The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can

The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can Paperback – August 15, The Jackrabbit Factor: Portal to Genius by Leslie Householder Paperback $
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May 11, Kirk rated it really liked it. The story is somewhat cheesy, but solid on the idea of the power of thought. May 19, Charlotte rated it really liked it. This book helps me think in new and different ways and I appreciate that. It's good to look around and see and imagine how I want my life to be. Oct 09, Cindy rated it really liked it. Great ideas but not an easy read for me at all!

I found it very boring trying to wade through to the meat, or rabbit, whatever. Jun 27, T-D Spectacular! Jul 02, Taunie Peterson rated it it was amazing. This is a great book. It is available as a free download on their website. The author also has several podcasts at ararefaith.

Feb 07, Lisa rated it really liked it. The principles in this book are fascinating! I will now read another of her books to learn more! Oct 27, Mary rated it really liked it. Easy to read and great at making you think. It really helped me realize my views of abundance and my fears that hold me back. Oct 22, Jannie rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: This was a fabulous book for learning about how we sell ourselves short in this mortal life.

The entire book is an analogy. It's main focus is toward finances, but I gained so much more out of it than that. Fretting over insignificant or petty details is such a waste of life. The goods are found when you can look at the overall picture and find the details that matter, the little things that make life the miracle that it is.

The story gives a simple analogy of how we can attra This was a fabulous book for learning about how we sell ourselves short in this mortal life. The story gives a simple analogy of how we can attract things into our lives - and how easy it tends to be for those who figured out how. Some would call that "manifesting", but my husband and I call this "jackrabbiting" after reading this book. And honestly, when it comes to physical items, I'm pretty good at "jackrabbiting" that new printer, or the red shirt I've been wanting, or the freezer we've been needing, and on and on.

Now it's time to focus my "jackrabbiting" skill on finances. The story line is simple and frankly boring I'd recommend this easy read to anyone. Dec 15, Shrikanya rated it it was amazing. I do not understand how this book can be classified as non-fiction. This is such a beautiful story. You cannot stop reading it and you cannot stop smiling while reading it.

Its like onion, you peel one layer and you discover something new. But this book incorporates everything by means of a wonderful story. The entire book is so captivating that you keep going back and forth with the story in the book and your o I do not understand how this book can be classified as non-fiction. The entire book is so captivating that you keep going back and forth with the story in the book and your own life. The discovery why you managed to attract something and why you just lost a certain opportunity due to your own blindness to see the big picture.

I am especially fond of the last chapter, 'The Beginning'. It says that RIchard let his son learn through his own journey and make its own mistake. My parents often say that if they had more resources, I would have had a better life. But I say that they helped me by letting me do my journey myself, do my own mistakes and learn from them. I recommend this book for everyone. Jan 05, Galene rated it really liked it. I just started my reading journey again. I have Loved Reading as a home-school mom, but found after all my kids were through with that phase of life I got busy with other things.

So much Wisdom in this book. I marked it up and loved many of the quot I just started my reading journey again. I marked it up and loved many of the quotes. I also found it has a sequel and I hope to read it soon too. I need to know that as I move forward Expecting those ideas to happen, in my time I Loved Reading this Book.

Aug 12, Nickie rated it it was amazing. This is another book that took we awhile to read but I'm glad to have participated in the journey that this author is sharing. This is not mainstream thinking. Recently I started using Tapping as a means to help my mind prepare for sleep. I was also introduced to affirmations to say repeatedly.

So when I read this book I could see that it makes since. I haven't put all the concepts to testing yet but I'm starting and I trust this can work. I told our kids to imagine what it feels like This is another book that took we awhile to read but I'm glad to have participated in the journey that this author is sharing.

I told our kids to imagine what it feels like to have sold all their bread before they go out to sell. To see themselves going to the bank, smiling and be gracious to customers Well, the week they started with the mental pictures, their sells went much faster and they felt more positive. You need to give this an opportunity to work for you. There is so much power to what we think both consciously and unconsciously. Jul 19, Andrea rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book taught me that I can create a solution in my mind and it will come to fruition. The format for this book is allegory -- so the author teaches a lesson through a story.

