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Sudden Departures (The Approximate Distance To Limbo, Act 1) (a Dream of Terminal Monday: Under Observation (A Dream of New York City Book 2) Oct 14​.
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First, they say, "it is not any man, but God, who is the judge of what is true worship. Is he "not any man? How could it, since it did not exist when the authors of the Bible were writing their respective books. We know that worship should be Biblical because various councils of Catholic bishops in the third and fourth centuries decided that it should be.

From there, they incorporated and followed scripture when developing the liturgy of the Mass. In the early church, there were in excess of fifty gospels in circulation, yet only four are contained in our present day Bible. Someone or some few had to decide not to include the larger portion of scripture as uninspired. How do we know that they made a correct decision? And if we cannot know so much as this, how can we base our worship on a Bible which may contain inaccuracies? By asking us to root our worship in the Bible, the Watchtower must concede that God worked through the Catholic bishops who put together the Bible.

Why can they not concede that these same men were guided by God when they developed the various forms of worship used by the Christian Church? To back up their argument, the Watchtower quotes Romans , "Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar. However, this is not the message that Paul is conveying.

I prefer the New Jerusalem Bible NJ rendering of the passage which reads, "God will always be true even if no human can be relied on. This is out of the question since God will remain true to His promises regardless of the actions of any man. Even if no one on earth can be relied on to remain faithful to God, He will never break His covenant.

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Even as much as it is impossible for man to be without sin, it is impossible for God to break a promise. Paul's message actually supports the Catholic position that God works through the Church even when members of the Church are not faithful to Him. For this reason, the Mass is still valid even when the priest is in mortal sin. It is not the priest who makes himself present to the congregation, but God. He uses fallible human beings to work his perfect mysteries. How else could fallible, sinful men write sacred scripture except by the marvellous grace of God.

The Watchtower may think it impossible for God to work through a church of sinners, but our Lord says, "by human resources it is impossible, but not for God: because for God everything is possible" Mk Here He is speaking of salvation, but what is the Church if not God's instrument of salvation.

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As further "evidence," they point to Matthew Their worship is in vain, we are told, "because they teach the commands of men as doctrines. Here Jesus rebukes the Pharisees, not because they are men, but because they seek their own glorification above that of God. As an example He refers to their violation of the commandment to honour one's parents. By giving all their earnings to the temple, the Pharisees could avoid sharing their wealth with their parents.

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In fact, they never gave to the temple, but placed their earnings in trust, much like a bank, under the pretence that they were making a donation. This "tradition" was in direct violation of one of the ten commandments. They paid lip service by pretending to serve God ie. What the Watchtower fails to point out is that Jesus never criticizes sincere devotion to Semitic tradition.

Even Moses, who handed down the most important Jewish laws and customs, was a fallible sinner. He was severely chastised for his lack of faith and trust in God Num 11, Is the Watchtower suggesting that Israel should not have followed Moses because of his imperfections? In fact, Israel did not, and severe retribution fell upon them.

Terminal Monday: Under Observation

So what is the Watchtower really saying? On the one hand, they say 'do not follow men,' but on the other hand, they do not hesitate to condemn anyone who fails complete submission to their organization. What is this if not hypocrisy? Is it not hypocrisy that Jesus condemns in the very verses they quote? The hypocrisy of the Watchtower is exemplified in the following statement: "The religion that is approved by God must agree in every way with the Bible; it will not accept certain parts of the Bible and reject others. Misquotations, quotations out of context, and outright deception are the tools that the Watchtower uses to reject the truth of the Bible.

The following passage is a blatant example:.

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Eph NWT. Eph NJ. Further, I must reiterate the dilemma faced by the Watchtower when they declare that "the religion that is approved by God must agree in every way with the Bible. There he writes, "All scripture is inspired by God and useful for refuting error, for guiding peoples lives and teaching them to be upright" 2 Tim Which scripture? These books are, or have been, considered scriptural by various Jewish and Christian sects.

