Pressing into Thin Places:Encouraging the Heart toward God

Pressing Into Thin Places has 15 ratings and 10 reviews. Abbie said: A thin place is where, for a moment, the spiritual world and natural world intersec.
Table of contents

This is something that most of us will have to deal with. She shares the poignant story of the things that daughters remember about their father. It is the little things. Life is made up of the little things within the pleasures and challenges of our daily living. This book is a source of hope during difficult times. It is a real treasure and I will certainly be going back to read treasured passages over and over again. Jun 26, Josh Morgan rated it it was amazing. Over the years, explicit doctrine, firm belief, and absolute proof from the Bible and science have become rather unimportant in my faith.

In many ways, they provided the early foundation of my faith, with the experiential elements of faith being central now. In Pressing Into Thin Places, Margaret Harrell Wills explores the powerful idea of being grounded in the knowledge of faith later being augmented by the powerful experience of thin places. The concept of thin places is rooted in Celtic Christianity, but has since expanded through many traditions.

It explains a location or experience where the boundary between heaven and earth is virtually nonexistent, or thin. This idea fits very nicely within the incarnational tradition I so love. Wills does a beautiful job demonstrating the power and diversity of thin place experiences. It helped me note how many such experiences I've had that I never recognized as such. She also explains how these experiences can help create and maintain hope through challenging, dark times of both faith and life.

It's also helpful to see how we can encounter God in thin places even during dark nights. The book is broken into nice, small sections that makes it an easy read casually, devotionally, or even intently. Ultimately, this is the book I wished I had written. It has helped reliven my heart and get me back in touch with core of my faith.

I found it far easier to encounter God in this book than in any of the other Christian books I have read and reviewed lately. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher.

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I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Jun 07, Sunflower rated it it was amazing Shelves: Ever have those moments when you felt press into a thin space by life events? Maybe just feeling overwhelm? Filled with scripture, quotes, poems and anecdotal accounts, this is a wonderful book to give to people in your life, that maybe going through a difficult situation, in need of encouragement and a reminder of God's cont Ever have those moments when you felt press into a thin space by life events?

Filled with scripture, quotes, poems and anecdotal accounts, this is a wonderful book to give to people in your life, that maybe going through a difficult situation, in need of encouragement and a reminder of God's continual love.

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This isn't a feel good book that is about making you feel good, but a "be encouraged" book that continual reminds the reader, no matter what, keep looking toward God for the much needed hope and encouragement. Be it discouragement by world headlines, or just by what is going on in 'real' life, this is a book that I would recommend to those who are close who are going through difficult times. It was just a heart warming book to read that I would keep by my nightstand, be it to use as a personal reminder, or even just for when sharing words of encouragement with friends or family who are going through difficult times.

The writing is written in short chapters that are about 2 to 3 pages and filled with scripture as shared; I really just enjoyed as well the fact that this is a small book that easily fits in ones purse or backpack to take along to read on the road or waiting for an appointment or even getting that well deserved pedicure. If you or someone you know is feeling like you are "Pressing Into Thin Places" this is a book that is a must read! Jun 13, Laura rated it really liked it.

Pressing into Thin Places - Beliefnet

She does this through her short stories, poetry, her observations, prayers, and Scripture verses. Her true life examples show us how God reaches out to us in a very personal way, as though He has removed the veil between heaven and earth, reaching into our very hearts and souls while we touch His heart. Margaret is able to depict the heart of God through her short stories, poetry, her observations, prayers, and Scripture verses. The stories are clear and to the point, personal and encouraging. Her poems create a deeper personal touch, some of which I will be reading again. And the Scripture verses expound and clarify what she is sharing.

Nothing is more powerful than the Word of God. She closes with her inspiration of the Our Father from Matthew 6: She has a way with words that will move your soul. May 19, Sarah Bailey rated it it was amazing Shelves: Thin places is described by the author as the moments where the veil is lifted between us and God and His presence can be keenly felt. No one promised us when we became Christians that our life would be care-free and full of never ending joy. In fact being a Christian can almost guarantee you a life of hardship — however with Faith in Christ your life can still be joy filled and enjoyed.