I think allegories are particularly difficult because each detail is symbolic and so the details are somewhat contrived. A man goes into the woods and falls asleep. While sleeping he dreams he is on a path picking up paper bags. When he decides to get off the path he finds that other people are chasing rabbits but he doe This book taught me that I can create a solution in my mind and it will come to fruition.

When he decides to get off the path he finds that other people are chasing rabbits but he doesn't know how to catch one. He learns some principles for catching rabbits that can be applied to any problem and help create real solutions. I was deeply moved by this book and by the solutions I came up with after reading it.

May 03, Melissa rated it it was amazing. I've been fascinated with the mind ever since I was very young and heard that humans use such a small percentage of their brains. I wanted to learn how to increase that percentage and have read a lot on the subject. There is unlimited possibility in this, especially since it keeps God in the equation, unlike another book on the same I've been fascinated with the mind ever since I was very young and heard that humans use such a small percentage of their brains.

There is unlimited possibility in this, especially since it keeps God in the equation, unlike another book on the same subject that has become very popular recently. I have much to work on after reading this book. Jan 18, Bryan rated it it was amazing. This is perhaps the best book I have ever read on the subject of goals and how to accomplish your goals.

It shows exactly how the secret works and it is told in the form of a story.

  1. The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can by Leslie Householder!
  2. Adrift In Caledonia: Boat-Hitching for the Unenlightened.
  3. #22: Lessons Learned Since Writing Jackrabbit Factor!

This is one of the few "self-help" genre books I have started and could not put down until I read the whole thing. And then I turned around and read it the very next day again. Jan 21, Kelsey rated it really liked it. This is a motivational book my husband made me read. It is a simple analogy teaching principles we can all use in our lives starting today. A quick read that I think is worth picking up. Aug 04, Melanie rated it really liked it.

At the beginning of the book I wondered if I was going to enjoy it and what in the world it had to do with jackrabbits! But I kept reading and it was fantastic! This book provides a new mindset to how-to-get-what-you-want. It is particularly written for those who want to get ahead financially but can be easily applied to anything in life. This book is theoretical, not so much practical.

But still a great motivational book. May 12, Erin rated it really liked it. This is really a 3. I put it as a 4 star because of the last section of the book. The beginning of the story seemed too dramatic. Going off in the woods, falling asleep, his wife thinking he is committing suicide After finishing the book, I can see the need for the set-up. The last part of the book was really, really good. The mind is a great thing and more powerful than we know. Can't wait to read the next book. Apr 03, Karen rated it really liked it Shelves: And you know what? And you know, and I think, I believe that that house could have closed the first day or two if I had already been that person who had found peace without it.

No matter how many books I write, the next book is always,… No, did I just say that? Learn to be happy as things are find acceptance in your life even if nothing were to change and only then can things really begin to change. So, back to the story. And, so what we learned has been put into the 12 weeks mindset mastery program, which has pages of documented lessons learned for people who have read The Jackrabbit Factor and loved it, maybe, but need help applying the principles for real results.

Life became our living laboratory to test whether or not they were really true, or whether it was all just a bunch of hooey, really. In fact, as I struggled to create the week program, halfway wondering if I was just no longer qualified to teach the principles, but deep down knowing that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to do. Now I call it a lesson, but most people would call it a disaster.

Your disaster, depending on how you respond to them, will either be just a disaster or they will be a tremendous lesson from which you can profit tremendously. Should I just quit teaching until we figure it all out? Obviously, we were doing something wrong. Now, Bob Proctor, about that time, shared a story with us that helped me understand. It delivers an experience, that if you respond properly to it, you will then become the person who is capable of receiving the thing that you asked for in the first place.

So in other words, without the challenge there can be no victory. As you respond to it properly. How do you respond to it properly? By thinking according to these laws of thought that the week mind that mastery program talks about. But the big things, the things that really stretch you, those come on the other side of a challenge. Oh, this is horrible! We had to start really practicing that through these situations. So my question at the time was, whether or not we should just give up, and the experience that Life delivered to answer that question was this: I ran to her side and there was no heartbeat.