Yet these are only a few of hundreds of books purporting to be scripture that are not contained in Catholic, Protestant, or Watchtower Bibles. Why are they not included if ALL scripture is useful? Because in the fourth century, the Catholic Church determined that these books were not scripture. Since the Watchtower asserts that the Church had fallen into apostasy well before the fourth century, how can they be sure that the religion approved by God must agree with the Bible? Without conceding the authority of the Catholic Church in this matter, they may as well follow that Koran or the Gnostic Bible.

The absurdity is carried further when you note the use of the singular in their quotation "the religion If the Watchtower heads the one and only true religion upon which salvation is based, how do they explain the doctrinal inconsistencies and contradictions which seem to inhabit every corner of the Watchtower?

Jehovah's Witnesses will claim that the light is getting brighter as they come closer and closer to the truth. It is a sign of the true religion that they are willing to change their doctrine as they discover more and more. They criticize the Catholic Church for never changing its doctrine. What they fail to realize is that Jesus Christ promised complete truth to His apostolic church and this truth has been handed down through apostolic succession to the present day. God's truth is the same today as it was two thousand years ago. It was not discovered through studying the Bible, but given as a gift through God's Holy Spirit.

In the words of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Apostles, "when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth" Jn He is not promising them partial truth, nor is he promising complete truth to some organization which will not exist for another 1, years. What he is promising the apostles is complete truth, nothing less. Saint Paul speaks to this in his letter to the Corinthians. He has given us the competence to be ministers of a new covenant, a covenant which is not of written letters, but of the Spirit" 2 Cor Paul was not one of the twelve to whom Jesus spoke of the "Spirit of truth.

And Christ was not referring to everyone, otherwise there would not be more than 20, Christian denominations. Therefore when the Watchtower claims that they are acquiring truth as they go along, and that truth is gained by individual study of the Bible, they actually contradict the Bible.

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Yet, apostolic succession is nothing more than a myth according to the Watchtower. As apostolic succession is the basis for Catholic authority in matters of faith and morals, we should examine their position in some detail. Because it was no human agency that revealed this to you but my Father in heaven.

The Watchtower declares that since "[Peter] would later deny Christ three times," "Jesus himself would be that solid rock foundation of the church, not Peter. Significantly, Jesus began his reply by calling Peter by his former name, Simon. This name referred to a small stone or pebble. Jesus had earlier on given Simon his new name, Peter or Cephas, which itself means Rock cf.

Mk If modern day English had been the language in use, Jesus may have referred to him as "Rocky. Jesus didn't say he was giving himself the keys, but says you, referring to Peter. It is by this authority that sins may be absolved and indulgences may be granted. That Peter could not be the rock because he denied that he knew Jesus on the night of the Passion is contrary to logic.

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Any human organization, regardless of its moral basis, is subject to human sin and error. Peter is an example of this, as was Moses, and every other human being that ever lived, save Jesus and Mary. The Watchtower likes to refer to the sale of indulgences in the middle ages as evidence of the apostasy of the Catholic Church. Yet, all they prove is that clergy are human and sinners. There were abuses in the middle ages, and there have been abuses before and after, even to the present day.

However, such abuses are explicitly condemned by the Church. In , the Council of Trent strongly condemned any exchange of favours, including money, for sacraments such as indulgences. A cartoon published by the Watchtower which depicts "the pope's sale of indulgences" is an outrageous falsification of history. Getting back to Peter, the Watchtower claims that "there is no evidence in Scripture or history that Peter was regarded as having primacy over his peers.

In Matthew, as well as the other gospels, whenever dialogue occurs between Jesus and His apostles, Peter is more often than not the spokesman. He is referred to by name far more often than any other apostle throughout the New Testament. Continuing, the Watchtower notes, "He makes no mention of [his primacy] in his own letters.

Popes throughout the ages have written apostolic letters on various matters, they do not need to explain the basis of their authority in each letter. Peter does, nonetheless, declare his role publicly. Yet the Watchtower continues, "There is not even any absolute proof that Peter was ever in Rome. Second, Peter's first letter to the Roman provinces is addressed from Babylon 1 Pet which is the term used at the time in reference to Rome cf.

Rev , Finally, the Watchtower reveals, "He was not a 'pope,' nor was he known as such.