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The man who never reads lives only one.

How can you inspire a lasting love of reading in your child?

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Signs of a language-based learning disorder involve problems with verbal language skills, such as the ability to retell a story and the fluency of speech, as well as the ability to understand the meaning of words, parts of speech, directions, etc. An inability to distinguish subtle differences in sound, or hearing sounds at the wrong speed make it difficult to sound out words and understand the basic concepts of reading and writing.

Visual processing disorder — Problems in visual perception include missing subtle differences in shapes, reversing letters or numbers, skipping words, skipping lines, misperceiving depth or distance, or having problems with eye—hand coordination. Anxiety, depression, stressful events, emotional trauma, and other conditions affecting concentration make learning more of a challenge. In addition, ADHD and autism sometimes co-occur or are confused with learning disabilities. Children with ADHD often have problems sitting still, staying focused, following instructions, staying organized, and completing homework.

Children with autism spectrum disorders may have trouble communicating, reading body language, learning basic skills, making friends, and making eye contact. Using a telephone analogy, faulty wiring in the brain disrupts normal lines of communication and makes it difficult to process information easily. If service was down in a certain area of the city, the phone company might fix the problem by re-wiring the connections. Similarly, under the right learning conditions, the brain has the ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. These new connections facilitate skills like reading and writing that were difficult using the old connections.

Science has made great strides in understanding the inner workings of the brain, and one important discovery that brings new hope for learning disabilities and disorders is called neuroplasticity. Throughout life, the brain is able to form new connections and generate new brain cells in response to experience and learning. Innovative programs, such as the Arrowsmith program, use strategic brain exercises to identify and strengthen weak cognitive areas.

For example, for children who have difficulty distinguishing between different sounds in a word, there are new computer-based learning programs that slow down the sounds so that children can understand them and gradually increase their speed of comprehension. These discoveries about neuroplasticity provide hope to all students with learning disorders, and further research may lead to additional new treatments that target the actual causes of learning disabilities, rather than simply offering coping strategies to compensate for weaknesses.

That said, you should trust your instincts. If you think something is wrong, listen to your gut. If you feel that a teacher or doctor is minimizing your concerns, seek a second opinion. Keep in mind that finding someone who can help may take some time and effort. Even experts mix up learning disabilities with ADHD and other behavioral problems sometimes. You may have to look around a bit or try more than one professional. Leave that to the professionals. Focus instead on steps you can take to support your child and address their symptoms in practical ways.

Diagnosing a learning disability is a process. It involves testing, history taking, and observation by a trained specialist.

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Finding a reputable referral is important. Sometimes several professionals coordinate services as a team to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Recommendations can then be made for special education services or speech-language therapy within the school system. A nonpublic school that specializes in treating learning disabilities might be a good alternative if the public school is not working out.

Integration refers to the understanding of information that has been delivered to the brain, and it includes three steps: sequencing, which means putting information in the right order; abstraction, which is making sense of the information; and organization, which refers to the brains ability to use the information to form complete thoughts. Each of the three steps is important and your child may have a weakness in one area or another that causes learning difficulty. For example, in math, sequencing the ability to put things in order is important for learning to count or do multiplication as well as learn the alphabet or the months of the year.

Similarly, abstraction and organization are important parts of numerous educational skills and abilities. Turning to specialists who can pinpoint and diagnose the problem is, of course, important. Find out how the disability affects the learning process and what cognitive skills are involved.

Research treatments, services, and new theories. Along with knowing about the type of learning disability your child has, educate yourself about the most effective treatment options available.

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This can help you advocate for your child at school and pursue treatment at home. Pursue treatment and services at home. Even though children with learning disabilities struggle in one area of learning, they may excel in another. Thanks for stabbing us right on the heart.

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Ga pa pa bodoh matematika, yg penting lolos budipekertinya. Gapapa bodoh fisika, yg penting jempolan di bidang lainnya. Kalo melangkah berdasarkan apa yang orang lain bilang maka kita tidak akan pernah kemana-mana. Akar dr inovasi ya ilmu matematika termasuk semua turunan ilmu matematika lainnya fisika, kimia, arsitek, insinyur, geologi, dsb. Budipekerti memang penting, tapi klo cuma budi pekerti aja ga bawa bangsa ini kemana2, ujung2nya cuma jadi pengamat di TV, debat dan mengkritik tanpa output dan solusi..

Emang anda mau selamanya bangsa ini cm nanam padi ama mancing ikan? Mau berapa ton beras ama ikan yang diekspor cuma untuk beli 1 pesawat?? Masih mending kalo nanam padinya make mesin canggih dan traktor, kalau masih pake kerbau ama cangkul, mau sampai kapan? Being happy in school?

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Oh please, I might as well study at home by myself. Those who enjoy being in school are probably the clubbing kids, doing useless activities.

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No wonder students are accustomed to cheat the tests. The teachers were responsive, educative, and responsible well it got international classes after all.

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I can remember one of my teacher who I can say -cynically, for sure- never teach. I can understand why people are getting upset with the result. I see that you have provided the link to the data set. Does the link also provide the design of the study? I would really love to understand how the study was carried out, for my own interest.

What I would like to ask is, whether the study also came up with complete analysis, such as what contributes to the result? The result struck me the most because I always thought the curriculum these days have been much more advanced than that of during my school days.

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So guys, I think it will be more positive if we focus on the solution.