I knew that, but, but you see how subconscious programs will kick in. I, I tried to Pat her on the back and it did no good. So I rolled her over and, and her head accidentally hit the deck pretty hard, but there was no complaint. I wish she would have been able to complain!

Why The Jackrabbit Factor Needed a Sequel

I made another mistake. I hit her head on the deck. I tried to give her mouth-to-mouth, but it only came rushing out of her nose. So I closed her nose and tried again. This time it filled her chest and then just kind of stayed there. So it reminded me to press on her chest. So that reminded me about chest compressions. It needed to be in her brain. So, I gave her a few compressions. I gave her another breath, another round of compressions and then she began to revive. Now, nobody knows exactly how long she was there, but after an overnight stay in the hospital, she fully recovered.

God had sent me an answer to my question through this extremely traumatic experience! I believe he knew she was going to be okay. I could see that I had failed time and time again with her. To keep her safe in the first place, and then by making all those mistakes trying to bring her back.

I kept failing and suddenly I could see that our financial situation was much like her. I realized that while I was trying to help her, I kept making mistakes, but that there had been no time to mole or mope or bemoan them. Things never go my way. Nothing ever works out for me. Each mistake actually provided the feedback I needed that helped me ultimately get it right. If I had stopped for even a second to bemoan my mistakes it could have resulted in her death or long-term handicap.

If we take too long to bemoan those failures, it can mean death or long-term handicap with our finances too. I learned, through that experience, to bounce back quicker from setbacks. But, to dwell on them is death. To not stay in action is death, or long-term handicap. I learned to bounce back quicker and focus on what we could do in the moment. I learned that no matter how bad things may seem, you always have all that you need to do the thing that needs to be done today. Stay in the moment. Do what you can do in the moment. We spent nearly six weeks out of the summer with a broken air conditioner because the repairman would put us on the calendar a week away and come fix it and then it would break again the same day.

And this was in the summer. I remember jumping into the pool with all my clothes on once and walking inside to sit back at my computer, just to finish what I was doing. Something else I learned, is that when we face and conquer new challenges, we become more valuable To be able to help others more effectively. We gain more compassion and understanding for people who face tough situations. You know and remember those properties we bought? After Trevan left his job, those ended up going to short sale in Sounds like fun, but what happened is, it ended up hitting him in the eye. It blew out the bones in his eye socket.

It lacerated his cornea and he was blinded by that at first. In that case, I had an opportunity to get angry and mad and chase the snake that bit me and poison myself, or to finally just come to peace with it. He ended up okay, but how do I respond to that? Am I going to let that negativity consume me? On another occasion, we went up to Utah and we did a seminar in Salt Lake City.

And then of course the heat evaporated everything and the leather just shrunk and all the seams were ripped out, and the insurance company even totaled the car for how much was going to cost to repair it. So you get home, and again, an opportunity. What am I going to do with this? Am I going to be all upset, or am I going to stay focused on what I can do? Those four years we had consistently, consistently, consistently done everything we could to keep the principles forefront in our minds.

It always worked out. Not always when we wanted it to, but it always did. Let me tell you how it happened. Okay, but this experience at the restaurant that they have is true! We found out that he was a financial advisor, I believe, that was requiring Jackrabbit Factor as required reading for all of his clients, and he wanted me to come on the show and talk about the principles and everything.

And then that summer we were coming up to Utah to do a live seminar and he asked us about that. You know these suspicious thoughts. Would you like me to bring my camera crew in and record it? We can pipe it in as a live feed for people on the internet. That would be great! That was from him. We put the event together. And I tell ya, I…. In the financial world. Not just rabbits and sandwiches, but real money and how to look at your investments and all this kind of stuff. And so it was real world application and I was impressed.

And then he had us come up to this event in Utah, and we attended it and we had some serious breakthroughs of our own. In that event, and you know, I lose track of what happened, when and everything, but one thing he taught us that is huge. Where is the financial capital going to come from?

