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Still, people who live in one of the 21 nicest small towns to visit in America, will tell you, there are perks you should consider before writing off small-town life just.
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By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Home Categories Travel Living Overseas. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Avoid getting involved in gossip. In small towns, gossip is fairly common. Since the population is smaller and a bit more intimate, it might seem like everyone knows each other—and that everyone knows everyone else's secrets, too. Avoid involving yourself in these kinds of conversations. When talking to anyone about someone else in town, ask yourself if you are about to say something you would be okay saying directly to the subject.


If it's judgmental or private, try to keep it to yourself. If the conversation shifts into gossip, try to move it to something else without being rude. Offer up some good news, or ask some questions of the people you're speaking with. Keeping the conversation focused on the people present in it can be helpful for avoiding gossip.

Befriend other former city dwellers. You might find that some of the new people you meet also relocated from a larger city. These people might be especially helpful when it comes to learning the ins and outs of small town life, particularly since they went through the same transition.

I feel trapped in the small town my partner loves | Life and style | The Guardian

Try social networks as a way to find people with common interests in your new town. Don't lose hope if you don't find a new best friend immediately; relationships might take a little bit longer to forge in a smaller town where everyone knows everyone else. You may have to work a bit harder to be let in and trusted. Limit your expectations. If you expect your life to be exactly the same as it was, just on a smaller scale, you will end up disappointed.

You might have to shop at a local grocer rather than the big retailer you're used to. Or, you might not have a huge group of people your age that you do everything with. Understand that downsizing to a small town will mean some aspects of your everyday life will change. Try finding new things to do on weekend nights rather than being upset that you can't keep doing what you're used to. Make your own judgements. Regardless of what you may hear from locals or even read online about the town and the people in it, be sure to make your own judgements and decide for yourself how you feel about your new community.

Though small town gossip and cliques are still prevalent, the new generation has taken to voicing their negative opinions and gossip on internet forums. Rather than buying into what anonymous citizens have posted, get to know people and places for yourself. Be patient.

Tinder’s mockery of my single status

The pace of small town life is generally slower than in the big city. This might mean that there will be less going on in town—or even that the contractor you need to help fix a problem in your house won't be able to come out right away. Learn to be more patient and focus less on instant gratification. If you want something fun to do, or to get together with new friends, be the first one to make the phone call or to organize an event. Meet your neighbors. It might seem intimidating to walk right up and knock on a stranger's front door, but your neighbor might be thinking the same thing, so be the one to make the first move.

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  6. 9 things I do and don’t miss about small-town life after moving to New York City - Business Insider!
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Or, if you see your neighbor outside, make it a point to say hello and introduce yourself. In small towns, people are usually very tightly knit, and it might seem difficult to wedge yourself into existing relationships and cliques. But, by going out of your way to make the first move and give your new neighbors a good impression, you might find that people are more receptive to including you. Try going for walks in the neighborhood, and avoid talking on the phone, texting, or keeping your earbuds in as you go about your business.

If you look open to talking, more people might be prone to say hello or start a conversation. Instead, just use your move as a way to start the conversation. You could go next door and apologize for any noise or inconvenience your move-in may have caused, and then use that as a way to ask them questions and get to know them a little better. They'll appreciate your consideration. Avoid making comparisons to big city life.

  • The Day The Bully Cried.
  • I feel trapped in the small town my partner loves | Life and style | The Guardian.
  • 30 Things That Always Annoy People in Small Towns.
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  • Lower property taxes.
  • Benefits Of Living In A Small Town.
  • Even if everyone in your small town doesn't know you by your name, they probably know your parents. If your parents have lived in town for some time, you'll forever be "so-and-so's kid" to older generations. You might be thrilled to have landed a great job in a small town, but that doesn't mean moving there is going to be easy, necessarily.

    Small towns generally have limited rental stock, and finding anything even remotely comparable to what you had in the city, whether that's an open-concept space or just a kitchen with granite counters, is often nearly impossible. Parking in a city may be tough, but parking in a small town is often next-to-impossible.

    Not only is parking limited in most small towns as it is, if your town happens to have a weekender or tourist population, it might be virtually impossible to find anywhere to park your car, even at the supermarket. Job hunting is never an easy process, but in a small town, it's virtually torture. In addition to limited employment prospects, wages tend to be significantly lower than they'd be in a big city, and you may even have to suffer the indignity of interviewing with that kid who always pushed you into lockers in high school.

    In a massive apartment building in Manhattan, you might not even know your next-door neighbor's name. In a small town, you not only know their name, their family history, and their kids' soccer schedule, but you're supposed to make small talk every time you see them. Knowing that your exes continue to exist post-breakup is annoying enough.

    Italian Life in a Small Town

    However, living in the same small town as them means that you run into them constantly, whether you're at bars, shops, or your cousin's Christmas party. Small town cops don't always have a lot on their plates in terms of local crime. Unfortunately, that means that someone's definitely watching—and eager to ticket you—when you accidentally go 35 in a Tinder doesn't help you much when there aren't very many people around.

    Also, if you're trying to impress a date in a small town, your options are often woefully limited. There's that one fancy restaurant, the diner, or that Chili's 30 minutes away. If a tree branch hits your power line in a small town, you'd better hope you had a backup generator at the ready. In many small towns, even a seemingly minor storm can mean the power's out for a week. Sometimes, you just want to tell off a rude shopkeeper or honk your horn at someone driving like a fool. Unfortunately, in a small town, the person you do that to might just be the mayor, your boss's spouse, or your next door neighbor's kid, meaning you have virtually no choice but to always err on the side of extreme politeness.

    A lack of things for teenagers to do means one seriously annoying problem: kids loitering everywhere. Leave your car in a parking lot for 20 minutes and by the time you get back, there are some teenagers making out on the hood and a bunch of others blowing cotton candy-scented vape smoke in your face. Small town politics often bear little resemblance to bigger government. When only two people are running, you're sometimes left choosing the lesser of two evils.

    Small Town Life Quotes

    And sometimes, that person is still an unqualified idiot. If you still live in the small town you grew up in, you know the distinctly displeasure of running into your teachers everywhere you go. That date you're on with someone new? Buckle up for having to introduce them to your elementary school teacher.

    If you live in the city, the nearest museum or opera is probably just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Negative depictions, however, were not common. Wise parents, friendly neighbors, benevolent doctors - these are the typical inhabitants of small town silent movies. It was not that this idea was unknown, for it preoccupied perhaps the most prominent novelist of the day, Sinclair Lewis.

    In the best-selling Main Street and Babbitt , Lewis satirized the small town commercial way of life and its stultifying web of trivial relationships. A few years later, the Lynds famously reported on the dominance of the practical ethos in Middletown Still, so seductive was the image of the small town as wholesome refuge that it persisted despite immense changes - changes in society the Great Depression and changes in the movies the advent of talkies.

    Its causes defied understanding - essentially, the same combination of land, labor and capital had produced a boom only a few years earlier - and as year followed year its cure remained frustratingly out of reach. Small towns suffered grievously during the Depression, generally more than cities. Carvel was utopia - neighborly, fair, decent, bursting with generalized good will.

    Similar themes were struck with Henry Aldrich eleven films from , Blondie twenty-eight films from , and Dr. Kildare fifteen films from Deeds Goes to Town []. Along the way, a cute newspaperwoman tries to manipulate him, but is finally undone and redeemed by his rugged and intelligent rectitude. Too busy in a crazy competition for nothing. As a Depression fable, the movie resonated powerfully.