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Have you ever had a coincidence, which was so special that it seemed like God was in it? A divine appointment is 'a meeting' which was inspired and God led.
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The answer is to pray! Every morning when I get up, I bow beside my bed and pray to the Holy Spirit to give me a divine appointment. In fact, I do it several times a day. Now send men to Joppa to bring back a man named Simon who is called Peter. Meanwhile, Peter had a vision about a basket filled with clean and unclean animals. So get up and go downstairs.

Through the vision of the basket and the invitation initiated by God to meet Cornelius, the Gentile, Peter realized that God accepted the Gentiles. Peter went to the house of Cornelius. Peter baptized Cornelius and his family.


Thus, two men, praying, resulted in an unexpected divine appointment that changed their lives and those of the Jewish and Gentile nations. One day several months later, she went to Walmart to buy a pot of flowers.

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It needs a lot of attention. I bought one a couple weeks ago, and it died on me even though I am good with flowers. As she started walking away, the woman followed, still talking.

I asked God to help me recognize His divine appointments in my life.

Although Jane tried to be polite, she just did not want to talk to her. After the strained conversation had gone on for about 30 minutes, it finally dawned on Jane that maybe God had sent the woman to her. Beginning to question the woman, Jane discovered that her father had died recently.

Jane shared comforting words and testified of her faith in Jesus, our Comforter. Exchanging phone numbers and email addresses, they began talking r egularly. After they had met at cafes a few times, Jane eventually invited the woman to her house. When the woman arrived, Jane was startled to discover that the woman had brought her hus-band and children with her. The woman and her family began coming over every week.

The woman and her family asked the Adventist family about what they believed, resulting in Bible study. The family began going to the Adventist Church and eventually were baptized. Sometimes, when we are in a hurry and something interrupts and annoys us, we might miss what God has for us. Jane did not understand what God was doing until she took the opportunity to minister to the woman.

Prepare for divine appointments. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. By making ourselves available to God, we will see things happen that we would have never expected.

But the seat next to me was still empty. A few minutes later, the gate agent entered the plane and told a flight attendant that the man booked to sit next to me was on a delayed flight, so they were going to move someone from the back of the plane next to me. At the time I was frantically working on a presentation I was scheduled to present. This went on all the way from our departure from Chicago to when we parted ways in San Antonio, almost three hours later.

He moved out of the area, but I have been thinking about some of these things ever since. God brought us together from two different sides of the plane so that you could explain many things to me. You gave me a lot of food for thought, and I need to think about what I should believe. It was truly a divine appointment. Act on the opportunity of a divine appointment. The story of theSamaritan woman is another example of a divine appointment see John — The result was that she and the whole village believed in Him, and it changed all of their lives.

Kids Are a Divine Appointment

We know that this was truly a divine appointment because of the results. I believe that Scripture recorded this story for us to realize that God desires divine appointments in our own lives. He wants us to realize that they happen in the regular course of events, but we need to be prepared. They will be the most satisfying experiences that we will ever have.

A few years ago, when I went to speak to the pastors of a local conference, its executive secretary met me at the airport. I know you are into prayer. There is something I have been wanting to experiment with for a long time. I would like to knock on doors and get at least ten people to respond whether they would like prayer or not. We went from house to house until we got our ten, asking whether we could pray for them. All said yes with various degrees of enthusiasm.

The last one was a young woman.

The Divine Appointment

When we offered to pray for her, she started to weep. We ended up spending two hours there, comforting her, trying to give her hope, and sharing with her that God loves her and cares for her. She had drifted away from church, but not God. Then she told us that she did not have any support system. Her parents lived far away, her husband worked long hours, and, being new to the area, she did not have a lot of friends. God sent you both here today to do that.

It was a divine appointment. My friend and I were not trained counselors, but what the woman needed was someone just to listen to her. The lame beggar at the Gate Beautiful encountered Peter and John and received a miracle healing.

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  • All these meetings were orchestrated by the Holy Spirit having a profound effect on their lives. You may feel really frustrated right now because you know the gift of God in you should be producing more than you see right now. Prayers are words. Words make a difference. Speak them and stand ready to receive a divine appointment. In the vision, the Lord showed me that a great door had been opened for the advancement of the Gospel. A couple months later we attended a ministers conference in Florida.

    During the lunch break, we were seated at a table with a group of strangers. Somehow during conversation I spoke about the vision the Holy Spirit gave me. To my amazement, those having lunch with us were from that very nation. They were really touched. A few days later I received a call from one of the leaders inviting me to preach at their annual conference.

    At the time he called traveling would have been a financial burden. I told the man I would pray about it. Hold fast to them. That divine appointment opened a door for me to minister in that country for ten years. All new seasons in your life start with words.

    News & Stories » Divine Appointments

    Words are involved with all new beginnings. This means all outsets will include words. We could call these words prophetic announcements. The same was in the beginning with God. God will speak to you in several different ways. The most common is the written word of God, the Bible.