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Mar 14, - Come hear Uncle John's Band by the riverside. Come with me or go alone. He's come to take his children home. Come hear Uncle John's Band.
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An instant Deadhead favorite and longterm FM radio staple, the band reserved "Uncle John's Band" for big late show moments beginning soon after its late debut. But, playing to a few hundred people in the French countryside seemed to give energy to the road-weary ensemble and, in Dijon, "Uncle John's Band" made a rare show-opening appearance in front of the tiniest Dead audience in years. The band shifts effortlessly into the jam and the music stretches casually, suggesting a number of spaces and possibilities, as if bookmarking them for the mammoth second set to come, from Garcia's pointing solos to the cooly locked-in spaciousness discovered by Messrs.

Weir, Lesh, Godchaux, and Kreutzmann just before the vocal coda. Preliminary results show carbon monoxide was not a factor in the deaths of three infants at or near a public housing complex in Durham. The Durham Housing Authority put in place a voluntary evacuation order Friday as it conducts testing at the units.

Actors make their living by telling the stories of other people. It is a craft marked by embodying a completely different life. But sometimes this process pushes out those who could most authentically tell the story. The University of North Carolina Board of Governors violated the state's open meetings laws by secretly negotiating and approving a deal to dispose of a Confederate monument from the campus of the system's flagship school, according to a lawsuit filed by a student newspaper.

While policymakers and parents are wringing their hands about how to get kids not to vape, a number of e-cigarette companies are offering college scholarships to teens. Authors of a new report in the journal Tobacco Control interpret the scholarships as a possible marketing scheme. Listen Live. Enormous 'Megafire' In Australia Engulfs 1. Charlotte Jarvis. I have a digital version of that show now, but it doesn't sound right because I'm so used to that tape.

Uncle John's Band Always one of my very favorite songs, but maybe not one I'd use to turn someone on to the Dead. The line "Goddamn, well I declare! It's not often you hear "Goddamn" in a song, in fact I can't think of any others? It sorta comes as a shock, right in the middle of such a beautiful acoustic song.

I like it, and think it gives the song some real "teeth".

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And yeah, the line "When looks like Easy Street My favorite version is still the studio version, the first one I ever heard. A follow-up of sorts to "The Golden Road". Only more organic and mature. What a difference choice lyrics can make. I thought it was fitting that Uncle Johns band was indeed the band who played in the park he designed.

I guess I was wrong both times! Thank you Dave, I enjoy your work!!! Im sorry David That is hilarious though. I had no idea there was such a thing.

The Annotated "Uncle John's Band"

And I personally think that Crazy Fingers would be a great song. I would love to see what everyone has to say about that one.

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But i dont really care what songs are coming. They all have brought really interesting comments so far. Gone are the days we stopped to decide where we should go, we just ride. Almost as good as "what a long strange trip its been" ;. If any song should be "the" song, I would say Crows and Ravens David, The website I visited the other day informed me that there is a difference between crows and ravens. I always thought they were the same.

Grateful Dead 12/26/79 Uncle John's Band, Oakland

The crow has a 'Caw-Caw' sound, while the raven has a 'Gronk-Gronk' sound. The raven has a shinier-wet look to it, and is generally bigger. I think most of what we see in America is crows, and the Raven is found more so in Australia.. Here are some more facts about both of them that I reposted from a site I just visited: Crows are associated with war and death in Irish mythology.

In Cornish folklore crows are associated with the "otherworld" and so must be treated with respect. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, the crow is an ancestral being. The raven is revered as God by the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest in North America and in northeast Asia. Several totem poles erected by native Americans in Washington, Alaska and Oregon depict ravens and the stories they feature in. In the Old Testament of the Bible there are several references to common Ravens. In the British Isles, ravens were symbolic to the Celts.

The Greatest Stories Never Told So long and thanks for the songs Engage when ready, Gage. Ravens are BIG. The Verses One thing I love about the song and I knew the song for decades before I noticed this is that each verse has a theme, defined by the question at the end. First verse is about hard times to come. When that happens, we find out whether the people around us are kind.

Since we know it's coming, we want to know, "Are you kind?

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But it's not just the musicians; it's anybody's choice. They beg us to call the tune. I hear that there are people whose walls are built of cannon balls, but there is no time to hate. It's OK. Uncle John's Band is playing to the tide, and he's come to take us home. Kind of a "lets all settle down and take it easy" song. God Damn, well I declare, have you seen the like, their walls are built of cannon balls, their motto is don't tread on me, could represent the establishment particulairy Nixon and his type and their eagerness to use arms against their own children to quell the hippy wave, don't tread on my particular beliefs or I will use these cannon balls on you.

Got some things to talk about now. God Damn, well I declare, have you seen the like of these crazy bastards that would just as soon shoot you as accept a different kind of thinking.

Uncle john band

Happy Birthday TC. Who has the cannonballs? The altered chorus after verse two God damn well I declare, have you seen the like? Their walls are made of cannonballs, their motto is 'Don't tread on me'. It is easy to hear the first lines as referring to Uncle John's Band, and then see the rest as a stout declaration of American patriotism, solidarity with the spirit of independence that fired those who fought the British and honoured that motto.

This is the libertarian declaration that has already been noted. I have always heard it differently, that there is an I the singer , you the listener and him Uncle John that constitute an Us for whom the entry test is "Are you kind?

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Uncle John's Perhaps the entire song as many of the band's songs is about life's trials and tribulations? And it's our choice to take one road or another with no editorial at all as to which road is best to take? For me, the band put the music out there to be self-interpreted.