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Laments: Short Stories (Volume 1) [Michael Embry] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sometimes best intentions become laments over time.
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Jacques maliciously informs the toymaker that he and his bloodline are cursed until the end of time because of the box he created, before ordering Angelique to kill him. However, his wife survives, as does Philip's bloodline. The LeMarchand box that has become known in the film series as the Lament Configuration was introduced in The Hellbound Heart novella as "the Lemarchand Configuration". Set as the film's adaptation of Pandora's box, it appeared as an antique black lacquered puzzle box of unparalleled workmanship.

A clever individual with a passion for solving the puzzle might spend the better part of a day loosening the first piece. As described by Barker on the first page of the novella:. The interior surfaces were brilliantly polished. Frank's reflection — distorted, fragmented — skated across the lacquer Lemarchand, who had been in his time a maker of singing birds, had constructed the box so that opening it tripped a musical mechanism, which began to tinkle a short rondo of sublime banality.

And there was music too; a simple tune emerged from the box, played on a mechanism that she could not yet see. Enchanted, she delved further. Though one piece had been removed, the rest did not come readily. Each segment presented a fresh challenge to fingers and mind, the victories rewarded with a further filigree added to the tune. The puzzle draws the player onward until suddenly the puzzle is solved and the gateway is opened. As the puzzle is nearly completed, the sound of a large bell can be heard tolling mournfully.

The sound comes from the realm of the Cenobites, and announces their impending arrival. Once the gate is opened, the box begins reassembling itself. An important difference between the book and film versions — aside from the name — is that the film version of the box is merely twisted into new alignments or shapes, whereas the version in the novella is completely disassembled and reassembled.

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The film version is also trimmed in brass or gold, and appears to have arcane symbols etched on its surface. The novella version is completely smooth and has no obvious designs save for an almost imperceptible etching along the seams between the pieces, but seems to display the faces of its victims in the reflection of light over its surfaces.


Philip Channard 's Puzzle Box collection. Other LeMarchand boxes appear throughout the Hellraiser film series. Philip Channard is depicted as a collector in Hellbound: Hellraiser II ; he has three on display in his study. The demon princess Angelique is narrated to have created several in Hellraiser: Bloodline. The Host in Hellraiser: Hellworld also possesses several. Most of the boxes seen in the films are not named or used onscreen, so their powers — if any — are unknown. They may simply be fakes. At the end of The Hellbound Heart , the character Kirsty Cotton wonders if there are other puzzles that might offer access to paradise instead of hell.

Frank Cotton buys an antique puzzle box from a dealer. Back at his house he solves the puzzle box and hooked chains immediately fly out of it, tearing into his flesh. Demons called "Cenobites" then appear from another world to inspect Frank's remains.

The Wife's Lament

Their leader, "Pinhead" Doug Bradley , picks up the box and twists it back into its original state, and the room immediately returns to normal - but with Frank and the box nowhere to be found. When Frank is later partially resurrected after an incident where blood is spilled on the exact spot of his abduction, he has the box in his possession, though it is unclear whether it was hidden in the room or Frank somehow brought it back with him.

He shows it to his mistress and sister-in-law Julia Cotton , explaining its powers and dangers. Later on, when coming face to face with Frank, Kirsty seizes the box. Realizing it holds value for Frank, she throws it out the window and escapes from the house, picking up the box off the ground as she flees. A disoriented Kirsty collapses in the street and awakens in the hospital.

She tells herself it all was a terrible dream, until the doctors hand her the puzzle box. Kirsty begins to play with the puzzle box and is seduced into solving it. The walls of her hospital room open a dimensional door and Kirsty encounters the Cenobites. Closely related is the freedom to decide how much one gets involved in unstable and uncomfortable situations. I am often reminded of the wide-scale musical event in called Live Aid. From one perspective, this was a charity event in which famous bands and musicians were invited to perform in a day-long global broadcast to raise funds for humanitarian efforts in Africa; later billed as one of the greatest events in concert history.