How are we going to get the money? Relationship capital, plus mental capital, equals financial capital. So this is why we have been so grateful for Garrett. He is who he is and he lives these principles and not only that, but his focus is not just on how you can get what you want, but finding out what your sole purpose is. Now, am I still a mom? The kids are learning what means to be a producer and what it means to set and achieve goals and what it means to face challenges. Sometimes you have to. It takes things to a whole new level! You know what I mean?

My husband and I actually called a friend who was a family therapist, because we felt like we needed marriage counseling, and so we called him up, and our first appointment he shared a story with us. This was the cold part of the country, and so having the heat turn off was just, you know, not cool. Your subconscious mind is designed to keep you safe. What are you going to do? And so, I no longer say avoid any thoughts of failure. I say, go ahead and answer the question, unemotionally, put it to rest and move on.

The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can

And I tell you, that one thing right there has saved us more than once. What if we lose everything? Would we stop doing what we do? So I am going to stay around on the call for any questions. Kevin do you have a question?

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Actually, I just wanted to congratulate you on sharing. That the bigger the goal and the dream is, the more your subconscious wants to battle with you. And the good news is that the more practice you have with it, the less fearful you get. The next time around, would you agree with that?

I totally agree and I understand the thing about the money showing up the next day. It happens all the time. Hey, I want to thank you again for all the wonderful lessons you keep teaching me and for your honesty and integrity and coming out with the information tonight. You keep building that mental capital and the financial capital becomes the byproduct.

See a Problem?

We just have to keep doing and doing until we get there. Two reasons for that: And in the process of discussing this with somebody just a couple of days ago, a thought occurred to me, that I need to write a book. And then the next that occurred to me was the exact title of the book, and a little bit of what I want to put in it. And it was just like a sudden, very strong thing.

# Lessons Learned Since Writing Jackrabbit Factor | A Rare Kind of Faith

About six or eight months ago, you sent out an email, Do you have a book in you? Yeah, I sent a message like that out. What I was doing was book writing retreats and things and we do have recommendations to help authors who want to get the book out of their head and into print. So I did receive your email and as soon as I can…. All right, thank you. This was in December and I wanted to have it done in a couple weeks because I had heard of how you can just sit down and have it flow and all at once, boom, there you go!

I know that can happen and I got about halfway through it and the whole motivation was because I remembered what it took out of our family for me to write the first book. It took me two years and it was while my husband was working two and a half hours away and we were in this two-bedroom house. I mean, it was nuts and I was not really eager to go through anything similar to that again. I only had probably a couple chapters done. Really, maybe a quarter of the book.

And the thought came to me, and it struck me strongly, as you know one of those ideas that come from outside of you. What happened at the end of Portal of Genius happened to us! And then the next month turned out to be, I think, the revenue we had that month was the biggest month we had ever had in the history of our business! So, like I said, it tests you to the end. I feel like the test which I wished had only taken two weeks, was a four-year test for us.

So this has been great! This is Lynn again. I just wanted to just to thank you. Because, that the thoughts of failure come up a lot lately. Something that I keep hanging on to, through a lot of this, is God is never late. He meets our needs every single time. And I hang on to that. You know, the what if, what if any of it happens? Thank you for letting me know. It walks you through an experience where you see an absolute direct connection between your thoughts and your results.

With something that does not mess with your subconscious. I know it can happen. For helping you learn it faster and less painfully. We realized that the bigger price tag has been keeping a lot of people out. Some of the people who need it the most. And I can tell you that they work. No matter how hard. No matter how heavy. So this online option is cheaper simply because you do give up some of the convenience and benefits that come with the physical version of the program.

Who have adopted those mindsets and thought processes. So, imagine what your life could look like. Imagine finally paying off those bills and spending more quality time with your loved ones. Do you want to retire? If you want to do that, do it for a little while. You have been through so many experiences of your own that people can learn from. Do you want to find a better job? You want people to look at you and wonder what you know that gives you the ability to come up on top no matter what?

Mentor training is a special high-level program where I take you step-by-step to develop an automated income stream around helping people discover these principles or something else. They come and they go. And what I can teach you, is how to stay in production. Stay producing and stay on top of things.