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To cultivate something in the black soil, see it sprout and then bloom, is to watch a magical working unfold before our very eyes. The plant cycle is intrinsically tied to so many earth-based belief systems that it should come as no surprise that the garden is a magical place in the spring. Because April's moon is associated with the winds—for obvious reasons—now is a good time to explore the winds that blow from each of the cardinal directions.

For instance, the North Wind is associated with cold, destruction, and change—and not always the good kind of change. If you've got some bad stuff looming on the horizon, now's the time to work through it. Do this not just by changing yourself, but also the way you respond to other people and to events that are taking place in your life.

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The South Wind, in contrast, is connected to warmth and the element of fire , which in turn is associated with passion and power. Fire is a destroyer, but it also creates, so if there is a passion that you've lost in your life—whether it's romantic or something else—work on doing what you need to do to rebuild it. The winds of the East are often associated with new beginnings; in particular, focus on new careers, education, or other aspects of your life that are related to communication and your intellect. Finally, the West Wind is tied to the cleansing and healing powers of water, so if you need to get rid of things that are causing you heartache or pain, let the wind blow them right out of your life.


Share Flipboard Email. Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. Updated February 20, Bright primary colors such as red, yellow, and blue—and their many combinations—are associated with the ongoing spring season. Leave stones outside on a windy day to absorb the energy of the elements. Trees, including hazel, forsythia, lilac, and willow, are beginning to bud in April, and represent the beginnings of new life for the coming summer.

Herbs like dandelion, milkweed, dogwood, fennel, and dill are associated with air, in part because their seed pods will blow away and spread on a breezy day. The element of air is strongly tied to this month, because of the winds that may pop up out of nowhere to surprise you. Continue Reading. This full moon is named for the recognition of spring.

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We consider all things in nature to be virginal, fresh, and blooming at this time. It is a time for new beginnings and rituals should reflect this by warding off negative energies and poverty, while making plans for the warm months ahead. This full moon reflects the sowing of seeds and a new time of growth. Rituals should include the planting of seasonal crops and acknowledging the new cycle of life. This is the time for putting winter plans into action. This full moon is associated with the Bright Mother.

The ceremonies may include the aspects of spring-cleaning, life renewal, and purification, as well as Memorial Day activities. This full moon is named from the Latin word Dyad meaning two; indicating a pair or a set of twins.

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It is at this point that the days and nights are equal in length and the male and female forces of nature are in balance. Rituals should reflect an equal love for the male and female principles of the Divine. This full moon recognizes the Blessing of everyday like that we may often take for granted.

Trinitarian Wicca: Esbats and Goddesses

Ceremonies should include thanks for religious freedom and making plans for new goals. This full moon indicates the first of the three traditional harvests. This marks the time for the beginning of canning and preserving. Rituals are bread oriented, with a strong emphasis on the harvesting of crops, gardens, or the good fortune of the work you have accomplished in previous months.

March Chaste Moon Zoe

This full moon is associated with the second and largest harvest of the year. This esbat is a time for elaborate fall celebration including the autumn equinox. Ceremonies are thanksgiving-oriented. This full moon is affiliated with blood due to the beginning of hunting seasons and animal slaughters to prepare food for the winter.

Moon Rituals And When To Plant Seeds

This month is the third and final harvest. This full moon is named for the association of the coming of winter, symbolized by snow. The start of the season of death to the wheel of the year is a good time for reflection. Rituals should focus on the positive aspects of our lives and making plans to dispose of dead weight in our physical, spiritual, and emotional lives. This full moon is named after the mighty oak tree, which stands strong through the months of winter. The oak is a sign of strength to practitioners during the dreary winter months.

Ceremonies of success and prosperity are often associated with the colors of green and brown, the colors of the leaves, and the color.