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From another perspective, this was a classic example albeit on a macro scale of how we manage lament and hardship. That is, when confronted with crises, we major on finding stability and comfort e. Lament is disruptive because it signals that the way things are is broken.

Lament upsets the status quo. Hence the dominant avoid it. In contrast, lament involves pain and sharing in the suffering of others. And with it, undefined seasons of instability and discomfort. It will conflict with our sense of progress and control. As a result, lament tends to be out of sight, out of mind, whenever possible. For those in the dominant culture and who have access to resources and networks, this translates into minimizing instability and discomfort in their lives in ways that far surpass the efforts of those in the subdominant culture and who have less resources and networks.

As a result, lament is like a bridge frequently crossed or at the very least visited by the poor and powerless but avoided for long periods of time by the rich and powerful.

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Finally, lament tends to be neglected due to a narrow vision of it. Lament usually signals distressful situations.

Biblical Laments: Prayer Out of Pain - Franciscan Media

However, biblical lament is about more than the situation; it is fundamentally an encounter with the triune God. Consider the following examples from the Old and New Testament. In the Exodus account, Moses cried out often to God despite the trail of miracles God routinely produced in a variety of situations e. In the story of Ruth, Naomi expressed her anger with God, in light of losing her husband and sons, by insisting that the town call her Mara which means bitter Ruth 1. In the gospels, Christ revealed himself as one who was no stranger to lament e.

Given our tendency to neglect lament, there is a constant need to revisit and reimagine how lament might inform our lives, individually and corporately. Further, much of our efforts towards reconciliation and unity in our churches and communities are unlikely to last in any sort of significant way if lament is absent.

The Lament Summary | Misery by Anton Chekov

This is not to say that lament is the antidote to sin and suffering. Rather, that lament is movement towards the God whose presence brings the hope and healing that we so desperately need. Much of our efforts towards reconciliation and unity in our churches and communities are unlikely to last in any sort of significant way if lament is absent. It is this idea of movement towards God that I want to emphasize in our discussion on lament. Most contemporary books and articles on lament primarily stress lament as a prayer and liturgical response; and regarding discipleship, a formal corporate prayer of confession.

While some measure of formality is appropriate, scripture also leaves room for lament to be fluid and organic i. This article will offer a nuanced definition of lament: lament is movement in our sin and suffering towards the triune God of scripture, for the sake of laying ourselves bare before him, that he might act in whatever way would give us his hope and life. This movement in practice can manifest in a variety of ways, some of which will be discussed later in the article. In the process, lament does not necessarily mean everything will work out to our satisfaction, but rather that a good and gracious God is still at work.

To that end, it is helpful to think of lament in relation to the gospel. That is, to allow the gospel narrative to inform the laments in scripture and in our lives.

Laments - Short Stories

What is revealed in the gospel is the work of God, through chaos and death, to give us his life. The intervention of God, which is the hope of every Old Testament lament, ultimately comes by way of the suffering servant who is Christ Jesus e. Thus, the gospel embraces the depths of despair and helplessness yet gives us a vision and a promise of the resurrected life towards which those in union with Christ might move, even as we experience sin and suffering.

If lament consists of movement towards God in word and deed, and not merely the lip-service we often give, then the gospel challenges us to reconsider what it might mean to live out lament beyond offering pause and prayer in difficult times. This movement is embodied in Christ. As it concerns the person and work of Christ, the Exodus narrative is a helpful primer. In the Exodus event, God looked on the estate of Israel, heard their laments, their appeals for mercy and justice, and in response, sent a redeemer, Moses.

In Hebrews , Moses, like many other Old Testament redeemers, is regarded as a forerunner and foreshadow of Christ. And each time God intervenes, the people of God are reminded that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is not only the true God, but one who deeply cares for us. In Christ, God does not simply send another redeemer. He sends his son, Jesus.

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  • He is not just a servant of the Lord. Rather, he is Lord and God e. What is also revealed is that, in Christ, God is responding to our deepest pains and hurts. Scripture discloses in various ways this enemy or unholy trinity.