Through Scripture, her own poetry and experiences we may just be able to better recognize the next time God is actively working in our lives and realize that God is beside us and rejoice and thank Him for his guidance. Jun 02, Laura rated it really liked it. One is that once they become a Christian that nothing bad will ever happen to them.

They are both lies, because the rain falls on the just and the unjust. Wills illustrates th Title: Wills illustrates that point with poignant stories about the thin places, where life is not simple and we all need encouraging words and reasons to hang onto hope. The book, in places, is deeply personal, and causes us to consider the thoughtful words that she wrote in the pages of this book.

Wills draws from her own personal experiences to write the book, punctuated by poetry and Bible verses and quotations. Wills answers questions like: How do we keep from falling into despair when pain and suffering weigh heavily upon us? Apr 28, Gail Welborn rated it it was amazing Shelves: A brief moment in time when heaven and earth intersect and the deep presence of God is felt as the spiritual and natural world connect.

She shares her experiences of such events to provide encouragement, hope and inspiration for those dark, hurting times when faith is challenged. Jun 08, Anne rated it liked it. Encouragement flows like a refreshing stream in this small but useful book containing Scripture and poetry along with personal views from Margaret Wills.

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  • Pressing Into Thin Places is an easy to read inspirational that many will find providing uplifting words of assurance that even in difficult times God is always with those who are believers in Him through faith in Christ Jesus. Jan 21, Jessica rated it liked it Recommended to Jessica by: Some parts were better than others I'm not much for poetry but overall I enjoyed it.

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    • Dave Larkin rated it it was ok Mar 20, Elizabeth rated it it was ok Mar 08, Nicole rated it liked it Sep 25, Andi rated it it was amazing May 10, Margaret Chind marked it as to-read May 13, We are graced with thin moments from time to time, some profound, some subtle. They sneak up on us. So let us keep our eyes open for the gift of the thinning of the veil as we walk on the mountains. And then let us remember the truths in the flatlands and in the valleys. Wills gives us her perspective on forgiveness: As I mulled the verse [Matthew That makes it even more of a challenge.

      Forgive over and over again?

      Pressing Into Thin Places: Encouraging the Heart Toward God

      Let go of it? Yes, God is able to deal with another person. And you will need two things: My grace and your choice. We can weep but we cannot get bitter. She provides us with this encouragement about our future: Our future is one of hope and infinite possibilities. A couple of years ago, my husband gave me a card. But life is a love story between us and God, together forever with no end. She shares this observation on faith: We must have faith.

      Pressing into Thin Places

      The Bible says that he who comes to God must believe that He is. Their arms are extended toward each other, their fingers almost, almost, but not quite, touching. To me, the gap represents faith. The bridge between us and God is our faith, faith for our salvation and faith for our daily walk. Our faith in Jesus bridges the gap between us and Him. What challenge are you facing that is an opportunity to experience the reality of God in your life? He will either step in your circumstances or give you grace and peace to walk your appointed path. Jesus came that we might know our God.

      God is good and God love us. Lead me into your sanctuary. Where I take courage and my dust-born.

      Please Grab My Button Code to Share on Your Blog or Website! Thanks! Thanks again, Molly!

      Where Your Word centers the. And Your Spirit examines the motivations. Of my most inward part. Incline my spirit to holiness and. Counsel me on my glorious destiny and. Remind me that I do not walk on a slippery path. Or stand on a water-soaked sandy cliff. I am anchored in the Rock of my Sovereign Lord. In the shelter of a most high mountain. In the sanctuary of unseen evidence. Where thoughts are clarified and courage renewed. This makes a lovely gift book. It is small in size — perfect for a nightstand or a purse — and a lovely hardback with a dust cover.

      It would probably be more appropriate for women than for men, but I think some more gentle men would appreciate it as well! I plan on referring back to it often for inspiration and encouragement, and I thank Dr.

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      Wills for sharing this beautiful book with us. You can order this book here. Posted by Andrea Schultz at 3: Newer Post Older Post Home. Redbox - Sweet Deal!