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Editorial Reviews. From the Author. After writing books six and seven in this series, I knew I had Contemporary Romance Kindle eBooks @
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Any help is much appreciated :. It came out in Thank you but I actually found it on Google! Thanks anyway :. Ok, I'm driving myself insane and asking all of you for help please! The plot: Woman marries a man out west in the 's - 's. She grows up on the East cost and marries a man whom owns a ranch in Utah or Nevada. She travels by train and is from money.

She arrives in her hoop skirt but is quickly told by her husband to wear pants. She had trouble adjusting to this new life where she rides horses and wears pants instead of being the lady she should be.

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She then learns how to garden in the dry west part of the country. After months of ranching with her husband.

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Her husband eventually falls ill from a sickness going on there. She tells her native american neighbor that she'll watch over the baby to ensure that he does not get the sickness his mother has.

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She kidnaps him. She then flees to PA and then to Europe. The baby's father spends many years searching for his kidnapped son. The woman meets a man in Europe and leaves the baby she is hiding in the attic by the lake on their property.

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The baby is then found by neighbors who are gypsies. The gypsies then raise the baby. The woman has two more children, both girls who are friends with this kidnapped little boy. After the mom dies, the girls start unraveling what happened. One of the woman's children and the kidnapped boy now a man start a relationship What is this book, I'm loosing my mind?! All help is appreciated! I've been trying to think of the title and author of this book for months. I've gone through lists of books by authors I usually read but can't figure it out.

The book was 4 stories in one. It was based around two sets of sisters that are cousins. Each story is for each sister. The first story starts with one set of sisters coming west to live after the civil war. The older sister's husband died in the war. The late husbands best friend comes to live with them and of course the two fall in love and marry. The second story has the cousins, another set of sisters coming to live with them. The older sister of this set ends up falling for the sheriff and they marry.

The next story is the younger sister of the first set of sisters. She marries the rich guy in town after she lost a bet to him in a horse race. This guy was originally interested in the older cousin, but he was only interested in him because of his money. The last story is about the last sister. Her name was Meg I think but I can't remember what her story was.

If anyone can please help me. It's driving me crazy. Hope this helps! I can't remember this title, or author! Published late 80s, early 90s. Setting: Scotland, s, the year leading to the second Jacobite rebellion, and right after.

Marriage of Convenience between I think a Campbell woman and a rebellious highland clan. The eldest daughter was to marry the man, but she fainted at the alter, so the younger daughter married him. The man she married was the only remaining son on the clan laird, who was a scarred, womanizing, jerkface. The woman stood out for being practical and smart; before marrying she demanded concessions like having soldiers periodically check on her to make she is ok.

This has ramifications later because the English officer who checks on her becomes a friend, and she uses him to save her husband. The woman ended up in the highlands at the castle, made friends with the old cook and her young maid, but lived separate from her husband who was sleeping with his father's redheaded mistress, Fiona?

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Eventually, they go to a highland wedding, the husband gets sucked into Bonnie Prince Charles' rebellion, and the wife returns to her father's estate. At that wedding the h beloved cousin is killed by the H's father. Eventually the rebellion fails, the wife finds the husband, her father captures him, he is sentenced to hang, and she uses Rob Roy I think?

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They sail to America. Not a lot of sex, and a lot of historical detail, in the book. There are a lot of secondary plot points. I honestly remember almost everything except the name and title. Cover, I think, was a castle in the distance, blue sky, green hills. I'm looking for a book that I do not know the title or author to. I know it was published before The heroine travels to the Yukon, I think looking for her father I believe. He works in the gold fields in Dawson City. If I'm not mistaken she ends up marrying his younger partner or something like that. His name is Logan not sure if its his first or last name, It might have been O'shea or that could have been the girls last name.

I think she also ended up leaving him and going back down to Dawson. There was also I think a Mountie that was vaing for her affections as well. I just remember his name being Logan. I have been looking for this book forever and have been trying to locate it with no such luck. They end up in Scotland, at her birth father's. It doesn't sound perfect, but the kidnapped h helps heal the H's little sister who was raped by h's stepbrother or something.

Part of a series, though. Hi, I have being trying to rememeber the name of a book. The basic synopsis is that a florist is dropping off flowers at her brother and his new wife's house only to find her sister in law flirting with a man. The man wants revenge on the family because of something her father did so he decides to break up the marriage. The sister in law is young, bored, her husband is always away and she is feeling neglected. No doubt she would be easily seduced. To protect or brothers marriage she suggests the man use her for revenge instead. He agrees and says they should get married.

The woman is in a relationship with a man and breaks it off to marry the virtual stranger. They get married, with the women wearing jeans to her wedding. After the wedding the groom finds out that the father disaproves of the daughter and it is no big deal that he married her.

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They all in love etc etc with him building her a greenhouse and buying her a car I think there was a line in there, like "you're the typre of man who'd by his child a train set and then end up playing with it yourself. I think there was something in there about her always wearing clothes with flowers on them. The sister in law gets jealous.

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There is a jealous scene where the groom thinks his new wife is getting lunch with an ex. There is a happy resolution. It is a contemporary novel written in the last years, it may have been a country setting, I think there was a mention of a cowboy hat. Hello I'm looking for a book that I read years ago. I'm pretty sure that it was written in the 80s or early 90s.

It's a Regency romance book. It's a bout a young redheaded girl who becomes the ward of an English Lord. I think he's of Spanish or Italian descent. He hates that he is attracted to her because he's older than her. He hates that she has beautiful red hair and makes her wear hats anytime she's outdoors. She's very feisty and sometimes immature because of her age. I think someone tries to kidnap her.

But he thinks that she ran away and when he finds her it's pouring down rain they make love and he doesn't realize, because of the rain and all her skirts, that she's bleeding to death because she's been cut on her leg. She gets pregnant, they get married, and she has a baby boy. I can't remember why but she ends up leaving him and he doesn't know where she's at.