " operation " is a spiritual circumcision. Your flesh is cut away from your soul and you are given God's Spirit by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit:. Don't misunderstand the above verse.

What Is Oneness? | The Chopra Center

God does not make you a 'spiritual Jew' when he saves you, but he does adopt you into His family, whether you are a Jew or a Gentile. After you have accepted the free gift of salvation through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and as you grow and mature in the Lord your continuing sanctification , you will begin to notice some changes in how you think. You will find that your heart soul grows more and more in agreement with God and His law which is spiritual , but your flesh will still want to go the way of the world.

All true born-again Christians have a split personality, so to speak. And even when you work not to sin you don't work to stay saved , sin still happens along your path of Christian growth.

The Real You - Alan Watts

Paul sums it up quite well in the book of Romans:. Benedict de Spinoza , Ethics, And the cause of everything is that which we call God. To know God and to live is the same thing. God is Life. What am I? A part of the infinite.

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It is indeed in these words that the whole problem lies. The essence of any religion lies solely in the answer to the question: why do I exist, and what is my relationship to the infinite universe that surrounds me?

It is impossible for there to be a person with no religion i. He may not know that he has a religion, just as a person may not know that he has a heart, but it is no more possible for a person to exist without a religion than without a heart. Leo Tolstoy, I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. Albert Einstein. The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description.

If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. Many philosophers and scientists of the past have understood God as One Dynamic Substance that causes and creates the world. Thus according to WSM, Space is the only substance that exists, and is therefore necessarily Infinite, Eternal, and Continuous since nothing else exists to bound it, create it, or exist within it. Thus God and Space are the same thing. As Jesus Christ astutely says:.

The Kingdom of God is within you and all about you , not in buildings of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift a stone and you will find me. Gospel of Thomas. Therefore, to understand God we must understand the Properties of Space. One property of Space is that it is a wave medium and propagates waves that are the cause of matter, energy and time. Basically everything in the universe is connected, all is one and active.

However, to know God, we must know the complete properties of Space, how we can convert wave patterns into feelings of love and hate, pleasure and pain, colors and tastes, etc. These things are beyond science and can only be experienced. Below you will find an interesting article on God including etymology, different names and religions, popular arguments for and against God and definitions. We hope you find it thought provoking! Sincerely, Geoff Haselhurst September, The fundamental atheism of Spinoza," said David Hume, "is the doctrine of the simplicity of the universe and the unity of that substance in which he supposes both thought and matter to inhere.

God and the world of Nature must be one, and all the life of the world must be contained within the being of God. It is improbable that the material substance which is the origin of all things was created by divine Providence. It has and has always had a force and nature of its own. Many religious and philosophic systems consider God to be the creator of the universe. Some traditions hold that the creator of the universe is also the sustainer of the universe as in theism , while others argue that God is no longer involved in the world after creation as in deism.

The common definition of God assumes omnipotence, omniscience and benevolence. However, not all systems hold that God is necessarily morally good. Others maintain that God is beyond the limited human understanding of morality. Negative theology argues that no true statements about attributes of God can be made at all, while agnostic positions argue that limited human understanding does not allow for any conclusive opinions on God whatsoever. Some mystical traditions ascribe limits to God's powers, arguing that God's supreme nature leaves no room for spontaneity.

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The concept of a singular God is characteristic of monotheism, but there is no universal definition of monotheism. The differences between monotheism and polytheism vary among traditions. Some concepts of God may include anthropomorphic attributes, gender and particular names, while others are purely transcendent or philosophic concepts. Belief in God is often connected to concepts of absolute morality or truth, and sometimes to claims of exclusivity. There are variations on defining God either as a person, or not as a person but as an ambiguous impersonal force.

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Some espouse an exclusionist view, holding to one sole definition of God. Others hold an inclusionist view, accepting the possibility of more than one definition of God to be true at the same time. The connection between these meanings is likely via the meaning "pour a libation". Another possible meaning of hutom is "invocation", related to Sanskrit huta. The generic term God is the proper English name used for the deity of monotheistic faiths. Different names for God exist within different religious traditions.

A common prayer for Hindus is the Vishnu sahasranama, which is a hymn describing the one thousand names of God. Sikhs worship God with the name Waheguru. Jah is the name of God in Rastafari. God is called Xavier in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

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The religions widely thought of as monotheistic today are of relatively recent origin historically, although Eastern religions notably religions of China and India that have concepts of panentheism are difficult to classify along Western notions of monotheism vs. In the Ancient Orient, many cities had their own local god, but this henotheistic worship of a single god did not imply denial of the existence of other gods. The Hebrew Ark of the Covenant adapted this practice to a nomadic lifestyle, paving their way for a singular God.

The cult of the solar god Aten is often cited as the earliest known example of monotheism, but even if Akhetaten's hymn to Aten praises this god as omnipotent creator, worship of other gods beside him never ceased.