Guide An Excited Utterance - Embracing Genuine Truth

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Frederick A. Camplin is the author of An Excited Utterance - Embracing Genuine Truth ( avg rating, 3 ratings, 1 review, published ).
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I too am working my way through ACIM, and know that these teachings and the true words of Jesus offer the only real hope for mankind. I live on a small island in the Caribbean where the evidence of global warming is now irrefutable — your words today help to put things into the only perspective that can give us a sane approach for the future. Thank you. Indeed, yes, dear E. Do you know, expert out-of-body travelers now tell us that when they travel broadly in the non-material realities and they are able to see this little blue marble from there, they can SEE the negativity.

They say the planet is covered in a grayish sludge! And those that both time-travel and astral-travel out of their bodies yes, that apparently is a thing tell us that by years from now the planet will be a bright-blue marble again. I sure there are many like me, to whom your work is so important.

Here in Central Asia we are a few hours in front of you, so your post comes in the early afternoon. As ever your post was thought provoking! By the way, at your suggestion, I have now started seriously and methodically studying ACIM — at least a couple of hours every day, albeit alone without a study group — and I love it.

Everyone, including the course, at every step talks about fear … maybe that comes later but for now all I am receiving is joy, elucidation and validation. I hope that it so continues! Maybe I was just ready for it — or even overdue. I have not forgotten that you said that you were exceptionally skeptical about channeling until you realized that every sentence that you ever wrote was also channeled.

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So how can we be with loved ones, who all appear exactly as before, as if this one past life was the only life any of us have ever had? Joking apart, thank you as ever — I look forward to your reply! Generally your ego chooses whatever is your own deepest fear — for me, it was the possibility of my own extinction — and it obsesses you with that. If you will just keep doing the Course, you can get through it; and then my experience is that your ego effectively dies. It never bothers you again.

The problem is that people at all levels of the afterlife can channel. And since nearly all of them are only in the Summerland levels, and they have no idea what goes on above them, they will guess or give us rumors. We merge back into our vast, eternal minds, so we know vastly more and we seem then to be able to multi-task mentally, and even — yes — live multiple lives simultaneously, but that is all good things and not bad things!!

Most of those who are there assure us that THAT is real life, and this is the dream. YES, landscapes and buildings and lots of fun things to do! There is no objective time there, so we can spend forever with the people from our most recent lifetime while we also might be spending time with people from other lifetimes as well. My mind is still spinning from this reply. With the new understanding that you have given me in mind, I communicated with him today and was told that the channelings that I mentioned are not intentionally mis-leading, but none-the-less are wrong, due to mis-interpretation.

He confirms to me that as you have described is pretty close to the mark. He says that he is at level 4.


Thank you again. Looking forward to next Sunday!

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This is the way my whole life has been — again and again, people not in bodies have validated what others also not in bodies have told us at different times and in different places, and at this point there is so much independent validation that it is impossible for it all not to be true!! Take care of yourself, dear one.

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That throwaway line about your being in prison because you had been shot in a murder attempt kind of boggles me?? No, I am not in prison … I am under guard, supposedly for my own protection, but physically based by myself within a Kyrgyz central police building, which is not a lot of fun and in some ways is more like a prison than prison itself. I sure you have many many people writing to you but you may distantly recall that I wrote to you about 3 months ago, asking for advice in relation to this issue … straight after your post on Righteous Indignation.

I was shot at point blank range through the face and shoulder by marauders who had decided to takeover my profitable organic fruit farm by force. Oh yes, I do remember, Alexandra! It was a story too awful to be believed, and I was so sorry at the time that I really had nothing that I could do for you. Thank you for letting me know that you are doing better! Not so much because the American Revolution started in that town but because it is home to the great transcendentalists Emerson Thoreau Margaret Fuller and the brilliant novelists Louisa May Alcott and Nathenial Hawthorne.

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  • Thoreau insisted that Concord remain untouched by the negativity that is present in so much of modernity and his preservationist aim of puttting nature and its spiritual elements first has largely been adhered to. Another one of the transcendentalists Theodore Parker fought a long and lonely revolutionary fight to base american religous principles on the real teachings of Jesus.

    I feel your teachings and transcendentalism have much in common. That is very sweet, Perry — thank you! The more deeply we go, the more we realize that Jesus has been working for a long time and through many people to try to help us move past the false religion and into His intended spiritual movement at last! What an exciting time this is to be alive! Hi Roberta, I have been listening to your podcasts every Monday night since I heard you on C2C as a guest a year or two ago. I have learned so much and I believe what you say and what you write.

    I am truly grateful for your sharing all that you have learned. I am trying to practice raising my vibration, thinking positively and being the positive change I want to see in the world, thanking my Guardian Angel and spirit guides for their help. I wanted to express my appreciation to you. I not as advanced as the other writers here but I have been wanting to write you for awhile.

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    • Dear Maureen, you seem pretty advanced to me! Thank you for writing, and please know how delighted I am that we are together in the joy of serving God as the heavenly host works through us in healing humankind. We have a lot of work ahead in service to the only Power, but even writing that sentence feels thrilling!

      Alone, none of us could accomplish anything. In ecstatic obedience to the only God, indeed all of us ARE the change!! Hi Roberta, Happy New Year! THIS one is really tremendous, as it brings together many key areas of the greater reality that you espouse.


      Thank you, I am most uplifted by such knowledge. This relatively new understanding is timely for me, as my last living Aunt, Margaret, is facing terminal cancer. The doctors have given her anywhere between Easter and the end of the year to pass.

      Now I can open a dialogue on the subject of dying and what exists beyond death. Margaret is a lovely person and she remains clear headed and alert. She is eighty six years of age. Infact Ive already started to talk to her about them. I just wanted to let you know that your knowledge is helping a beautiful, elder lady face a terminal illness and death.

      Hence I am sure that this truth reaches out to many people, in many places. Who knows where all this will go? Certainly Australia is full of seekers and many would be very interested in your message. Many of us do love Christ too.

      What You’ll Find

      Maybe I need to contact others here in Australia who are interested in your work. Love and respect, Efrem. Dear Efrem, I am delighted that I have helped to better equip you to help your aunt! Thank you for sharing that — it makes me smile ;-. What is wonderful, of course, is that this work of enlightening all of humanity is in the capable hands of very advanced beings, and those of us who have signed up to help have the joy of being their avatars here and actually implementing their work!

      Avoid Debate—Instead, Explore the Truth Together

      My primary guide tells me now that we cannot fail, so I should not even worry about that. My own clumsiness in general had made me worry that this is one thing I really must not screw up! I do think that Australia will have a primary role to play in this effort, in which case those who will be leading it must already be in place. If you feel inspired to help to spread the truth, then you may be one who will be leading the movement there? We only respond and make ourselves available, and we are given the work that we are to do.

      Meanwhile, big hug and Godspeed! Before the death of my own mother, on rare occasions when the time seemed opportune, I would try to reassure her about survival much as you tried with yours. I doubt it helps any! Thinking this morning about the message in your latest blog, my mind went back to events in my newly-begun life here in the US 15 years ago. Who, then, is the author of the material in your blog? Roberta Grimes or your guide?