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Harder Learning: Twenty Teacher/Student Erotica Stories. by Alice Drake. Kindle Edition. £kindleunlimited. Subscribers read for £ £to buy.
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When the National Rifle Association has donated millions to our representatives, it is no wonder that the many attempts to pass gun safety legislation have been repeatedly blocked. We have allowed greed to overpower our humanity; we cannot have the people who represent us value profit over lives. When politics have become increasingly polarized, it is no wonder that we have not had effective dialogue regarding gun control.

Progress cannot be made without communication and compromise; effective gun control and the Second Amendment truly can coexist. I believe that the best solution to this problem is to increase the level of background checks regarding gun sales and make it harder for those suffering from certain mental illnesses to acquire guns. If a person is viewed as a danger to society, then they should not be allowed to own a gun under any circumstances. I also believe that those with violent criminal history should face much higher restrictions when owning and purchasing guns.

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However, I do not in any way support creating more total gun-free zones. The idea of total gun-free zones sounds like a good solution, but how likely is it for a potential shooter to follow a sign warning of a total gun-free zone?

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Schools should have at least one police officer. They should be able to do whatever they want about not letting in armed visitors, but they should definitely have some protection within the school to stop a potential shooter. I hope and pray that tragedies like this will cease to occur and the lives of American children will be protected.

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I also believe this recent shooting will lead to changes in gun laws. After the Florida school shooting my friends and I were having a conversation at our lunch table. We were saying how if four shooters came in at that moment, blocking all exits, what would we do. We should be more concerned with a pop quiz in history than a mass murderer popping through the doors.

An AR can fire dozens of rounds a minute. A legally converted AR can fire a minute. In , about four out of every 10 Americans said they owned a gun or live in a home with guns. Now am I saying we should ban all firearms? No, not at all. In most cases, semi-automatic weapons that mimic those used by our military on the battlefield. Why would you ever use such a gun for hunting? Parkland is different. My generation has grown up living through nonstop violence, and now many of us are of voting age.

We will organize school walkouts and speak to our administration. We will work with school boards and lobby local leaders.


We will challenge the National Rifle Association and our elected officials. And in November, we will vote. As it is now, we are vulnerable and defenseless. We can only run and hide. I am demanding that we take action on this issue as a nation. I like that we have a right to bear arms. However, I do care about preventing the wrong people, including those with certain mental health issues, getting ahold of guns. Authorities should look for specific signs.

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I believe that every school should be well secured with metal detectors no matter how much they cost. If you go to school in a nice suburban area, there will probably not be any metal detectors in sight. But just about every year, there is a school shooting in a town unknown to most Americans. The people who carry out mass shootings are predominantly white and live not far from the schools.

It looks like metal detectors need to be everywhere now, not just in the hood.

As a high school student myself in the modern world, it is quite honestly absurd that the issue of massacring children is even something that needs to be argued. I find it terrifying that Nikolas Cruz was able to pass a background check to obtain his guns. Being suspended from his high school for violent behavior should have been enough of a red flag. Guns are designed to kill. Whether they are used to kill animals or people, they are weapons of death.

I believe that the solution is stricter background checks and outlawing bump stocks and military grade weapons. No one needs an AR rifle to hunt, nor do they need bump stocks. Students are required to spend roughly 5, hours every year in school. We demand to feel safe. Our culture is aware of the danger of guns, but the news and entertainment media have helped to rob the public of their true dangers.

By educating people more about guns, we are more likely to become aware of their power. The problem with school shootings is that with time they do pass and over time the media moves on to a new topic. Instead of hoping and praying for change, we need to take responsibility and advocate for the changes we want to see in our country.

1. Better Simulations and Models

We have drills at school for natural disasters such as fires or tornadoes or earthquakes. School shootings are not a problem in the African American community. There has rarely been an incident where a black child has shot up a school. When a black person commits a crime, the media digs for dirt on them. But when a white person does it, the media makes excuses for them. We were all alert as we frantically walked outside not knowing what to expect.

Sirens blared around as we continued to hear the fire alarm ringing inside. There was a faulty smoke alarm.

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We were safe, but it had been bad timing. The following Monday, three minutes before dismissal, the fire alarm went off again. I remember my blood turning cold as students protested my teacher, telling her that they would not leave. Eventually, we were told that we must go outside and obeyed. Later, another one of my friends told me how she teared up. The chatter around me was fearful and angry. Luckily, yet another smoke detector had malfunctioned, and we were safely released from school afterwards.

Were we next? I think schools districts should have mandatory security equipment in all schools to keep students and staff safe. There should also be more high-tech security for social media monitoring.

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Staff should be highly trained for events in order to protect students and themselves. The federal government should take responsibility and fund what is needed to keep schools safe. I think if everyone came together and took a stand, we could solve the problem, and schools could become places of learning once again. I remember the first time I saw one of my classmates with a handgun. I was walking home from my middle school in seventh grade. He was sitting in the woods, showing it off to his friends.

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We live in an affluent county in Pennsylvania. I know few, if any, of these young men who have ever gone hunting. There is another young man at my high school that sends dozens of his peers videos of him unloading and reloading guns at least twice a week. He is brooding, about twice my size and his excuse is that he wants to join the army.

Get us stronger security systems. Get us more school counselors who can help those students who never really fit, who get made fun of by other kids, who eat alone at lunch and whose families struggle. There is so much we can do. As a high school student who witnessed a shooting just off campus , I strongly believe that legislative action must be taken.

For instance, Connecticut passed legislation that banned assault weapons, outlawed magazines exceeding 10 rounds and began requiring background checks for all gun sales.