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The Exodus is the charter myth of the Israelites. Spread over the books of Exodus​, Leviticus, Moses eventually kills an Egyptian he sees beating a Hebrew slave, and is forced to flee to Midian, marrying a daughter of the Midianite priest.
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Her reign only lasted two or three years, ca. We have two Egyptian documents on the subject: one is a huge papyrus, the largest in existence today. These two sources complement each other. The Harris Papyrus tells of a neglected Egypt, lacking a single ruler. Each region had a local officer or king, and they quarreled and murdered each other. Then it says that someone took over the throne. This would mean that the text is about someone who appointed himself as a ruler, meaning he was not worthy to inherit the throne of the pharaohs and took power by improper means.

He levies taxes on the entire country. He and his followers despoil the Egyptian gods and prohibit the bringing of offerings in the temples. The papyrus goes on to tell of a turning point when the Egyptian gods took pity on the land and restored the son born of them to power. That was Setnakhte, founder of the twentieth dynasty. He restored order throughout the country, executed the evildoers, and cleansed the great throne of Egypt.

He brought with him a large group of followers who objected to the Egyptian gods and their rituals. He and his followers took over the country for a time and exploited it economically. Setnakhte then battled this foreigner, removed him from the throne, stripped him of power, and ascended the throne in his place. I mentioned another document we have, however, which was written soon after the battle for power in Egypt. There it is written that Setnakhte cleansed Egypt of those who had led her in a mistaken direction, who had defrauded her. This plan of bringing mercenaries paid with Egyptian silver and gold failed, and Setnakhte drove them all out of Egypt.

If I were to conflate what is written in these two Egyptian sources, the following story of the end of the nineteenth dynasty and the beginning of the twentieth emerges. Tausert died around BCE, and her death was followed by two years of internal conflict in Egypt, because she did not have any living offspring and therefore no clear heir. Then someone of Canaanite or Syrian origin took over rule in Egypt. This man despised Egyptian rituals and prohibited offerings to the Egyptian gods.

He imported allies from Asia—from somewhere in Syria, Lebanon, or Canaan—whom he paid with silver and gold. Setnakhte, founder of the twentieth dynasty, fought against the foreigner and his Asian allies who had taken over the country, and succeeded in driving them out.

Thus, we have three groups of different kinds of sources. We have Manetho, whose story is preserved in Josephus, we have the biblical book of Exodus, and we have Egyptian documents from the twelfth century BCE. I would argue that the same basic story recurs in all three: A group within Egypt that despises Egyptian ritual brings in reinforcements from abroad, from the region of Canaan and Syria.

They come to Egypt and join the local group, but the pharaoh, who remains faithful to the old Egyptian religion, manages to defeat them and drive them out of the country. There is also mention of silver and gold given to the foreigners by Egyptian citizens.

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I am not the first to see the analogy between these ancient Egyptian sources and the Bible, particularly between the mention of silver and gold on the Yabe monument and the biblical story about the gold and silver vessels the Egyptians gave the Israelites on the eve of their exodus Exod. But scholars who have studied this matter in the past thought that the foreigner who took over Egypt and against whom Setnakhte fought was Bay.

Moreover, none of them has noted the connection between the story of these events and the story told by Manetho. This is a span of about 40 years. In my opinion, he was raised and educated, at least for a time, at the Egyptian royal court, under the protection of Tausert.

When Tausert died, he saw himself as the appropriate person to take over the court and ascend the throne of the pharaohs. There followed a struggle for power between opposing forces in Egypt. Moses and his men lost, were expelled from Egypt, and left for Canaan. This, in my opinion, is the story of the exodus of Moses and the Israelites from Egypt. Please follow our Commentary Guidelines when engaging in discussion on this site. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Velikovsky recognized this as an eyewitness account of the ten plagues.

