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"Out of Time" is a song by the Rolling Stones, first released on their album Aftermath (UK version). The most commercially successful version of the song.
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The Rolling Stones released three versions of "Out of Time". The first, recorded by the band in Los Angeles in March , appeared on the UK version of 's Aftermath and featured a marimba part played by Brian Jones. In this format "Out of Time" was 5: Klein owned the rights to the pre Rolling Stones catalog.

Out of Time () - IMDb

This version was, in fact, the backing track from Chris Farlowe's version, but with a Mick Jagger lead vocal, recorded in London in April as a demo for Farlowe. The demo version was also released as a single in , reaching 45 in the UK, and was later included on 's Singles Collection: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Retrieved 11 September Guinness World Records Limited. The Rolling Stones singles discography.

Retrieved from " https: What a great actor! Denzel really immerses himself in his role and gives a tremendous performance in this action drama. I am surprised I missed this movie when it was released years ago. There is good dialogue, beautiful actresses, and much mystery and intrigue. Denzel's characters are not always the best role models and this movie is another example of this as he gets mixed up in a murder mystery and sexual exploits.

What makes this movie so good is how his character stays one step ahead as he weaves himself in and out of trouble in clever ways. There are many twists and turns keeping the audience in suspense and rooting for the characters. The writing is very good with characters displaying great emotion, wit, humor, and "believability" in their roles.

Out of Time

They also have a great rapport with each other whether they are on the same side or pitted against one another. Overall, this is a very enjoyable action movie that I definitely recommend. I enjoyed this movie. It isn't earth shattering or necessarily academy award winning--but it was a nice few hours spent to get away from the craziness of my life and slip into the craziness of Denzel's character's life.

Customer reviews

And crazy it was It is a little nerve wracking, watching Denzel go through the realization of the fact if he doesn't solve this thing, he will go down for murder. He is a flawed man, the Police Chief of a small town, so you gotta know he does not want to go on trial as a murderer, although only one other person besides the bad guys--and us, the audience are aware of his desperation.

  • Out of Time (The Rolling Stones song)?
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  • My Ex Drives Me Nuts! - Here Is How To Keep Your Sanity When Dealing With Your Ex - For Men.
  • Out of Time (The Rolling Stones song) - Wikipedia?

A twisty little plot, it takes you right to the edge of his life with the possibility of spending the rest of it behind bars. Out of time is the right title--because he is definitely out of time. He was successful in a big drug bust and confiscated hundreds of thousands of dollars which he must give over to the DEA. Instead, he gives it to his high school sweetheart, Ann, played by the beautiful Sanan Lathan, with whom he is having an affair and who is terminally ill. She double crosses him and gives it to her ex-husband. Matt along with his soon to be ex-wife Alex, played by the beautiful Eva Mendes, is in hot pursuit of a felon.

Alex is unaware that Matt gave the money to Ann, or that he was even in possession of so much money. There is an incredible, ironic turn of events as to exactly what happened to the money and where it ended up. Denzel Washington, one of my favorite actors, is outstanding in this film and always does an excellent job in every film he stars in. Eva Mendes is also outstanding. Sanan Lathan is excellent as Ann. The supporting cast is outstanding. One person found this helpful. Coming smack in the middle of Denzel's hot streak in the 's, Out of Time is crisp work by director Carl Franklin, returning to the theme of a small town cop involved with a beautiful woman and her horrible boyfriend One False Move.

Franklin and Cain both deserve more work than they get. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. This is a crime thriller roller coaster that takes a short, slow clickety-clackety-click for those who have been on an old-time wooden Cyclone type of ride start up the track until it starts its descent. Not only does it have you holding on wondering if he's gonna make it as it screams along, the seat belts are loose, its wobbling on the track, turning and twisting as it accelerates along racing your heartbeat this film snaps, crackles, and pops, moans, groans, strains, scrapes, and creaks along the old, worn out loops.

Your knuckles are white from holding on so tight at the the sheer terror of the hotel room scene John Frankenheimer and Fred Zinneman would hi-5 it.

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A superb film with spot-on acting all the way around. No one cooler under intense pressure than Denzel for the lead role - just as cool as Gary Cooper in High Noon.

Will you make it back to the platform in one piece? Probably the best revenge movie you can watch. It's a thrill every time to see him in action taking care of business in honor of that little girl.

Kudos to the writers and filmmakers.. I guess a comparable would be "Taken" with Liam.. I love Denzel Washington! He is my favorite actor bar none Having said that "Out of Time" is an intense, exciting, and the edge of your seat kind of movie Denzel plays a sheriff and is separated from his wife who is a law enforcement officer. Denzel is fooling around with his high school sweetheart who is not so honest Thus the caper begins Denzel is hoodwinked and out of the kindness of his heart gives his sweetheart money that doesn't belong to him and she leaves town with it Which inspires Denzel to try and get the money back.

And that's when the fireworks start Denzel is excellent in concealing his dilema from his wife who is worried about him It really is intense to see Denzel's character jump through hoops and all kinds of challenges to retrieve the money I loved this movie and can watch it over and over I don't want to reveal to much.. See all 1, reviews.

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