His evaluation has been criticized on the basis that Ipuwer describes an overall breakdown of Egyptian society, and that the parallels to the plagues and the plundering of Egypt the night before the Exodus are not the central point of his composition. But Ipuwer was an Egyptian. His concern was the general state in which Egypt found itself, and what could be done to correct it.

Origin of the Old Testament Plagues: Explications and Implications

As it is, we have an account of how the events of the Exodus affected Egypt as a whole. However, since modern men are not supposed to believe in such things, the Ipuwer Papyrus has been interpreted figuratively by most historians. The destruction of crops and livestock means an economic depression.

The river being blood indicates a breakdown of law and order and a proliferation of violent crime. The lack of light stands for the lack of enlightened leadership. When the Bible tells us that Egypt would never be the same after the Exodus, it was no exaggeration. With invasions from all directions, virtually all subsequent kings of Egypt were of Ethiopian, Libyan or Asiatic descent.

It was not only Egypt which felt the birth pangs of the Jewish People. The end of this period, dated by archaeologists to c. The people living in the Land of Israel during the Early Bronze were the first urban dwellers there. They were, by all available evidence, primitive, illiterate and brutal. They built large but crude fortress cities and were constantly at war. At the end of the Early Bronze Age, they were obliterated.

The story of Moses - Pharaoh - The Ten Plagues of Egypt - Passover - Chapter 3

Who destroyed Early Bronze Age Canaan? Before the vast amount of information we have today had been more than hinted at, some early archaeologists suggested that they were Amorites. The time, they thought, was more or less right for Abraham. So why not postulate a great disaster in Mesopotamia, which resulted in people migrating from there to Canaan?

Abraham would have been thus one in a great crowd of immigrants scholars of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries often felt compelled to debunk the idea of Divine commands. Today, the picture is different. Initially, they moved up into the Transjordan, and then crossed over north of the Dead Sea, conquering Canaan and wiping out the inhabitants. Two archaeologists have already gone on record identifying the invaders as the Israelites. In an article published in Biblical Archeology Review 7 , Israeli archaeologist Rudolph Cohen demonstrated that the two invasions match in every detail.

Faced with the problem that the two are separated in time by some eight centuries, Cohen backed down a bit:.

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I do not necessarily mean to equate the people with the Israelites, although an ethnic identification should not be automatically ruled out. But I am suggesting that at the very least the traditions incorporated into the Exodus account may have a very ancient inspiration reaching back to the MBI period. The Italian archaeologist, Immanuel Anati, has come to similar conclusions. Since the Iron Age is when Israel supposedly invaded Canaan, we have been in the embarrassing position of having the Bible describe the destructions of these cities at the very time that they were being resettled for the first time in almost a millennium.

When the conquest is redated to the end of the Early Bronze, history the Bible and physical evidence archaeology are in harmony. Anati goes further than Cohen in that he claims the invaders really were the Israelites. How does he get around the eight hundred year gap? Both Cohen and Anati are in the unenviable position of having discovered truths which conflict with the accepted wisdom. And there is good reason to do this.

It is not only the period of the Exodus and Conquest which suddenly match the evidence of ancient records and archaeology when the dates of the archaeological periods are brought down:. The Middle Bronze Age invaders, after some centuries of rural settlement, expanded almost overnight into an empire, stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates. History knows of one such empire. Archaeology knows of one such empire. The same adjustment which restores the Exodus and Conquest to history does the same to the United Kingdom of David and Solomon.

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The Empire fell, bringing the Middle Bronze Age to an end. The biblical accounts of the revolt of the ten northern tribes and the invasion of Shishak king of Egypt make the debate irrelevant. The period following the end of the Empire was one of much unrest, but saw tremendous literary achievements. Strangely, these Canaanites spoke and wrote in beautiful Biblical Hebrew. Semitic Canaanites? Did the Bible get it wrong again? The speakers and writers of Biblical Hebrew were, as might have been guessed.

Biblical Hebrews. Finally we get to the Iron Age. This is when Israel supposedly arrived in Canaan.